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Showing: 10208 filtered startups

PITOT watches

Watches inspired by fighter jets. We research fighter jet signature look and details and come up with watches designed and inspired by fighter jets from all over the world. A former flight mechanic from the danish airforce and a watch designer previously worked with swiss brands, working together to develop these airplane-inspired watches. Currently 800 followers on Instagram in under 2 months, 400 on Twitter, 500 email lead lists,s and many buyers already on the concept and 3D stage. UPDATE 1-3-2021 We expect the first 300 F-14 watches in stock in May 2021. We have sold 130 F-14 watches of our intro watch in crowdfunding and preorder from Kickstarter and our webshop We got an investment in Nov 2020 and started our first production. We expect to get another bigger investment for more growth, production, and development of future watches and running the office probably and scale it up. Instagram followers 4800+ FB 2700+ Email list 1800+


IX Studios was founded in Copenhagen by designer Louise Mygind Andersen. We make quality objects in gold and silver that you can wear with style. IX Studios means persistent Danish craftsmanship with a massive attitude. We are inspired by the x and iconic representation of the intersection between contemporary culture, old school craftsmanship and sustainable consumption. We only make lasting, personal pieces that can be worn again and again. IX Studios objects are found in renowned stores across Scandinavia.

Unelma Platforms

Unelma Platforms is an international software platform development company that aims to deliver software to empower people. We are a bunch of millennials. Some people like to call us hippies. Some just call us highly-energetic and growing organisation in software development space. We empower over one million people through our diverse range of platform products, applications & services.


FineCell is a chemical company offering renewable micro- and nanomaterials, to help manufacturers develop new products and reduce carbon footprints. FineCell’s technology has been patented in Sweden, with patents pending globally. Our products have a wide range of applications such as lightweight composites, cosmetics, and biomedical materials.


We are a marketplace were you can book professional athletes on-demand. We serve both regular customers and companies. Our goal is global, and as of now we're testing the platform in Norway where we have both a dozen of companies and private users.  Imagine booking an athlete whenever and wherever you're and you can get instant feedback both digitally and in person.


Avanto develops smart infrared heating technology that integrates seamlessly with clothing. Our adaptable heating technology is applicable to practically any piece of clothing. Avanto aims to be the leading heating solution for extreme and cold-weather apparel companies. We are now piloting our prototype product and are in the process of developing our technology further towards mass production.


Explore independently some of Norway’s finest destinations in our sprightly, fun, environmentally friendly electric cars. We show you the highlights as a good friend would do and guarantee that you will have a blast! We are located in three of Norway’s finest tourist destinations. Let us show you our favourites: Geiranger, Flåm, Ålesund.


Meshtech is a leading developer of industrial IoT solutions to track people and objects or transport sensor data using mesh network technologies. The company offers a unique and robust solution based on industrial Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wireless communication. Using cutting edge technology, and ATEX Zone 1 certified components; Meshtech’s proprietary hardware and software platform is a low cost solution at the forefront of industrial grade BLE communication. Our main market segments are Welfare, Maritime, Building Automation, Platorm/Rig & Industry. Meshtech is constantly innovating and improving, inspired by customer input.


At Flexify our goal is to change the way people work by making it fast and easy for companies to access a high quality workforce on-demand, while offering flexible and attractive jobs to students, freelancers and others who want to decide when they work and who they work for


Imagine that taking one stop on the Internet is enough to get what’s going on in the world at this moment. Wouldn’t that mean saving a lot of time? Hubii is an News Discovery Service to provide online news readers with a brand new experience in browsing and reading news; Hubii offers the only location-based news reader in the world.

Hauge Aqua

Hauge Aqua was established in 2012 by Cato Lyngøy, Audun A. Dahl and Arthur Lyngøy. In 2014 new partners invested in the company, Arne Sylta, Magne Bjørkhaug and Runar Lyngøy. They are all co-founders of the company. Hauge Aqua objective is to start, own, develop and operate business within aquaculture, develop new technology, offer counselling, nationally and internationally. The business is to be operated economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Resources Hauge Aqua builds on resources, ideas, and knowledge from the creation. Through this the company wishes to glorify the Creator by showing good stewardship over these gifts. The goal is to use them in a fashion so that we may develop, manufacture and trade, wholesome, safe and competitive products. Innovation Hauge Aqua emphasises innovation as a decisive tool to safeguard our business in the short and long term. Minimum 10 per cent of our value generation shall always be used for research and development. This is to strengthen the business foundation in the company. Work Environment Hauge Aqua emphasises good, safe and dynamic jobs. The company highly supports and builds on the individual right to a job and inclusive employment.  The company practices a respectful, honourable and ethical working culture in which personal improvement and development are stimulated. Through this the aim is that the worker is given belief in own abilities and is enabled to materialise his/hers God-given potential. Hauge Aqua wishes to provide opportunity for employees to impact their own future by personal efforts. Societal and Environmental responsibility Hauge Aqua shall demonstrate open communication with local societies where we do business. This because we perceive support from the local society as crucial for investing and also for long-term value creation. We shall not drain, permanently harm or abate natural resources, or biodiversity in and around locations where we do our business.


