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Goleaseit er en online tjeneste, hvor besøgende har mulighed for, at indhente leasingtilbud fra forskellige leasingselskaber. Denne process er normalt langsommelig og enormt tidskrævende. Med Goleaseit udfylder du blot en formular, og så bliver de sendt ud til forskellige leasingselskaber. Efter du har sendt formularen, skal du blot vente på de første tilbud bliver sendt til dig. Når du har modtaget alle tre tilbud skal du blot vælge det der passer bedst til dig.


Hver måned udvælger vi fire af sæsonnens bedste håndværksoste fra ostebønder i hele Europa. Vi præsenterer dig både for traditionelle og nye oste, som typisk er håndlavet og ikke kan købes i dit normale osteudsalg.Der er mere end 5000 forskellige oste i Europa, men dette er sjældent afspejlet i udvalget af den ost, som man normalt kan købe. Vi besøger de områder i Europa, hvor den bedste ost laves og udvælger de lækreste håndværksoste til dig.


I'm the CEO and founder of Bilagscan that is an OCR scanning company. I've been an entrepreneur for more than 15 years, written 8 books and is known for the accounting software Billy. Read more about me on and Currently, we're looking for high-skilled developers: Fullstack, Frontend and devops. We're hiring new developers! We're a culture for people that like to make a difference and want to be even better every day. We're a happy culture that likes to play games, drink beer and have a social team.


SendHelpers is the new leading on-demand platform for connecting individuals looking for household services with top-quality, pre-screened service helpers. From home cleaning to handyman services.Customer create a task, and our Helpers will instantly place a bid - Once the customer select a Helper, he will be on the way within 2 hours.With a seamless 30-second booking process, secure payment, SendHelpers will be the easiest, most convenient way to book home services.


"Standard accounting is not helpful in evaluating entrepreneurs. Startups are too unpredictable for forecasts and milestones to be accurate."  The Lean Startup - Eric Ries Let results guide you with a software that simplifies managerial decision making. LEANACSYS allows you to control input factors and resources in order to plan for the future instead of reporting past results and the same time comply with requirements for providing balance sheet and income statement.


TechVeda, is the new ally in your quest to conquer the technology space. Based out in Copenhagen.  We make IT products for complex business requirements and make it simpler for users to play with. We also develop niche products that help users and society at large :) We are into the startup ecosystem. Helping companies get a digital footprint. Our culture is to make plenty of mistakes but learn from them and be better.

Ui Aps

U&i is a IT consultant company working with the latest technologies in mobile development and web development. We do software development in many areas. Mostly mobile apps and web apps with advanced integrations to backends and media servers but also embedded software for wearable’s using technoligies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), IoT ect. Our vision is to provide the best possible software and services for our clients who demands state of the art preforming products. We strive for the best solutions in any case no matter the size of the project or level of technology. Together we rock! U&I


En arbejdsplads er mere end bare opgaver, der skal eksekveres. Og en medarbejder er mere end en ressource. Vi startede SEEKNSPEAK med en vision om at gøre formidling mellem virksomheder og kandidater mere transparent og mere simpelt. Vi ønsker at udfordre en konservativ rekrutteringsbranche og et forældet syn på, hvordan vi tiltrækker og fastholder medarbejdere i dag. Personligheden skal i fokus hos virksomhed og kandidat. Det vil vi være med til at bane vejen for, ved at inspirere til skabelsen af mere lønsomme rekrutterings- og employer branding løsninger. Det gør vi bla. ved at bringe digital kommunikation ind i rekruttering og employer branding. For at fortælle transparente og autentiske historier, benytter vi ofte visuelle virkemidler som video, grafik og billeder, kombineret med kreativ copywriting. På den måde hjælper vi med at tiltrække nye medarbejdere og fastholde de eksisterende, så virksomheder lykkes med deres forretning. Vi skaber employer brands man drømmer om at arbejde for!


