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Our platform makes drone data collection scalable, easy, and fast from anywhere. Ordering Drone Data is now just as easy as ordering an Uber. Our main clients are in: - Infrastructure: We inspect clients' infrastructure with the help of drones such as Solar Panels, Wind Turbine Blades, Telecom Towers, Buildings, and Bridges. - Environment / Climate: We track environmental changes, natural disasters, flooding mapping for prevention and search and rescue, agriculture, and fire prevention. At GLOBHE we provide clients with the necessary data for them to be able to make important decisions. The different types of data that we provide to our clients are 2D maps, 3D maps, Elevation maps, AI maps, Thermal maps, Photos/Raw Data, or Video Data/Live streams.

Libredo AB

Libredo är den nytänkande personliga redovisningsbyrån med mångårig erfarenhet som arbetar med moderna tekniska lösningar som inte bara effektiviserar det löpande arbetet utan även förbättrar kommunikationen mellan byrå och kund. Effektivitet, insyn och tillgänglighet är våra främsta fokusområden. Du som företagsägare ska alltid känna: 1. Du har koll på ditt företags siffror 2. Arbetet sköts korrekt 3. Din redovisningskonsult är nåbar. Det är vårt främsta jobb som redovisningskonsulter att se till att allt detta uppfylls.

Next Level Life Mastery

Naima Halse Kirkkefeld is the founder of Next Level Life Master. And i have a mission to help people put the relationships on the agenda My team and I are building “Boost Your Love” a selv-coaching app. The app - Helps couples focus on emotional and mental well-being for a better love life. In Denmark there is 2.7 million in a relastionship and we have a high Divorce rate at 48% and that have a major human cost and very exspensive for the society. Over six hundred thousand people is googling - To search for RelationShip-Related Topics and 82% of all couples will NOT seek help - it is too big a step and a PRIVATE matter. When we lose the connection with our partner, the relationship will overtime lose quality and for 42% it will mean a breakup or divorce. We also see Boost Your Love app can be used as a tool for therapists as a bridge building for the 18% who go into therapy. We see a gap in the market, “Boost Your Love” is the missing Piece The solution are built on “bedst practice” – for a better lovelife We have a SaaS business model for B2B and B2C. We are in the early stage But we have 4 types of audience - who have shown interest 1.The couple 2. therapists 3. companies 4. municipalities We have 3 focus areas 1.Prevention, 2. bridge building 3. And as inspiration for the de-vel-op-ing couple We are two wildly passionate in the core team, Me (NHK) as a domain expert in coaching and solution-focused approach, which has been my profession for over 20 years. Karline ux / ui and communications designer, who has previously brought an app to the market and it is in 16 countries today. We have a strong advisory board and super competent tech developer. Together we make a difference. Every day I feel inspired by love. To be a loving person, but also to inspire and help people, to create more focus on love and get more flow in the love life. My interest in creating Boost Your Love has two points. 1. Because I have been in a relationship for 16 years and experienced a lack of tools at the time, and today I know tools can support and remedy and create better insight and quality in the relationship. 2. because as a coach who also works with relationships today, I see how much miscommunication and dis connect can stand in the way of love. And through my coaching skills I can help people to a better love life. And with an app solution, we can help even more people. We are proud to have boostedstrap until now - and have received our first round of investment. Booost Your Love app is now available in the App Store in the first version, we have positive feedback from our beta testers. We need commercial skills, e-mail automation skills, sales and marketing etc. And we are now looking for a second round of investment and skills to make the Team and business model even stronger. Let's Boost Love together Love from Naima Halse Kirkefeldt v/Next Level Life Mastery Coach, Founder & CEO Boost Your Love for a better love life.

