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Prindit provides a simple service to measure and improve employee engagement and productivity through real-time analytics, smart feedback and measurable improvements


Med IAMRUNBOX© kan du inkludera träning i din vardag eller i dina resor. Boxen är designad för att hålla dina kläder och accessoarer på plats och helt och hållet skrynkelfria när du ger dig ut i livet. Denna moderna och svenskdesignade klädbox passar perfekt in i din aktiva vardag.

Huoleti Ltd

Huoleti empowers patients to cope throughout the treatement of severe illnesses. With Huoleti, you are never alone. You can easily invite your loved ones and friends to be beside you on your journey. Huoleti helps you find peers to share and network with, and you can grow stronger together. We support your loved ones by helping them build their own peer networks. Huoleti is there for you whether you are asking for, giving, or receiving help.


Cateringo - de beste cateringene i Oslo, Akershus og Norge samlet på ett sted. Sammenlikne priser - Bestill enkelt.Endelig slipper du å google deg gjennom cateringjungelen for å finne rett leverandør til ditt arrangement. På Cateringo finner du Norges største cateringmeny, og vi kan skreddersy menyer til ditt behov; bryllup, firmafest, lunsj - you name it.


We believe in a future where all repetitive and ungratifying work is taken care by machines. Usetrace replaces automated testing freeing more time for software engineers. We serve the global audience with the US as our focus market. Our typical customers are SaaS tech companies, agile software development consulting firms and enterprises whose business relies on web apps. Our team has a strong tech experience in building online service in startups and enterprise companies.

JodaCare as

JodaCare is a digital communication platform that connects family caregivers and the health personnel taking care of their loved ones. This is especially helpful if the patient has trouble with their memory or communication abilities, and therefore cannot share daily information about themselves to their different groups caregivers. JodaCare is excellent for nursing homes, assisted living facilities and home services.  In JodaCare we are a versatile group of people, all with different backgrounds and ages. We all have experience being either informal caregivers or health personnel. This gives us an unique insight in our end user needs.


Fyrlyd means Lighthouse Sound. We are an indie label based on the windswept Lista peninsula on the West coast of Norway. We create, perform and release music with a distinct, unique Nordic sound.

Doms Biltong

Biltong er eit tradisjonelt tørka og krydra kjøtprodukt frå Sør-Afrika. Ulike typar kjøt kan bli brukt, som storfe, struts og vilt. Ordet biltong stammar frå to nederlandske ord, «bil» og «tong». Bil betyr «rumpe» og tong betyr «strimmel» eller «tunge». Me i Doms Biltong bruker berre norsk storfekjøt i våre produkt. Nyt Biltong som eit mellommåltid med høgt proteininnhald, eller som turmat når som helst.


We have spent 4 years in developing the Staaker - it´s different and better - it does the filming for you. Just unfold the follow me drone, put on the tracker and let the Staaker do the job. It has the brain of a cameraman and the speed of an athlete. It measures g-forces, speed, air pressure, magnetic fields and up to 32 satellites in order to accurately locate you and your movements. Where you go - Staaker follows.

Corelation Software

Corelation Software forenkler professionelle servicevirksomheders arbejde ved at øge kundeloyalitet og mindske churn gennem en platform, der indsamler feedback og data fra kunder og medarbejdere. Vi anvender avancerede analysemetoder og AI til at revolutionere og forudsige fremtidens relationer mellem virksomheder, kunder og medarbejdere.


Experience moments, Capture memories. We're creating a community-driven platform dedicated to connecting travelers with local photographers. We're addressing the challenge travelers face in capturing high-quality, memorable moments during their trips. Currently, booking professional photographers while traveling is often expensive, time-consuming, and lacks local insights. Additionally, freelance photographers struggle to find clients and set competitive pricing independently. Hình provides a seamless solution that connects travelers with local photographers, offering affordable, hassle-free photoshoots and authentic local insights. This empowers photographers to turn their passion into profit and enhances the travel experience by highlighting the best spots and cultural experiences.

Marketplace for global industrial projects, services and subcontracting. is a high-end business platform created to bring together a wide range of professionals, companies, and organizations. Our goal is to help businesses start, grow, and succeed. We use smart technology, carefully designed solutions, and extensive services to build valuable connections with various external partners, making us a central hub for global business. Our core mission is to create a prosperous society built on successful, innovative businesses.


Lunsjkollektivet er en fleksibel og digital kantineløsning, som skal revolusjonere jobblunsjen. Vi har store planer for vekst de neste årene og skal etablere oss internasjonalt. Lunsjkollektivet ble gründet høsten 2017, og leverer i dag jobblunsj til bedrifter i Oslo og Bergen.Det å ta grønne valg i drift ligger i ryggmargen vår og dette skinner igjen i alle valg vi gjør. I alt fra hvordan vi velger å utvikle i plattformen vår, boksene maten vår serveres i til innholdet i hver lunsjrett.


Bino is a global platform for online personal training. Our mission is to lower the barriers for people to get fit while creating opportunities for trainers in countries where local demand is low. Working out is hard, but Bino makes it easy. With Bino, anyone can have a personal trainer and work out wherever, whenever - for less than ⅓ of the standard PT price. Train your way. When you want. No equipment is needed. It’s the closest you can get to someone else doing the workout for you. COVID-19 has created a difficult market locally for personal trainers due to lockdowns and closed gyms, but it has also accelerated the adoption of digital services. Bino is about creating opportunities and democratising the personal training industry for everyone.

Urban Essentials inspires women to get more in touch with their inner cycle, and natures cycles, through online courses. We drive "the feminine shift" forward in Norway, showing a new and more feminine way of working and living. We believe that through taking care of ourselves and our bodies, we will also take care of the environment around us, and in this way we indirectly work towards protecting Mother Earth.