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Showing: 10161 filtered startups

Rentarage AS

GARAGE RENTAL – BY THE HOUR! WE CONNECT GARAGE OWNERS WITH CAR OWNERS WHO WANT TO WORK ON THEIR CARS Got a garage and want to rent it out for cash – by the hour? connects people like yourself with car owners who are looking to do odd jobs on their cars, but lack a suitable space to do the work. It’s like airbnb – for garage owners!


Fersk Fangst AS eier marked Fersk Fangst. Et digitalt marked for handel av lokal mat. Vi gir bønder, fiskere, jegere og alle andre som driver med lokal mat en plattform hvor de kan nå ut til det private markedet på en enkel og effektiv måte. Dette har lenge vært en problemstilling, hvor slike produsenter og innehavere av matvareprodukter ikke når ut til det private markedet, samt at private kjøpere ikke vet hvor de kan få tak i slike varer på en enkel måte. Lokalmat markedet, sammen med friluftsopplevelser, jakt og fiske er et stort marked i Norge og norden, Fersk fangst skal bli den foretrukne plattformen for slik handel.

WiseHouse AS

Based on 35 years of experience as a pioneer in the learning industry and my work on organizational and leadership development, I have seen the need to improve work and learning processes to achieve better results.WiseHouse AS Less risk more value! Specialists in risk analysis and improvement of work processes, using AI technology. Our digital tools collect and compile data as a basis for causal analysis and prioritization of areas of improvement and specific measures. The solution is cloud-based and sold under license. We offer onboarding packages, consulting services and certification of internal consultants.

Tigeni AS

We are simplifying personal health control, by making clinically proven testing readily available to the public. Tigeni is a healthcare and technology company that makes blood screening convenient, safe and monitorable in a simple, personal and secure health dashboard. Tigeni offers at-home-finger-prick-test, monitoring and test results with professional lifestyle guidance, accessible on PC and mobile. Through innovation, information and motivation, we are empowering our customers to take control of their health and live better lives.

Besen Group AS

The Electrical Vehicle market in Norway is exploding and more than every 2nd car sold is now electric. With this also the accessories market is exploding. Besen Group AS is a "spinoff" from Grønne Mil AS which created the market standard for sales of electric vehicle accessories to consumers in Norway already in 2015. While Grønne Mil AS is a B2C business offering a wide scope of products, Besen Group AS is a local agent and distributor of the largest cables and charging station producer in China, Besen International Group AS. The aim is to cover the entire value chain with both Besen Group AS in Norway and Grønne Mil AS. Besen Group International in China is transferring customers for local handling and development.

Le Wagon Norway AS

Le Wagon is a coding boot camp that teaches students to develop web applications from scratch. Our cutting-edge curriculum and world-class teachers give students all the skills and tools needed to kick-start their tech career, land a job as software developers or product managers, or launch their own startup.

Smartbygg Nord AS

Smarte løsninger for alle bygg! Smartbygg’s idé er å levere smarte produkter og/eller tjenester-løsninger til sine kunder. Som smarte produkter regner vi med alle typer byggearbeid, systeminnredning og tilhørende. Til alle våre prosjekter skal vi bruke aktivt digitale verktøy og alle våre ansatte skal ha denne kunnskapen. Vi er nesten papirløs! Nybygg, rehabilitering, tilbygg, bolig eller nærigsbygg i form totalentreprise, deltentreprise eller underentreprise. Flerfaglig sammenstilling. 3D, 4D, 5D BIM kalkulasjon og prosjektstyring. Tradisjonelt tømrer eller systeminnredning. Akustikk og prosjektering. Vi jobber fortsatt med å utvikle vårt sortiment og vår målsetning er å dekke komplett kundens behov. Står gjerne til tjeneste! er et av Norges raskest voksende e-læringsselskaper. Vi har 18 000 registrerte medlemmer og våre nettkurs har over 1 million visninger. Vi har kunder fra bedrifter som: Adresseavisen, Amedia, Ark Bokhandel, CDON, Hegnar, IKEA, NAV, Nordea, NRK, Oslo kommune, Oslo Spektrum, Storebrand, Teknisk Ukeblad, Telenor, Utdanningsforbundet og VG.