MicroWise is a newly created company with the sole purpose of developing and selling measuring equipment for automatic control of living organisms in water samples (BallastWISE), and related activities. MicroWISE is formed by SME’s involved in the development so far. The company owners, 3 SME’s – Bioras, UnitOne and Fishlab, have worked together since 2013 to get the technology of the BallastWISE system to where it is today.   MEMBER OF DANISH MARITIME COMPANY AND TEAM MicroWise is a newly created company with the sole purpose of developing and selling measuring equipment for automatic control of living organisms in water samples (BallastWISE), and related activities. MicroWISE is formed by SME’s involved in the development so far. The company owners, 3 SME’s – Bioras, UnitOne and Fishlab, have worked together since 2013 to get the technology of the BallastWISE system to where it is today. As such, the company has considerable biological expertise within the fields of microbial ecology and microbial taxonomy. MicroWise also has technical expertise in camera technology, optics, instrumentation and programming. This is a strong team for this particular task. In addition, MicroWise is engaged in a joint efforts with DHI, one of the world’s key accredited institutions with regards to ballast water issues.

Founders House ApS

Founders House and Startup Village, is a community of almost 50 tech startups building companies side by side, helping each other succeed. Notable community members, past and current, include Realm, Vivino, Peakon, Planday, Autobutler, Brain+, Woomio and Dixa. Founders House is the most dedicated tech co-working space in Denmark. We specifically service tech companies with scalable technology and a sky high ambitions. Founders House recently won “Best Coworking Space in the Nordics”.


Veggo er for dig som vil finde lækre vegetariske, veganske og plantebaserede retter i din by. Du behøver ikke være veganer for at bruge Veggo, du skal blot have lyst til at udforske det vegetariske og plantebaserede madmarked og alle de fordele som der er her! Så velkommen til din nye verden, en verden af lækre måltider! Download Veggo på din iPhone allerede i dag!


I TM8 GROR VI BRANDS Vi er et brandingbureau bestående af passionerede og kompetente brandingspecialister, som alle lever og ånder for at brande og positionere virksomheder, produkter og kreative ideer. TM8 står for teammate, og vi fungerer som virksomheders eksterne brandingbureau. Vi arbejder professionelt og målrettet med sociale medier, vi producerer film, skriver pressemeddelelser, nyhedsbreve og meget mere. Vi er et stærkt team – rutinerede, kreative og værdiskabende.


SportsLevels is a innovative company which aims to revolutionize game management and take it to another level. Currently we are developing our first application RefLevel which is designed specially for football referees. It assists them before, during and after the game, allowing automatic synchronization of team sheets and game rules before the game, managing goals, bookings substitutions with performance tracking during as well as game report generation after the game. We are a startup composed out of Aalborg University students. Besides sharing common passion in entrepreneurship we also love sports! Our team is highly talented bringing the best of their perspective fields.

Babyspire is a new platform that gathers Babybloggers from all over Danmark. Our vision is to make life easier for parents, by providing an overview of the most relevant Bloggers. Furthermore our platform is facilitating the blog writing process and we providing the bloggers with a flourishing community. Our goal is to prepare all new and coming parents with the best tools, so that they can provide their children with the best possible start.

Wolf Services ApS

Danish start-up, started Jan 2017 by 3 persons from MarTech and Media Our platform lets advertisers get financial transparency in media by paying directly    Background  Non-transparent behavior in media against advertisers has grown No incentive for change as all is paid by share of the media budgets  Advertisers trust in advice at risk as conflict of interests are hiddenF Frustrations has build up, and solutions are in demand The Business model is a subscription combined with a ‘pay as you grow’    I have experience from several media agency holding groups in business development, client service and trading.  and latest as media auditor and media agency pitch consultant.  I am married with 3 boys and my wife is a manager in Accenture I spend my time on building this company, my family and some exercise on my mountainbike on muddy tracks.. I have been working as consultant all my life, and my mission with building this platform is to help clients to improve and progress on their marketing activity .. as better transparency is not the end, but mean to improve on their business