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Showing: 4436 filtered startups

IntraManager ApS

IntraManager is a Danish, well-renowned company that develops secure and user-friendly SaaS-solutions to a wide range of companies. IntraManagers product portfolio consists of IntraManager Work, IntraManager Board and IntraManager Enterprise. IntraManager has developed a workforce management system that helps you manage the administrative tasks of your business in a simpler and more efficient way. The system gathers your daily administrative tasks on one platform, which consists of the following modules: - Communication - Punch in/out - Shifts - Reporting - Employees - Economy With IntraManager Board you can get a visual overview of your most important KPIs, such as employee performance or sales numbers. Board is quick and easy to set up with our drag and drop-function and it comes with a broad range of reliable widgets, such as dialers, etc. IntraManager Enterprise give you a unique and valuable insight into your entire business. It allows you to combine data from various sources and set up automatic jobs. With the statistic module in IntraManager Enterprise you can intensify your use of data. In the module you can extract data and make statistics on different levels, for instance at a department-/campaign-/employee level. With our BI tool you get the most accurate reports that you can use to make decisions on behalf of the company or to find future focal points. Do you want to know more about IntraManager and their SaaS-solution? Visit!


Altanbutikken producerer og sælger kvalitetsmøbler samt tilbehør til altaner og mindre uderum, gennem webshops og showroom i Danmark samt udland. Altanbutikken producerer under brandet 'Balcony Living Cph'. Aldrig før har der været så stort et behov for at leve smart, komprimeret og kreativt idet flere og flere vælger byen til og derfor bor på færre kvadratmeter. Dette skaber et behov for optimerede løsninger også i de tilhørende små uderum. Vores design DNA bygger derfor på sammenspillet mellem multifunktionalitet, æstetik samt kvalitet. Vi ønsker derfor at udfordre dette ved at inspirere og skabe produkter, som optimerer og udnytter mindre uderums fulde potentiale.

Sculpto ApS

Sculpto is manufacturing and developing some of the coolest 3D printers in the world! Today you can buy our products in more than 8 countries. But that is just the beginning because we are aiming to be the number 1 provider of 3D printers to schools and private homes. As the company is beginning to take of we are in heavy need of smart people with a drive to change the world!

The Data Company ApS

We seek to create visible, useable and transparent data and hereby enabling companies to make a truly data-driven decision. This range fra selecting leads for the salespeople on to compiling and analysing all company data through machine learning and AI.We seek to develop data understanding so that it can contribute to the positive development of society as well as positively affect the individual's life.


Sowco is passionate about providing healthy, innovative and exciting products for the Danish market. We are proud to follow this mindset, as our family-run business has grown, our core remains unchanged. Our passion for organic, free-from and alternative options and means we are constantly searching for the best and most groundbreaking products on the market and across the globe.

Find Advokat

We are in the market to match customers/clients with good lawyers for a reasonable price. Create the case description and get up to 3 offers though our platform. Our platform makes it simple to get good offers from specialist. It's not about cheapest but a good price for a good lawyer. We've managed to keep afloat in a red ocean and are looking for help to fly instead of float.


COLUMDAE Export Specialist - Work local, trade Global! We support companies in their Export and trading abroad. COLUMDAE assists you in every step of your exportation and business journey. Through a range of unique services, we can give you new and fast export growth, more sales opportunities abroad, reliable information with direct key business contacts: Building your advanced channel development to maximize your export expansion and your trade success, as a true alternative to in-house resources. COLUMDAE offers a unique high level of practical and advance sales experience on the national field, exclusive local know-how, contacts & network in your target market business community, and of course confidentiality: • CUSTOMER & PARTNER SEARCH • ACCOUNT EXPORT SERVICES • TRADE MISSION • MARKET ANALYST • LEAD GENERATION SERVICES & LOBBYING WHERE: EUROPE: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, Russia, Benelux, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Turkey ASIA: Korea and USA Our staff in each country is exclusively local with a long experience in specific industry sectors, export rapid growth and international sales. This allows us to offer high professionalism with excellent knowledge of the "field" and trade culture, as well as linguistics and business network. Outsourcing with local and highly qualified personnel, can be an excellent way to conquer new markets and foreign customers, considerably lowering costs and time, with a clear and target oriented goals.

Foods of Copenhagen

Foods of Copenhagen was founded in 2016 by Cindie and is a boutique gastro company. We create personal and intimate food & cultural tours for travelers in Copenhagen, culinary experiences for companies and multi-day gastro trips to Bornholm and The Faroe Islands. We believe food brings people together!


LastNova is a start-up which offers an afterlife service to provide digital peace for the deceased. This means, we work with memories and digital life, that stays up after a person passes away - we help to secure the data to not be exploited. We help relatives in grief to handle the practicalities with the digital remains of the deceased by closing or memorializing the accounts and saving the content from them.

Civics ApS

Civics was established in 2016 with the aim of creating and delivering innovative citizenship-based services. The two founders both have personal experiences of having elderly relatives living at long distances away. We also both spend decades with technology innovation and entrepreneurship, and both are only a little more than a decade away of being in the group of seniors ourselves and we want to help create platforms making it easy to be an active senior -  for ourselves and many others.


Vi har flere års erfaring med at hjælpe startups.  Vores fokus er at hjælpe med de ting I ikke er eksperter i, så I kan fokusere på det I er bedst til. Vi bliver en aktiv del af jeres startup, og I får hurtigt kompetencer og ekspertviden ind, som kan løfte virksomheden til næste niveau. Arbejdsopgaver er bl.a. forretningsudvikling, daglig ledelse, produktudvikling, økonomistyring og funding (fx InnoBooster og Vækstfonden). Vi kan investere timer og penge i jeres startup - pitch os på


Vi gør udlejning smart & sikkert. Rently er et GDPR godkendt effektiviseringsværktøj for udlejere på boligmarkedet, der har til formål at digitalisere og automatisere udlejernes arbejdsprocesser, hertil at skabe tryghed i forbindelse med at vælge lejer.Med Rently kan du få dybdegående dataindsigt i dine ansøgere, opbygge og udsende digitale lejekontrakter til digital underskrift og opbevare tidligere såvel som nye lejekontrakter i et sikkert og GDPR godkendt miljø.


VISION: Vi vil være en SaaS partner der skaber værdi og transparens for virksomheder Vi hjælper vores kunder til at spare penge på deres indkøb. Vi giver vores kunder et mere præcist billede over deres indkøb. Dette samarbejde gør, at vi kan levere et bedre indblik i både indkøb og forbrugsmønstre.   Verum skaber gennemsigtighed og er den perfekte partner til at udvikle din virksomheds indsigt i indkøbsdata både internt og eksternt.​

Lean Akademiet

Vi udbyder Lean kurser og Lean uddannelser til danske virksomheder.  Vi bruger halvdelen af vores tid på at være ude hos kunder, hvor vi høster erfaringer, som vi bringer med ind i vores uddannelser. Vi arbejder helt uden PowerPoints i vores undervisning. Alt teori omsættes til praksis ved hjælp af øvelser. Hos os er det et krav, at du arbejder med din egen udfordring fra din egen arbejdssituation. Det gør, at du straks omsætter det du lærer til noget, du kan bruge i praksis.

Regen Farmer ApS

Our mission is to accelerate the transition to regenerative land-use practice. We build digital tools that assist farmers and communities with the implementation and management of regenerative land-use practices.  Our current focus is on the implementation of agroforestry practices because they hold great promise in the regeneration of the earth as it builds healthy soil, increases biodiversity, restores waterways and stores carbon in trees and soil which can effectively help reverse global warming.