Attracted AS

Digitalbyrå som tilbyr tjenester innen digital markedsføring og webdesign. Med utgangspunkt i kundenes behov utvikler vi en strategisk og proaktiv plan i tråd med organisasjonens mål og kvalitetssikrer målrettet og kostnadseffektiv markedsføring. Vår brede medieerfaring sikrer kunnskap om hvor, når og hvordan man skal kommunisere for å tiltrekke de rette kundegruppene. Med tilpasset budskap og målrettet annonsering hjelper vi våre kunder med merkevarebygging, økt salg og generell synlighet i digitale flater. Vi tilbyr tjenester innen: - Medierådgivning, kampanjeadministrasjon, annonsedistribusjon, avtalehåndtering, rapportering og analyse. - Design og produksjon av annonser, nettsider og kampanjemateriell - Produksjon av innhold for nett. - Kommunikasjon i sosiale medier (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, m.v.) Vi utfører alt fra enkeltoppdrag til faste timeavtaler for bedrifter som har behov for fast hjelp til å utføre bedriftens markedsarbeid.


I started UVanTECH based on my experience in Automation and water treatment systems for the public, fish farming, offshore, and Ballast water treatment systems. There is now an international requirement that all ships, in commercial operation, must install Ballast water treatment systems. In UVanTECH we make UV powers that require 50% less space and reduce power consumption by 25% The product is patented and tested according to international marine standards. A contract is signed whit a major actor in the Ballast water market. The Business area is: - UV Powers for rough environments - Consultant and service for UV Systems, Filters, Flowmeters, Flow and Pressure Control valves. - Ballast water treatment systems for ships (BWT) - Fish Farms and Aquaculture - General Water treatment

TimeCloud AS

TimeCloud er et automatisk og mobilt system for planlegging og håndtering av vaktlister/arbeidslister. TimeCloud inneholder alt du behøver for å få full oversikt og full fleksibilitet. I pakken får du vaktplanlegger, vaktbytting, timeregistrering, personallister og behandling av forespørsler fra de ansatte. Og alt er selvfølgelig mobilt!TimeCloud ble startet med det formål å effektivisere vaktlisteprosessen for alle selskaper som har arbeidslister, på en ryddig, rimelig og effektiv måte. TimeCloud er et selskap med stor lidenskap for å gjøre din arbeidsdag enklere, gjennom innovasjon og smarte løsninger.

TradingFoe AS

TradingFoé is a Norwegian marketplace platform which connects Norwegian and Asian businesses. We are providing the best sales methodologies and international portal that help company approach right and on-time partners, increase sales and open new markets. Building a fully integrate platform across the country border, from the product in warehouse of a seller, to the inventory of the buyer, federated in trustful system, right and in-time partners, transparent smart contracts. This is Vikr™. TradingFoe platform is using matchotify algorithms, the most powerful and simple solution called Vikr™.

Vili Ve Group s.u.

We develop business with positive impact on the environment and society – creating more with less based on game changing new technologies. Our ambition is to create synergies of resources available, from the Earth, from research and between people and networks. Therefore, we have chosen Vili Vé as our name, from the two brothers of Odin who created fjords and mountains out of the resources available from Ymir. Our focus areas are cleantech and life science, our primary market is Europe and Asia, our customers and partners are major manufacturers, distributors, B2B customers and consulting companies. Our team, communication and style reflects diversity and openness, and our teamwork is based on dedication and trust. We want our customers and partners to experience us as competent, genuine and attentive – and proactively focusing on win-win solutions.

Alfa Audio Solutions AS

Alfa Audio Solutions AS is a competitive service-oriented company with long and solid experience in audiovisual solutions. With over 30 years of work in this field, we offer smart, user-friendly and reliable AV solutions, focusing on customer needs and wishes. Our services are aimed at businesses, businesses and the private market. We offer everything from simple installations to complex meeting room solutions. Video conferencing systems with Skype for Business, information screens and digital signage for your advertising message. Interactive tables for teaching and classrooms.

Elife AS

Elife E-bikesWe design and import components directly from industries (Germany etc.) and handmake e-bikes in Norway. This is the 3 rd year for us, we have our shop in Oslo and started our focus on developing&producing. We have distributors in Norway and Iceland. Our advantage is that all our competitors can be potential partners. In 2018, we have handmade the lightest three-seater "e-bike-car" in the world - iCloud. It allows 2 People to pedal at the same time. It protects you from bad weather & has a 150L trunk. Its battery range is 200km.