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Firmaet bag Primetime hedder Sventertainment Danmark ApS. Vi er et nystartet firma som helt enkelt elsker og brænder for live streaming og quizspil. Primetime sendes via live streaming på mobilen – hver eneste dag - hvor alle kan være med og svare! Det er helt gratis at være med. Primetime er LIVE i Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Finland

We’re on a mission on creating a new reality within the landscape of fundraising and unlocking private wealth together We make crowd investment campaigns easy and affordable to launch and manage with our "shopify for crowdfunding" Software-as-a-Service. Our white-label solution is a one-stop-shop with everything you need to launch and manage a successful crowd investment campaign (or platform) - directly from your own website. We want to unlock private wealth together, by making crowd investment accessible and easy to use for everyone, so company (and platform) owners can focus on generating revenue, securing jobs, paying more taxes and hopefully even get more time with their family. We assist companies in their efforts of creating growth, by making it easy, affordable and without legal struggles to raise funds directly from the company’s own website and help reach out to thousands of potential investors. Raise funding through equity or lending and turn your happy customers into loyal investors. Fundraising can be extremely time-consuming, slow and exhausting. Building a funnel, setting up meetings, presenting and performing (even more stressful if you are an introverted founder like we are), dealing with many different demands, being an "underdog" and seeing the valuation drop after each meeting.... and you're still not able to get in touch with the right private investors. We have been there and it was not a nice place to be. So we decided to turn something that's really exhausting, confusing and time-consuming into something that gives you confidence and free time to focus on building your business. Now, that's clever.


The goal of GODENUMRE.DK is to be the leading Scandinavian marketplace for buying/selling easy to remember phone numbers. The target audience is new cooperations such as tech startups, smaller local businesses, etc. At this point, GODENUMRE.DK is just a danish webshop selling phone numbers. However, we have the ambition of becoming a c2c marketplace for phone numbers.


At HUNTERS' POINT we're working hard to become the leading e-commerce within the hunting and outdoor industry throughout Europe. Our vision is to make the lives of our customers better by empowering them to use our wonderful nature. Our mission and vision is only achievable by having and developing talented employees, which we're striving to do every single day.

Hafnium Labs

We support chemicals, energy, and pharma companies by solving one of the biggest challenges in chemistry: Obtaining reliable physical properties fast Advances in chemistry change the world: From the drugs that save our lives, to the crops and energy solutions that will save our tomorrow. The world spends $350 billion annually on chemical R&D and new process plants to create a brighter future. But progress is limited by slow and expensive trial-and-error experimentation and legacy enterprise software, incapable of incorporating state-of-the-art research and compute power. We want to change that. Using technologies such as quantum chemistry and probabilistic machine learning, we have developed a set of breakthrough digital tools that help energy, chemicals and pharma companies develop greener products and more sustainable processes.

Finpro - Financial Procurement

Den finansielle sektor er i disse år i forandring og FinPro (Financial Procurement) har som uvildig bankmæglervirksomhed specialiseret sig i rådgivning - samt optimering af mellemstore og store virksomheds finansielle produkter, løsninger og vilkår. Vi bidrager til at CFO’en, ejerlederen eller Treasury-manageren opnår den fornødne transparens – og benchmarking. Vi bidrager ligeledes til, at der opnås ideelle individuelle løsninger og priser for den enkelte virksomhed ved de finansielle leverandører, i form af banker, leasingselskaber, factoringselskaber og realkreditinstitutter. Dette sker med afsæt i en dybdegående analyse og vurdering. Du kan læse mere om FinPro på er en del af en større formidlings virksomhed, vi formidler byggeopgaver og renoverings opgaver fra byggeglade danskere der indsender deres opgave via vores portal. Vi hjælper private, erhvervsdrivende & foreninger med at få 3 gratis & uforpligtende tilbud på deres bygge/renoverings opgave. Beliggenhed 300 meter fra Vanløse station & metro

Verdens bedste danske skole / Nordic Schools

Vi er en ambitiøs analog og digital start-up etableret af to erfarne skolekonsulenter og en digital serie-iværksætter fra København i 2016.  Vi har afholdt +300 oplæg og mødt +12.000 skolefolk i ind- og udland - bl.a. en TED Talk. Vi vil digitalisere og revolutionere kompetenceudviklingen i skoler i Danmark og verden. Vi udvikler pt. en digital platform, der samtænker analyse, data og en adaptiv tilgang til kompetenceudvikling.  Vi har brug for din hjælp til åbne endnu flere salgsvinduer både i Danmark og i Kina og USA.   Bag firmaet står: Casper Rongsted, 51 år, stifter og partner, læreruddannet skolekonsulent. Kasper Myding, 35 år, stifter og partner, cand.mag. i læring og forandringsprocesser, læreruddannet skolekonsulent, tidl. viceskoleleder. Kasper Hjorth, 43 år, partner, IT-iværksætter med omfattende, international erfaring.   Du kommer til at referere direkte til os alle tre i dit praktikforløb og kan dermed også se frem til at få værdifuld sparring fra os alle. Du skal ikke lave kaffe - det gør vi til dig!!


Databeskyttelse gør det nemt for for små og mindre virksomheder at overholde EU’s Persondataforordning - GDPR. Persondataforordningen er omfattende og kompleks. Vores mission er at hjælpe danske virksomheder med at overholde loven på en let og økonomisk overkommelig måde. Danskere vælger i stor udstrækning at handle med ansvarlige virksomheder. Vi bidrager til at skabe tryghed og tillid blandt kunder og partnere - og derved skabe en konkurrencemæssig fordel.

eHub Nordic

Ehub Nordic in Denmark that markets Nordic brands and sells a wide range of products to the Chinese consumers through their multi-brand store and an independent distribution platform. We operate a multi-brand store and takes care of go-live activities, product page design, marketing, customer service, logistics and return.


LendBob is a danish startup comparing all types of loans. Everything from car loans, mortgages loan or payday loans. We're building a disruptive system which can change the way we compare loans. We want to show the best loan for exactly you. We are a small team, but with experience in finance and online marketing.


Emailplatform er et dansk, prisvindende email marketing, marketing automation og sms marketing platform, som er grundlagt i 2011 af Kim Østergaard. Vi har selskaber i flere end 10 lande, og servicerer omkring 10.000 kunder. Den er stadig ejet af grundlæggeren og ledende medarbejdere.I dag beskæftiger vi flere end 50 medarbejdere på hovedkontorerne i Danmark og Makedonien. Herudover har hvert landekontor egen organisation til onboarding, support og salg.

Bite Me

Bite Me works with, for, as and around food as a whole experience. We have put together a crew of awesome people with a love for food and each their own unique talents: designers, anthropologists, hosts, photographers, performers, bartenders and of course quite a few chefs. We combine great food, design and interaction into food experiences. We believe people deserve a taste of something new, surprising and delicious. A unique food experience that invites anyone to be curious and entertained.

Morph ApS

Morph is a Copenhagen-based creative community and studio, creating authentic visual storytelling for youth audiences. We develop and produce branded / commissioned film, video, VR/360’ and still images across formats and platforms. We create stories and images that truly engage our peers through honest aesthetics, casting, and deep-links to our own community of creative taste-makers.

Spraino ApS

Spraino ApS vision is to keep athletes injury-free. Our first product prevents ankle in indoor sports. We are expanding our technological platform continuously and have a strong collaboration with KU, DTU and AAU. We are presently conducting the largest ever scientific study in Danish sports together with Dansk Idræts Forbund (DIF) and the federations for handball, basketball and badminton. We have started sales and will launch full-scale operations during autumn 2018.