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Waved is developing solutions to help restaurants, bars, hotels, and retail create a better atmosphere for their guests. Happy guests stay longer and spend more. By using IoT sensors to analyze the human-made noise, Waved automatically adjusts the music volume to a perfect level - no matter the circumstances. We make the restaurant and hospitality experience better, no more shouting to hold a conversation - the background music will always balanced. WHY WAVED? THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE The goal of restaurants, bars and other eating and drinking venues is to provide the best customer experience possible. The customer’s well-being is directly linked to the amount of money spent during their stay and the likelihood that they will return. THE IMPORTANCE OF SOUND Research has shown that a well composed sound environment has direct impact on how the guest’s overall experience and even how the taste of the food and drinks are perceived. LARGE INVESTMENTS IN SOUND EQUIPMENT Most restaurants and bars know how important the sound environment is for a good customer experience and it is common to spend thousands of dollars on sound equipment. WHAT DECIDES THE VOLUME? The volume is usually controlled manually by waiters or bartenders in-between their other duties. Lack of information and knowledge of the customers perception often lead to poor volume level decisions. THE SOLUTION IS WAVED Wall-mounted sensors are placed around the venue and listens to the sound environment. Waved’s brain is build around our self-developed algorithm. It has the ability to understand and evaluate the sound environment and is used to set the perfect sound volume in order to maximise the customer experience.

Sciar Company ltd.

In laboratories, human work and gathering data is frequently done in an old fashioned way. Data is gathered on paper and stored in folders, or in old fashioned and inflexible software databases. The heterogenous data is often insufficient and hard to interpret, while non-standardized operation procedures lead to human errors. Sciar Company solves this problem with an intuitive and agile software to manage protocols, data and projects, combined with next generation technologies to augment and simplify human work and gather more and better data.


Dealsign is an easy to use negotiation and contracting service in the cloud. Their mission is to make negotiating, signing and managing contracts easy and fast for mid-sized and large enterprises. Dealsign’s innovations make it possible to negotiate with multiple parties online, in real time, with no worries about versions and change histories.


Piceasoft is here to simplify your mobile life. Piceasoft solutions create new business opportunities and enable a cost-efficient service to mobile operators and retail chains. Our innovative products are disrupting mobile device buyback, repair and recycling business. Our software products are easy to use and offer added value to the end user, which means better ROI and user satisfaction. In short, we promise to Simplify Your Mobile Life.


Assetti is helping property investors and asset managers improve the way they work and provide better yield. Explore & identify the true potential of your assets and extend your business with Assetti!

Superplus Games

A mobile games developer from Helsinki, Finland, founded in 2015. We aim to make the best casual multiplayer games for mobile.


RoadCloud provides road weather and traffic information as a service. With dedicated hardware installed into carefully selected fleets of vehicles, we collect data that matters. The data is refined into information products providing unique opportunities for our customers and fleet partners. This data can be used, for example, in road maintenance and traffic monitoring, and in empowering autonomous driving systems. It's time we bring roads into the digital era.


We are building the largest video sharing social network for car enthusiasts who are passionate about the sounds of performance – Grumblo. Grumblo was founded in January 2016 by a group of petrol heads just like you. A place to discover, share and fuel their passion through car engine and exhaust sound videos.Fast forward 3 years, we have covered over 600 motorsport events and collaborated with prominent automotive industry brands and professional drivers.

Aay's Village

Aay’s Village er en norsk veldedig organisasjon startet i 2016, støttet av Kavlifondet. Vår hovedaktivitet finner sted i Laos, som er et veldig fattig land i sør-øst Asia. Jungellandsbyen vi opererer i tilbyr få og dårlige muligheter for barna der, spesielt innen utdanning.Aay's Village er drevet av et team på 4 fra Norge og Sverige, mens Aay er vår lokale initiativtaker som er daglig leder og lærer i vår lille skole.


Intresserad av att delta i ett innovativt startup samt vara en del av en otrolig bolagsresa? Ansök idag! Vi ska förändra hur små hantverksföretag arbetar i Sverige, norden och världen. Genom vår molnbaserade, skalbara & anpassningsbara plattform. MyGizmo är en ny projekthanterings- och sammarbetsplattform som ger småföretagaren en snabb översikt och kontroll över sin verksamhet, från offert- utfört arbete till fakturering. Vilket höjer kvaliteten och gör kunden mer effektiv och lönsam.


Cuutio makes it easy to monitor your Google visibility and competitive situation online and to focus on actions that will improve search engine visibility permanently. Manage your keywords, see how your Google positions improve and know which content your visitors see. Be always on top of your competitive situation with Cuutio’s amazing market share visualizations. Keep track of your visibility development, understand your content performance and competitor landscape.

Tendo - For people, not symptoms

Grasp life with the support of Tendo – a soft exoskeleton, a robotic glove, which assist a person to grip, hold and release objects. It’s created for people who struggles with daily activities due to e.g.a a stroke or spinal cord injury. By combining the users voice with revolutionary robotics, Tendo helps people to regain their independence while addressing a global healthcare challenge by reducing the strain on the care sector and enabling users to contribute to society once again. We are currently a team consisting of seven people - four full-time workers and 3 interns and we are mainly located at Ideon Innovation. You are welcome to contact us if you are interested in contributing, taking a closer look at the incubator, playing some board games or just to grab a beer or two!


Kidnovation is the world's first innovation lab for children around the world.We offer social impact tools for therapy and integration, and our children's media is inclusive and empowering. We do it differently from others: our solutions are science-based, we storytell them as a grand adventure, then add amazing art by award-winning artists.Our specialists are from 13 countries! We produce books, apps, workshops , and soon virtual reality. A report by BBC World has covered our achievements.


Dansk virksomhed med fokus på at øge danskernes forståelse for økonomi online. Både for nybegyndere og dem med den grundlæggende viden i orden. Vi fokuserer på alle emner fra budget til investering og alt herimellem. Vi hjælper med at skaffe kunderne de bedste finansielle aftaler, og sørger for at de er opdateret omkring hvad der sker på de finansielle markeder.

Pricecloud ApS

Pricecloud er danmarks nye pris-sammenlignings tjeneste, vi tilbyder som er gratis for både butikker og besøgende. Foruden prismatch er det muligt for brugere at anmelde og diskutere både butikker og produkter. Vi crawler alle de netbutikker vi finder hvilket gør os væsentligt mere relevante at søge i. Som noget nyt er vores smiley ordning for netbuikker på vej. En service hvor vi anmelder butikkerne professionelt ved at gøre testkøb.