The Witchery CPH

Natural, minimalist and sustainable skincare from local seeds and kernels. Mostly by-products of local farming. We've just opened our first shop in Gammel Strand, Copenhagen. We believe in raw skincare, without refining and processing the raw ingredients and using what's on our doorstep. Backed by The Danish Innovation Fund. is not just another HR SaaS solution - we are a movement on a mission to create a better world to work in. Founded by visionary leaders as CEO, Malene Madsen and Mikkel Bindesbøl, Woba emerged from their shared passion for improving the workplace. They recognized a global crisis: 40% of employees suffer from workplace stress, and 25% contemplate leaving their jobs. The cost to society is staggering. So, they embarked on a journey to change this narrative. Today helps more than 600 customers and 60,000 live employees with using their collective intelligens to enable HR and managers to predict and prevent burnout, stress and turnover to create a world-class work environment. Results? - Strong testimonials Lars Christensen, CEO, Willis Towers Watson DK: "Woba is the single most effective employee retention solution that I have ever seen." - Impressive Growth: Woba achieved 200% YoY ARR growth, expanding from 80 to 450 global customers in just one year. - Global Reach: Scaling to 31 new countries, 45% of Woba's usage is now outside Denmark, showcasing its scalability. - Thought Leadership: CEO Malene Madsen received multiple awards for her contributions to HR, mental health, and diversity in the workplace. - Proven Impact: Woba delivers results, including a 22% improvement in well-being, a 33% reduction in sick leaves, and a remarkable 151% ROI. If your heart is beating for creating a real change - then is the place for you.

JM Advisory

JM Advisory har til formål at udforske og udfordre status quo – og eksekvere udviklingsprojekter. Om det er en ny marketingstrategi, ny hjemmeside, rebranding, opbygning af nyt eller eksisterende brand, videoer, podcasts, eller måske gøre en storytelling mere skarp og finde en rød tråd i kommunikationen - så eksekverer vi. Vi består af et team af tillidsfulde partnere, som alle ønsker at samarbejde, få ting til at ske og levere professionelle projekter til vores kunder. Teamet består af dygtige tekstforfattere, grafikere, webdesignere, video-makers, SEO eksperter mfl. – både iværksættere, freelancere og virksomheder, der er eksperter inden for hver deres område.


We are a company founded in Porto, Portugal where we are not only designing the elegant minimalistic furniture but also have a factory to produce it straight after the design is finalised. MAAMI HOME- each series is designed to have everything that really matters. For that reason, there is no place to the superficial, to the decorative without function. The materials’ choice is aligned with a function and extreme sensitivity, resulting in design objects with a deep purpose. Marble stone, from various origins, is the main matter in our work. Historically associated with grandeur, marble is integrated into objects that demonstrate the immense versatility of the stone - strong but elegant, rough but sophisticated, subtle but impressive.

Walking for Water

W4W is a danish NGO working for Clean Water and Sanitation for all. Our main area of operation is Africa. So far we've raised funds for about 50 water pumps for poor communities across five African countries. Communities in need apply on our website for clean water assistance. We review the requests and our local partners visit promising communities to evaluate needs and provide borehole installation quotes. We then fundraise, mainly from Danish companies and donors, to sponsor water projects matched to communities. Our partners handle borehole establishment and provide project updates and photos to sustain engaged support. This model allows donors to directly aid worthy recipients in achieving life-changing clean water access. Our organisation is completely run by volunteers: - The Board of Directors (Elected annually by members. Take major decisions and give directions) - The Project Group (Validating applications, communicating with local partners, bargaining with contractors and sending funds) - The Web Group (Updating the website) - The SoMe group (Handing content creation and posting of annonces and organic posts on the organisations SoMe handles) - The Members Group (Responsible for recruiting and keeping passive members and volunteers) *Group currently empty* - The Sponsor Group (Responsible for finding sponsors for our projects) *Group currently empty* We need assistance to innovate and run vital parts of our operations. Let us hear from you, if you'd like to get involved!


LAZZAWEB er et dedikeret Google-bureau, der fokuserer på Google-relateret markedsføring. Vi er ikke et allround-bureau med overfladisk viden om alle digitale discipliner. Til gengæld har vi det højeste niveau af ekspertise i at skabe vækst via Google (Google Ads og SEO). LAZZAWEB har fysisk lokation i Aalborg, men samarbejder med danske virksomheder i hele landet.

