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Vi tør å tenke nytt i en bransje som er preget av umoderne arbeidsformer, og kombinerer tung juridisk kompetanse med markedsledende teknologi. LIGL ble startet for å utfordre den konservative advokatbransjen, og bygger på tre grunnleggende prinsipper, kompetanse, kultur og teknologi – vårt DNA. Gjennom innovativ bruk av teknologi, en moderne forretningsmodell og et unikt arbeidsmiljø, vil vi skape et reelt, effektivt og eksklusivt alternativ til de største advokatfirmaene i Norge. Vi vet at dette vil og må ta tid, men vi vet også at det er denne veien bransjen vil utvikle seg – og vi ønsker å være i forkant. LIGL består av topp kvalifiserte forretningsadvokater med lang fartstid, solid faglig ekspertise og entusiasme for den jobben de gjør. Flere av firmaets advokater kommer fra ledende partnerstillinger i landets største advokatfirmaer. Kundene våre er norske og internasjonale virksomheter. Vi bistår alt fra gründervirksomheter i oppstart, til store selskaper med en lang historie å se tilbake på. Vi tar også oppdrag for privatpersoner innenfor utvalgte rettsområder. Firmaet leverer advokattjenester innen følgende fagområder: - Corporate, strategisk selskapsrettslig rådgivning - Rekonstruksjon & insolvens - Immaterialrett & teknologi - Fast eiendom - Skatt - Tvisteløsning Firmaets advokater er dyktige tverrfaglige forretningsadvokater, og firmaet tar derfor også oppdrag innenfor andre fagområder som naturlig leveres av et kompetent forretningsadvokatfirma, som arbeidsrett, kontraktsrett, entreprise etc.


Frævleik is a coworking arena for food concepts. Frævleik will offer fully equipped industrial kitchens in large venues. We will have agreements with suppliers, and distributors and will offer an exciting and creative environment where entrepreneurs can harvest inspiration, knowledge, and help from each other. In addition, our members will have access to skilled and experienced business consultants who know what it takes to succeed. The vision is to reduce the risk for food entrepreneurs and make it easier for consumers to eat healthily.

Neomeet Ltd

Neomeet Ltd is developing remote meeting tools to help property managers and housing companies solve the need for the legal, secure and equal virtual annual general meetings. Neomeet is a combination of top notch team and unique way of creating SaaS business. The housing companies faced a significant problem because of COVID-19: how to organize official meetings having local and remote participants i.e. hybrid meetings. During the start of COVID-19 there existed common remote meeting tools Microsoft Teams but no actual tailored tools for the needs of housing companies and property managers. Neomeet Ltd is solving this problem by providing a remote meeting software which contains the special needs of these kind of meetings: advanced authentication methods, automatic invitation system, handling of power of attorneys, speaking turn system, advanced voting functionalities and many more. The company offers this software and the related services as SaaS business model to their customers. Currently the software is being used by property management companies and housing companies all over Finland. Neomeet's website is Neomeet Ltd is a group of individuals who are inspired of providing new digital services for solving real-life problems. Main shareholders are Mika Mononen and Bo Priesters who has started as enterpreneurs couple of years ago. Mika and Bo both share the same passion for developing innovative digital solutions to real estate industry. Mika and Bo have both extensive background from startup business and software and business development. In its entirety Neomeet Ltd has 5 shareholders and a team consisting of highly skilled professional in each business field.


Learn2Esport was founded by esports (and traditional sports) veterans in 2016 who champion learning with esports in a formal educational setting. Since its launch, the company has been supporting the structured, educational needs of students in Sweden and countries across the EU. Working in close collaboration with researchers, educators, coaches, analysts, and professional players, Learn2Esport creates educational content - from critical thinking to collaboration, from job skills in esports to lessons on entrepreneurship and creativity - delivered by proprietary technological products that provide the best formal and informal educational experiences. Gameplan is the world’s first esports management system. It is Learn2Esport’s complete solution for states, schools, learning centers, and organizations to build and manage their esports programs, teams, camps, and centers. The platform makes it simple for teachers to access and create lessons, gauge player development, and evaluate player performance. Schools that use Gameplan report an increase in student engagement, academic performance, attendance, and development in analytical skills.

