Great Agency

Great Agency is a full-service agency that enhances company profiles through web development, design, and marketing. We always start from the customer's unique situation and tailor customized solutions to meet your specific goals. We are innovators, digital natives and proactive, we like to get closer to the client, understand their needs and objectives and work to achieve them.
Location Sweden
Founded 2003
Employees 1-10
Industries IT & Software, Marketplace & eCommerce, Advertising, Sales & Marketing
Business model B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Great Agency

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Paid holiday
Paid holiday

Maternity / paternity leave
Maternity / paternity leave

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

See all 9 benefits



Muhammed Al-Bagdadi

Senior Software Engineer

Marcus Ekelund

System Administrator

Martin Sunquist

Open positions (1)

Business Development Intern
Great Agency Malmö Internship