Brandsafe Enterprise make sure all your information from head-office to each business unit is uniform and professional. This solution uses data from your PIM and POS/ERP systems to ensure secure uniform displays in all business units. The Enterprise solution comes with training, consulting and partnership solutions.  Easily create professional posters and displays Create worklist, share productions Internal product and image database Integration with ERP and image databases Support for multiple operation divisions Retail and stationary solutions CREATE - PRINT - SAVE Uniform labels, posters and displays Secures company profile and branding in-store Upsell and cross sell products with ease Print to any available format using existing equipment Save and reuse previous productions Share and distribute worklists easily TECHNOLOGY Easy installation, uses existing equipment Fully customizable Built with industry standard tools and technology Powerful API for utilizing Brandsafe functionality integrated in other systems (ERP, CRM, Mobile etc) System can be integrated in Digital Signage Solutions Brandsafe is located on a secure internet site that can easily be accessed from any computer Brandsafe solution can retrieve information from PIM, POS and MAM WHY Secures your companys profile and branding in-store No need for software downloads and costly employee training Save manhours, and staff can focus on their primary functions Brandsafe streamline store operation

Ethical Travel Portal

At Ethical Travel Portal we've been designing and leading inspiring holidays for many years. As Norway's leading provider of responsible tourism packages, we pride ourselves on our proven ability to customise the perfect holiday just for you, or to share with you some of the fabulous itineraries we've created over the years. Whether you are looking to chill on an African beach in The Gambia, discover the roots of European culture in Ukraine or Romania, or meet musicians and artisans in hidden Kerala in India, we've the perfect trip for you. Take a responsible peek into majestic Nepal or experience village life and island paradise in Thailand. And if you can't find it listed under our destinations, we'll design your dream trip for you.

Inovatum Lifting AS

Inovatum Lifting As is a company that started 2013 on the demands from the market for cost saving and efficient products. It is a Sub company of Inovatum AS, which has developed turnkey prototypes for ROV tooling. People who has held positions like ROV Supervisor, ROV Manager and Operations Manager during the last 20 years in Racal, Thales, Fugro, DOF Subsea, Argus and Selantic AS, started Inovatum. We develop advanced ROV tooling. As for today, the operational company are Inovatum Lifting and the product focused at is the INOshackle™.


VIBRO er en plattform for samfunnsengasjert ungdom og unge voksne som ønsker å ha en personlig utvikling og gjøre en meningsfull forskjell. Vi legger særlig vekt på mangfold, sosial entreprenørskap og kreativt lederskap, og jobber for at alle unge mennesker skal utnytte sitt eget potensiale gjennom ulike former for kompetanseheving og prosjektarbeid. Hos oss har den unge generasjonen en reell mulighet til å påvirke sine omgivelser og samfunnet de lever i på en progressiv måte. Alle våre prosjekter planlegges og gjennomføres av ungdom, for ungdom.Vi er et rekrutteringsfirma for internshipordninger i anerkjente bedrifter i Norge. Vi legger her stor vekt på global kompetanse som en kreativ ressurs blant studenter og bedrifter, der vi kvalitetssikrer studenter gjennom ulike screeningprosesser. Formålet er å dra frem konkurransedyktige kandidater med flerkulturell bakgrunn eller som har god kulturforståelse, og øke bevissthet rundt nytten og verdien dette gir til arbeidsplassen. På den måten jobber vi parallelt med behovene til studentene, og markedsverdien til bedriftene.I tillegg har vi et nettbasert magasin som legger vekt på å fremme meningene og erfaringene til unge personer på tvers av kulturelle og geografiske grenser, og setter dermed søkelys på de stemmene som sjeldent blir hørt i medie-Norge. VIBRO er støttet av blant annet Kronprinsparets Fond, IMDI og Reach for Change.TIDLIGERE PROSJEKTERVIBROs første prosjekt var tv-konseptet "Nye forbilder". Serien ble lansert våren 2014, og portretterer mennesker gjennom flere episoder som fungerer som forbilder og rollemodeller for ungdom i Norge.