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Showing: 4438 filtered startups

WeFly ApS

We help drone pilots start up their companies and help them get their dispensation from The Danish Aviation administration. Furthermore, we are striving to be the best supplier of aerial shots in Denmark.


Timeplan is the leading software product for workforce planning, time registration and HR-administration. It is a flexible and efficient software that is easy to use. The program is customized to the current needs of the companies.


Edulabs vision is to make every child in the world better at math. Therefore they created the math platform which is the biggest provider of digital math for primary schools in Denmark. Today 70% of the schools in Denmark uses EduLabs digital solution and over 75.000 students visits the site every day. More than 1 million questions are answered per day. In 2013 EduLab launched the norweagan edition to get closer to the goal of the vision, to make every child better at math.

Vitaro ApS

Vitaro driver en række webportaler med fokus på sundhed, træning, kost, motion og livsstil. Vi søger dig, der er passioneret omkring kost og træning og som kan bidrage med en god energi og et højt humør på vores team. Vi holder til på Frederiksberg i nye og moderne lokaler. Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig og ser frem til et fedt samarbejde.


Over an hour and a half a day is spent by employees searching for documentation and it's a pain. We are providing Interact with our AI-Powered Assistant for instant access. A way to find information that is natural to humans, with natural language, just like you would ask a college about a document, ask our AI.


Tradevision is building brands and selling them directly to the consumers through our own e-commerce stores. The company was founded in 2018 and has more than 50.000 happy customers in 11 countries. Our office is located in the center of Aalborg and we continuously innovate, test and develop new products and marketing strategies.

Tubus Technology ApS

Tubus Technology ApS is an innovative start-up business that works within ideation, innovation and product development. We enforce self-empowerment and independence by developing products that are designed to make a difference for people with physical limitations. We work with the entire process from idea generation and product development to market validation and production development. We are currently in the stage of making international market validation and development for our first product TubusOne. TubusOne is a medical device class 1 product that holds a CE mark. It is a mechanical device for people with upper limb limitations and works by sipping and puffing into a tube (hence the name TubusOne). The tube contains a piston function that works like a finger on touchscreen devices when it is activated by a puff from the mouth. TubusOne is a prolonged finger used for navigation on touchscreen devices.

Alle klassiske bilejere er startet det samme sted – nemlig ved drømmen om en dag at komme til at eje en klassisk eller specialbil. Om drømmen startede hjemme på børneværelset, hvor modelbilerne fik den absolutte opmærksomhed, på bilferien ned gennem Europa eller af den betagende bil, der fangede opmærksomheden inde i TV’et, så er kulminationen den samme – nemlig den dag, hvor drømmen blev til virkelighed. Men hvordan realiseres og udleves drømmen? Vejen dertil har for de fleste ikke været ligetil og for nogle har de måske allerede opgivet den. Årsagerne kan være mange, og derfor har SuitRace set dagens lys for at realisere bildrømmen og gøre det sjovt og enkelt at eje en klassisk eller special bil. Med dette være med til at aflive de unødige bekymringer og i stedet give bilentusiasten mulighederne, skrue op for køreglæden og ro til at dyrke passionen. SuitRace skal ikke kun hjælpe ejeren, men også den potentielle bilejer og den nysgerrige med alle aspekter inden for bilverden af klassiske og specialbiler. Det gælder alt lige fra det lavpraktiske med olieskift og køb af bil over juraen og lovningen og til det finansielle aspekt med lånefinansiering og leasing.

Heroic Rhino

Heroic Startup Mentoring For Tenacious Founders. The smartest way to discover, team up, and do business with highly skilled and experienced business mentors from all over the world. Making startup dreams materialize and enabling an entrepreneurial environment that creates lasting and successful startups that shapes the future. The Secret Weapon For Startup Success. DISCOVER: Find and select the best business mentors for your startup with refined search filters and intelligent match suggestions. CREATE: Exclusively invite the business mentors you find most capable of bringing your startup in the right direction and let them join your circle of trust. UTILIZE: Communicate 1:1 with your mentors or with the entire mentor board, share business ideas, and schedule virtual meetings with a few clicks.


Gastrobox er en madklub for madentusiaster, der søger inspiration i deres gastronomiske univers. Gastrobox leverer hver måned en oplevelseskasse fuld af inspiration og ingredienser til køkkenet. En Gastrobox leveres hver måned til hoveddøren for 225,- og indeholder 5-7 produkter og et magasin fuld af opskrifter.


EyeJustRead is an application that uses eyetracking to improve the reading skills of challenged readers. EyeJustRead has been developed in close collaboration with practitioners, students and universities to successfully bridge the gap between research and classrooms. The award winning solution is available for schools who seek to improve their efforts within reading.

Pandi Web

Pandi Web offers digital solutions ranging from small campaign websites to large systems and integrations. Our services are: ✔️ Complex websites ✔️ Integrations ✔️ Webshops We are based in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen and are currently more than 10 engaged designers and developers helping our clients be the best in the digital space. We've helped some of the largest brands in Denmark.

Nordic Snails IVS

Developing new foods for the future based on sustainable snail meat including snail eggs. We deliver to restaurants, wholesale and retail. Snails are fed on organic feed on free range areas. We develop new products as an alternative to red meat. The snails are Helix Aspersa Maxima which meat is tender and juicy. Snail eggs is processed to caviar - a beatyful gourmet product for high end restaurants.

Mingo ApS

Vi er et team med 5 ansatte, som beskæftiger sig med mikro influencers (1.000-10.000 følgere) på Instagram. Vi har hidtil haft stor succes med vores første start-up Inmix, som primært sælger mikro influencer løsninger i høj kvalitet til brancherne; fashion, hudpleje, design og event. Vi har efterfølgende startet en ny virksomhed, som hedder Mingo. Mingo beskæftiger sig også med mikro influencer marketing, men rettet mod restauranter og caféer i Danmark. Vi har valgt at automatisere hele samarbejdet med influencerne i en app, der gør det nemt, sikkert og billigt at markedsføre sig med influencers. Helt konkret er vores løsning en app, hvor influencers kan finde lækre restauranter og caféer i Danmark, som de vil promovere overfor sine følgere. Mikro Influencerne kan deltage i kampagner on the go, når det passer dem. Når de deltager i en kampagne får de gratis mad eller drikkevarer og betaler med billeder eller stories, som de deler på deres Instagramprofil for at markedsføre restauranten eller caféen. Før en influencer kan få adgang til Mingo, har de været igennem en screenings-process, som sikrer at de har en troværdig og relevant profil uden falske følgere. Alle influencers bliver inddelt i forskellige niveauer alt efter, hvor værdifuld deres profil er for restauranterne og caféerne. Vi vurderer blandt andet profilerne ud fra æstetik, følgerantal, engagement og hvor mange danske følgere de har. Vi vil gøre Mingo til den største platform der forener influencers med restauranter og caféer, først i Danmark, og senere i hele Europa.


At HUNTERS' POINT we're working hard to become the leading e-commerce within the hunting and outdoor industry throughout Europe. Our vision is to make the lives of our customers better by empowering them to use our wonderful nature. Our mission and vision is only achievable by having and developing talented employees, which we're striving to do every single day.