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Showing: 4482 filtered startups

Fredlund Husby ApS

Private investment company. Private investment company of Magdalena Fredlund Husby and Ståle Fredlund Husby. We support individuals with bold ideas that bring about a brighter future for our children: we work, invest, and do what is needed to make things happen. We start up, join or help grow 3-5 new tech companies per year.

Tricent Security Group A/S

Tricent helps organizations make their file-sharing more secure and compliant without sacrificing collaboration. Tricent puts the responsibility of proper file-sharing management in the hands of administrators as well as every member of the organization who shares files. We've recently relocated our headquarters to the vibrant heart of Vesterbro, Copenhagen’s coolest and trendiest neighborhood! Formerly a working-class area, Vesterbro has transformed into a dynamic cultural hub, attracting creatives, innovators, and forward-thinkers from all corners of the globe. From its eclectic mix of cafes, bars, and galleries to its lively atmosphere and rich history, Vesterbro embodies the spirit of innovation and creativity that defines Tricent. But wait, there’s more! Rumor has it that Vesterbro holds the title for the most expensive housing area in Copenhagen, adding an extra touch of exclusivity to our new home. And yes, we’ve heard the whispers about Vesterbro being a ‘hipster’ paradise… Whatever that means! But one thing’s for sure, we’re excited to be part of such a dynamic and thriving community. By the way, we share offices with our good friends and partner APPS People Here’s to new beginnings, endless possibilities, and making waves in Vesterbro!


Fiki is a Danish webshop that sells scarves and basic clothing for women and men in Denmark Fiki started in January 2024 and is in the process of positioning itself on the Danish market for quality clothing at competitive prices. We use freelance photographers, graphic designers and writers for our videos, product photos and texts.


Every HR task in one system. At HRfamly, our main goal is to provide business owners with a sense of calmness. Through our digital HR platform, we can assist you with all aspects of HR. At HRfamly, we believe in combining the effective and scalable force of digital innovation with the personal touch of our competent advisors and support staff.

CollectiveAction Aps

It’s about culture: We are on a mission to empower employees to take a co-ownership for their workplace culture! We provide company-wide social well-being events to build a physical and mental well-being culture among employees. With our platform employees can build healthy habits with colleagues and friends & family. We develop tools for teams to take co-ownership of their team culture. We are a small 'get-shit-done' bootstrapped team that over the last 3 years has succeeded in developing and selling a software product to a handful of the most well-known Danish companies.


Økonomista er et startupmedie, som er på en mission for at skabe større økonomisk ligestilling gennem viden og indsigt. Økonomista udkommer som trykt magasin fire gange årligt og ugentligt som digitalt nyhedsbrev til læserne. I Danmark er der 133 år til, at vi får økonomisk ligestilling, og det giver vi ikke vente på! Derfor skabte grundlægger Mille Skjold Madsen for fire år siden Økonomista så vi kunne få et samlingspunkt for al den viden, som vi skal bruge for at skabe de bedste forudsætninger for vores penge. Som Benjamin Franklin sagde: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”


CurledDesign helps Start-ups and small businesses design and develop physical products that combine sustainability with great design. I'm on a mission to enable companies to innovate more and develop better products with a shorter timeline. Starting with the basics of design thinking and modern design methods, I help companies add more value through their products. My 3 step design process ensures that companies achieve maximum value from the process and add value to their customers. The first phase is an insight phase focusing on getting to know the users, ensuring that the development is based on real-life problems and reducing the number of assumptions the project is based on. The second phase is designing the product and exploring multiple design and concept ideas to ensure the chosen design makes the most significant impact. The third phase is detailing the product for manufacturing, ensuring that IP rights are assured, that it's possible to manufacture the product and that the product is made with sustainability in mind. In the third phase, I help communicate with suppliers to ensure the quality of the final product.

Charlotte Larsen Fine Jewellery

I'm an independent Jeweller with my own shop in Copenhagen. STORIES, DREAMS & CREATIONS Inspired by memories, everyday life and relationships, Goldsmith Charlotte Larsen’s fine jewellery and personal projects celebrate the stories and opportunities in life and give way for freedom of expression. Charlotte Larsen started her journey with jewellery in 1990 when she lived in Los Angeles. Today she is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, from were she works and sells her jewellery in her shop. Charlotte has educated herself in various ways within the field and has over the years come to appreciate the craftmanship and precition of fine jewellery. With her great technical ability and a creative mind Charlotte is able to create the finest classic jewellery as well as wonderfully conceptual and contemporary design pieces. B. 1968 Awards 2008 Bronzemedalje Kunsthåndværkerprisen 2008 Håndfuglen Danske Kunsthåndværkere