24Support ApS

24Support is a Danish company that develops and delivers IT solutions in collaboration with the market-leading provider of cloud services, Microsoft, to help companies and organizations embrace this change and make it easier for them to move to the cloud and create business value. . 24Support also offers technical staff user training to ensure the successful implementation of Microsoft 365 and the maximum benefit of Microsoft 365. 24Support er en dansk virksomhed, der udvikler og leverer IT-løsninger i samarbejde med den markedsledende leverandør af cloud-tjenester, Microsoft, for at hjælpe virksomheder og organisationer med at omfavne denne forandring og gøre det lettere for dem at flytte til skyen samt skabe forretningsværdi. 24Support tilbyder også brugeruddannelse af teknisk personale for på den måde at sikre en vellykket implementering af Microsoft 365 og maksimalt udbytte af Microsoft 365.


WEstamp er den brugervenlige vej til smarte digitale kort (stempelkort, klippekort, medlemskort mv.) Vi leverer høj kvalitet til favorable priser. Vi tilbyder virksomheder digitale og brugervenlige kort-løsninger, så de kan følge den digitale udvikling, uden at skulle bruge en masse penge på en udvikler.

HBS Economics

Vi er en ambitiøs startup, som har en vision om hjælpe jobsøgende med at træffe bedre karrierevalg. Vi skal over de næste år udvikle en datadreven job- og karrierevejviser til jobsøgende. Vi søger en dygtig frontend-udvikler, som skal stå for at udvikle brugerfladen til vores produkt. Du vil blive en del af vores udviklingsteam, som består dygtige folk med kompetencer inden for bl.a. machine learning modeller, NLP og databaser. Vi udspringer af en veldreven konsulentvirksomhed (HBS Economics), og vi har derfor styr på finansieringen og de fysiske rammer.


Freedomly is a platform that bridges the gap between companies and freelancers. Our mission is to give companies and freelancers the freedom to focus on what truly matters – creating more value. By streamlining processes that are often slow and difficult, we're making it possible for both companies and freelancers to make the most of their opportunities. With, you'll be able to take advantage of our network of talented freelancers who are experts in their fields. The best part is that you can choose exactly how much or how little help you need—whether it's for one project or ongoing assistance—and we'll find the right person for the job.

Ugly Duckli ApS

Vi er een af de der særlige virksomheder som tænker ud af boksen. Med gode intentioner. I ønsket om at gøre godt og rykke samfundet i en god retning. I vores tilfælde drejer det sig om julepynt. What?? tænker du :) Men JO. Hvorfor skal alt være billige julekugler som bruges og smides væk i flæng. Hvorfor ikke værdsætte vores ærke-danske tradition med at flette julehjerter sammen. Og i lækkert design og en kvalitet der kan nydes år efter år. Der er en grøn omstilling på vej - også hos os. Bæredygtig handel hitter. Og med god grund. Skal vi se at komme i gang? Her er højt til loftet og masser af plads til at afprøve måske Dine gode ideer. Lav en god dag! /Rikke


FOROS is a green investment platform that makes forest management and investing simple and accessible for everyone. Our key features are: sustainable forest management and secure cross-border investing. Forestry is a dinosaur industry that we aim to disrupt. Coordination among marketplace participants is very fragmented. For a forest owner, it is cumbersome finding out prices from different forestry companies and finding a trustworthy partner, especially across borders. Foros opens up opportunities for much wider groups of people to benefit from owning forests. People will be able to invest in forests at ease, entrusting forest management to our experienced forestry professionals who will take good care of forests and manage them sustainably. Forest owners will get our offers and suggestions for how to best manage the forest. We call them 'your forest value growth plan'. These offers forest owners will be able to activate and implement within a few button clicks. Behind the scenes, to aid better decision making we will utilise big data analytics and machine learning. To date we have handled €24m in forest land transactions. This shows that there is a dire need for a digital, modern solution for existing forest owners.