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Showing: 4482 filtered startups


Cloud-based solution for sports clubs and teams. Comprehensive member and club/team management. Payment processing as a service. Klubmodul has 2 offices in Denmark, 1 office in Oslo, 1 office in Hamburg.   Our Mission To provide sports team and club owners a complete online solution for all their online presence and member recruitment, sign-up, scheduling, and payment processing   Pain We Address Sport clubs are not proficient in setting up and managing team and member administration tools for their business online    Our Solution One-stop shop for all the tools needed to manage a team or club including the development and online management of the website, member signup, scheduling, communication (email/text) and payment collection/processing

Digital Revisor

DIGITAL REVISOR sætter erhvervsdrivende i stand til selv at skabe deres egen årsrapport og indberette den til offentlige myndigheder. En online selvbetjeningsportal med INTERNATIONALT POTENTIALE. Digital Revisor er en ung virksomhed og samtidig er der i medarbejderstaben folk med 20 års ERFARING med at skabe software til målgruppen.


Danmarks hurtigste voksende forsikringsportal arbejder for, at skabe et mere effektivt forsikringsmarked. På vores egen udviklede platform, gør vi det let for forbrugere at møde potentielle forsikringsselskaber, og forhandle sig frem til bedre dækninger og priser. Vi har vores 100 % egen udviklede SaaS løsning, vi løbende opgraderer og udbygger.


Bredbå is a guide to Danish ISPs with focus on quality content for everyone. We help consumers through the process of buying an internet connection with the relevant guidance and information. We try to keep both the Danish and English guides up to date with the information you need, when looking for internet connections in Denmark. Our goal is to provide you with quality content in a way that makes it easy to understand – even if you don’t know all the technical terms.

Six Nordics

VI.ER AKVAVIT, which is today known as Six Nordics, was founded in 2015 based on a desire to create an aquavit that soars above everything else that is already on the market. We produce aquavits that make people want to immerse themselves into a new world of Nordic cool, combining our classic virtues of craftsmanship and quality with a contemporary and relaxed approach. Our goal is to design and produce a series of aquavits that are distilled and infused with the finest herbs and plants from Denmark and the Nordics. We have teamed up with some of the best and brightest within their respective fields to help us forage and distill our aquavits. Six Nordics is more than just an exclusive small batch aquavit - it’s a lifestyle. It is a community of individuals who seek the unique, love adventure and do not compromise on quality . As we grow our small company, we are looking for individuals who share these values and will help us become the best aquavit in the world.

Applicate IT

Applicate IT is an innovation company. We provide customized model and software development. Our development projects are always based on the customers' own individual needs. Which has resulted in accumulated broad knowledge and specialist experience in cloud-based portal solutions and mobile apps - in IoT, In-app payment solutions, Healthcare technology, Context-based decision systems, Sensor Data positioning & Monitoring, Project Recording Solutions, Big Data, etc.

Impact Business Modeling System™

We provide Impact Business Modeling System™. It is a startup methodology and coaching process for incubators, accelerators and investors to support their portfolio impact startups in making their sustainable impact measurable, operational, and profitable. We work with incubators, accelerators and VC funds globally, primarily in Europe, eg. Startup Wise Guys, Rockstart, Climentum Capital, Ideon Science Park, Climate Resilient Africa Fund and NEEW Ventures.