LUVE Wellness Space

LUVE Wellness Space is developing an online platform that helps wellness entrepreneurs and -professionals to find venues to share their work. The nature of wellness industry is shifting more towards self employed health and wellness practitioners such as yoga & meditation teachers, personal trainers, life coaches, health therapists ect. These practitioners are working independently and they are mainly sharing their work remotely. Finding a perfect venue is hard and thats why we are developing a platform that brings inspiring venues to right people. At the same time theres a lot of ununtilised venues out there that could be used in wellness purposes. LUVE Wellness Space helps to increase the utilisation rate of these properties so that the owners can make more money. Right now if you are an entrepreneur looking for a place you need to search on Google. Google will suggest you different venues such as yoga or fitness studios. Then you have to email those studios and the whole process takes a lot of time for both sides. Through our service we provide venue owners a platform where they can easily list their venue and keep their calendar and prices up to date. For people looking for a venue we offer a handy filtering system so that they can find a venue that suits exactly to their needs. Theres a lot of unused potential among wellness entrepreneurs as well as wellness venues. LUVE Wellness Space helps both sides to utilise that potential more effectively. This will result more work for entrepreneurs, more diverse wellness services for people and more profit for venue owners. Both founders Laura and Elisa have been working in wellness industry for many years. The core reason for establishing LUVE Wellness Space was the deep passion to contribute to the well-being of society and bring more diversity into wellness industry. Laura: Having worked in the industry for many years and knowing a lot of amazing wellness professionals internationally made me think of how could all these important skills be brought to people. How could they deliver their work more freely? I found my way and started to rent other peoples studios and venues for my work. I soon noticed how difficult the process was for both sides. I started to talk with the venue owners and spotted a clear need for this service." Elisa: I was working for a big fitness centre chain and I always felt that I was not able to share my true unique gifts with people because the whole process was highly regulated and scripted. Why I'm so passionate about LUVE Wellness Space is that I know that through this service we can encourage fitness professionals to share their unique talents and skills more freely by bringing them facilities where they can be creative.

The Magnificent Frontend Consulting Company

Frontend-konsulenter og frilansere unite! Dette er oppstarten av nisje-konsulenthuset utelukkende for frontend-utviklere. Her skal frontend teknologi rendyrkes og styre fagmiljøet! Alle konsulenter er spesialister på ett eller flere JavaScript-rammeverk blandt React.js, Vue.js eller Angular, i tillegg til å ha sterk kompetanse på vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, SCSS/LESS, web design, responsivt design. Du får sjansen til å være med fra starten av; være medeier. Du får være med å forme selskapet, styrke fag-miljøet, velge nye kolleger, ta del i noe eget, sette kursen! Etter å ha lest dette så er det typisk to måter å reagere på; "Tja.., det høres interessant ut, men jeg vil nødig bytte kantine med den jeg har i dag...", eller "Ja! Dette høres spennede ut. Jeg vil vite mer!". Jeg vil bare snakke med den siste av dere. Helt uforpliktende selvfølgelig.


A Swedish startup with out of the box solutions. Our main areas of interest are: Robotics, Healthcare, AI, IoT and Automation. With global clients, LimeSense has successfully completed various projects in Middle-East, Asia, Europe and USA. We are experienced in building smart solutions enabling our today to access the future technology. As a full-service software and engineering firm, we develop innovative and even transformational applications. We have engineered indigenous solutions.

CxD - Child Experience Design

CxD is the producer of interactive and engaging learning environments for children. We aim towards learning in a more fun way as well as moving. This is done by emerging the physical elements of play with a digital layer in new interactive products. The first product is in the pipeline launching in April 2016: Hopspots. With 12 interactive Pads and a game station it is now possible to move and play while learning at the same time.


RØBBET er et digitalt markedsføringsbyrå som puster kreativitet og lever av resultater. Ønsker du å øke din synlighet og etablere merkevaren din på sosiale medier? Vi forstår at det å bygge merkevarebevissthet er avgjørende for vellykket markedsføring, og vi er her for å hjelpe. Vårt team har lang erfaring og vil bruke vår kompetanse til å bli kjent med deg, din virksomhet og dine målgrupper. Slik lager vi innhold og maksimerer markedsføringspotensialet ditt. Vi går dypt inn i virksomheten din for å finne den beste retningen for suksess – og vi vil gjøre det sammen med deg. Målet vårt er å hjelpe deg med å lage innhold som skiller seg ut og fanger oppmerksomheten til målgruppene dine. La oss hjelpe deg med å bygge en tilstedeværelse på flere sosiale medieplattformer og ta markedsføringsstrategien din til neste nivå.