Gubra ApS

Gubra is an ambitious and innovative biotech company striving for excellence at all levels. We insist on doing things efficiently – and often differently - to reach the results we aim for. Our vision is to become leaders in the fight for a more sustainable and healthier world. We do that by facilitating the discovery of new medicine, and by acting and inspiring others to fight against the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises. We have two primary areas of business: Preclinical contract research (CRO) services, and Proprietary early target and drug discovery programs. We are a biotech company delivering science to our partners and to our own research projects. We are active in the so-called pre-clinical space - before drugs are tested in humans - and generate our revenue by performing research for small and large pharma companies. Our focus is within the metabolic space (obesity, diabetes, NASH (Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis), and diabetic complications), where we specialize in in vivo pharmacology, peptide chemistry, molecular pharmacology, histology, stereology, imaging, NGS (next generation sequencing), bioinformatics and biomarker assays. We work with some of the most interesting and loyal partners and customers from across the world within big pharma, biotech, and academia. Through a constant focus on high quality, scientific excellence, speed, and solid teamwork we have established ourselves as a highly professional and competent partner in the market. People are our greatest asset, and our team consists of +200 employees all located in Hørsholm, Denmark. The mix of people from different cultures and educational backgrounds combined with our entrepreneurial mindset have greatly impacted our working environment, which is characterized by intensive drive, scientific curiosity, and teamwork – we join forces!

Sønderup Consult

Indepth risk and strategy analysis within the energy market domain. Small and medium sized projects related to gas and power trading. Customers primarily located in Denmark. Typically cases involve delivering value enabling clients, executing their business cases. We deliver quality, speed and affordable price.


RETSHJÆLP SØGER FRIVILLIGE RETSHJÆLPERE⚖️ Vi er i rivende vækst hos Retshjæ 🚀 Vil du have praktisk erfaring indenfor de juridiske fag. Vi er et ambitiøst team, som forsøger at løse borgere og virksomheders juridiske tvister. Vores ekspertiseområder er bl.a. strafferet, udlændingeret, aftaleret og formueretlige fag. Læs det vedhæftede jobopslag eller fang os på for yderligere informationer om jobopslaget. Har du spørgsmål omkring stillingen bør du henvende dig til Haris Rafique på

Corebuilt Labs

Corebuilt Labs is a startup studio based in Copenhagen, Denmark. We work with domain expert founders to develop software-based businesses; from ideation to development and scale-up, we are the co-founder that provides the resources and structure needed to help ensure that a good idea becomes a thriving business.

Hjortekær Danmark

My name is Thomas Ludwigsen and I am the owner of Hjortekær Danmark ApS, who has invented and manufactures Wally and WallyScale app. You may remember the old Gepo 5000 kitchen scale? Almost 6 years ago, I got engrossed by the beautiful design of the Gepo scale and decided to build a new enhanced version of the old scale. The renowned Wally and WallyScale app. Wally is an aesthetic kitchen scale in an exclusive and delicious design. Created in materials that last for many years and withstand a harsh kitchen environment. Wally has similar functions to any high end kitchenscale you know, but Wally and the WallySclae app can do more. The WallyScale app is free, intuitive, and easy to use. and is available in Danish and English. It gives the user access to DTU Food's food database. Wally replaces a use/throw out item from our household. It doesn't get lost or dropped on the floor. Should that happen anyway, Wally can be repaired. Wally is created based on a "cradle to cradle light" principle. Hjortekær Danmark ApS wants to create with care. Hence our young age we are fully engaged in Wally no. 2 and the upcoming launch in October. Wally no. 2 is the sequel to Wally no. 1 and is clearly improved on several points. Wally paves the way for our vision. We are at Hjortekær Danmark ApS facing new horizons. Our overall ambition is to create modern, and long-lasting everyday artefacts, that beautify our everyday lives, homes and benefit the environment. We aim to be known as a Company who cares and is patient enough to develop beautiful long-lasting alternatives to stuff we once hardly noticed.

Comunchi ApS

Comunchi er en online frokost markedsplads, der gør det muligt for virksomheder at få frokost fra lokale spisesteder de kender og elsker. Vores vision er at skabe en billigere, bedre og mere bæredygtig frokostordning, som alle kan være med på og samtidigt støtte lokale spisesteder. Den typiske frokostordning bliver udskiftet med 3 måneders mellemrum, grundet manglende variation og fleksibilitet. Samtidigt går der både penge og mad til spilde, på de dage medarbejdere er fraværende. Hos Comunchi har vi bygget en platform hvor virksomheder kan købe digitale frokostkuponer, som de kan videregive til deres medarbejdere. Medarbejdere har mulighed for at indløse disse kuponer gennem vores app ved lokale spisesteder og på den måde få lige præcist den frokost de ønsker sig. Virksomhederne undgår at betale for frokost de dage medarbejderene er fraværende og undgår samtidigt madspild.


SundBesked is a HealthTech start-up that seeks to enable effortless collaboration and communication amongst healthcare staff, and between patients and caregivers. Our solution will provide an innovative communication platform that facilitates easy sharing of visual information through mobile applications in a secure and legal way. We're working further developing our MVP + performing user tests to guide further programming. SundBesked is a spin-out company from the BioMedical Design Novo Nordic Fellowship Programme at the University of Copenhagen – a program with focus on needs driven healthcare innovation. We are today a part of the accelerator “Innofounder Graduate” supported by Innovation Fund Denmark and Danish Design Center.