Hello there! I'm Johnny Jensen, and I'm the founder and CEO of BreadTech, an innovative startup focused on revolutionizing liquidity management for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Nordic region. With a background as a former senior auditor at KPMG and an External Lecturer at Copenhagen Business School, specializing in external accounting and advanced financial management, I recognized a significant gap in the market when it comes to effective liquidity management tools tailored for SMEs. The Problem We're Solving: Many SMEs struggle with manual and outdated liquidity management processes, relying on traditional budgeting tools and spreadsheet-based methods. Recognizing the pain points of these businesses, BreadTech is on a mission to simplify and enhance liquidity management, empowering SMEs to make informed financial decisions. Our Solution - Bread: Bread, our cutting-edge liquidity management software, stands out for its real-time automation, user accessibility, and seamless integration with popular cloud-based accounting systems. Unlike conventional tools that require manual data entry and periodic updates, Bread ensures up-to-the-minute insights by continuously syncing with bank data and financial information. Why BreadTech? Our team at BreadTech is driven by a passion for combining financial expertise with technological innovation. We believe that every business, regardless of size, deserves access to advanced liquidity management tools. Bread is not just a software; it's a solution crafted to empower SMEs, making complex financial processes straightforward and intuitive. Our Vision: We envision a future where SMEs can navigate their financial landscapes effortlessly, focusing on growth and innovation rather than drowning in the complexities of liquidity management. BreadTech aims to be the catalyst for positive change, providing SMEs with the tools they need to thrive in today's dynamic business environment. Join Us on this Journey: As we embark on this exciting journey, we're seeking passionate individuals who share our vision and want to be part of a team dedicated to making a meaningful impact. If you're someone who thrives on challenges, believes in the transformative power of technology, and is ready to reshape the financial landscape for SMEs, BreadTech could be the perfect place for you. Join us in creating a future where financial management is not a burden but a strategic advantage for every small and medium-sized enterprise.

Peak Cadence ApS

Peak Cadence ApS was formed in 2020. We are currently two co-founders. We have a passion to develop interesting software that we can potentially spin out into new startups. We are constantly seeking new ideas that we critically evaluate. Our most recent product is - a website where users can find, create and share travel itineraries. The motivation behind the platform was to alleviate the hours of internet research and pasting into spreadsheets required to plan a trip. Our site has around 80 detailed and hand-crafted travel itineraries, and over 1,000 locations of interest - packed with meta data to drive our algorithms. Our site allows users to complete a profile with their travel preferences and interests - and we're finalising an algorithm to create automated travel itineraries. Not only does the site make trip planning easier, but it also acts as an internet marketing platform for businesses in the tourism and travel sector. MapADay has many gaps (we've been focusing on basic functionality, content and SEO) - but we have a roadmap to where we need to get to in order to evaluate the product's potential. We're looking to expand our team with a focus on business development and marketing. er en online platform som samler et stort udvalg af gaveprodukter fra lokale, fysiske butikker i Danmark. Når man køber gaver via handler man hos de fysiske butikker, som også selv sørger for at gaverne leveres direkte hjem til modtagerne. samarbejder med lokale vinhandlere, gavebutikker, livsstilsbutikker, blomsterhandlere, delikatesseforretninger og mange flere.


We're here to change global games publishing by building business through Asia first and creating long-lasting developer relationships worldwide. JoyPac combines an open and communicative style of western publishers with the specialized operations & marketing know-how required to make it big in East and West markets. Registered in both Denmark, China Hong Kong, China mainland and Japan, JoyPac offers developer friendly contracts based on EU law, while fulfilling all legal requirements to publish on all platforms and in all territories globally.

Vitaro ApS

Vitaro driver en række webportaler med fokus på sundhed, træning, kost, motion og livsstil. Vi søger dig, der er passioneret omkring kost og træning og som kan bidrage med en god energi og et højt humør på vores team. Vi holder til på Frederiksberg i nye og moderne lokaler. Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig og ser frem til et fedt samarbejde.

Project Nord

Project Nord is an exciting art print start-up based in Copenhagen. The posters we produce are minimalist, Scandinavian-style designs on premium quality paper. We are a tight-knit team of creatives who all believe that beautiful art prints shouldn’t come at a high cost for the consumer or the planet. That’s why we plant a tree for every poster bought. If this sounds like a company you’d want to be a part of, then keep reading! We’re looking for a talented applicants to join our team!


Optimér dit regnskab! Vi hjælper med bogføring, regnskabsoptimering og overordnet økonomi.Vi er et mindre administration selskab, hvor vi hjælper alt fra små start-ups til mellemstore virksomheder med alt fra bogføring, løn, årsrapporter skat til tømning af post. Totalt administrerer vi over 100 millioner i omsætning fordelt på over 30 virksomheder. is a Danish company, which offers customers the opportunity to buy and sell Bitcoins with fast delivery and extraordinary service. The company was founded by Mads Eberhardt in September 2017 with the idea to create a service for everyone, not only the 'nerds'. Bitcoins were before in many respects only for 'nerds', because they were the only ones, who could understand it. is trying to change this, to make Bitcoins for everyone.