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Showing: 10161 filtered startups

Hitta Box är Sveriges första jämförelsesajt för prenumerationsboxar och eftersom vi inte själva tillhandahåller egna prenumerationsboxar till privatkonsumenter* är vi en oberoende tredjepart. Nya leverantörer av boxar och prenumeranter tipsar om nya boxar och hjälper oss att ha stenkoll på framförallt svenska prenumerationsboxar. Vårt mål är att fortsätta vara först med det senaste och leverera trovärdigt innehåll till gagn för både boxleverantörer och konsumenter.


We are a small team of creatives, engineers, designers and artists who met in Sweden. Our goal is to create intelligent and inspiring products with the absolute WOW factor.


Elastisys provides products and services for scalable and responsive IT systems, with an emphasis on predictive auto-scaling with multi-cloud capabilities. Elastisys products and services extend on decades of internationally leading research in distributed systems, high performance computing, and autonomous management of virtualized resources. Elastisys was founded in 2011 and is a spin-off company from the renown distributed systems research group at Umeå Universitet

Herbert Syrups

Herbert Syrups was brought to life out of pure love to the traditional syrup craft and respect to the nature combined with the all-natural ingredients and visible influence by the modern bar & culinary scene. Herbert syrups now represents the community of enthusiastic young people creating surreal and unexpected flavor combinations, which you are going to fall in love with.

Tixio helps you organize and index the tools and informations your company uses on daily basis. Help us get better, so you can work better. lets you manage your company’s users, and usergroups. So you can decide who gets access to what, and what they are aloud to change and add/remove. Let us help you manage you company in the best possible way. We are looking for the best, and most motivated!  Shout out if you want to learn more.

FORESIGHT - Climate & Energy

FORESIGHT Climate & Energy is the essential read on the global transition to a decarbonised energy economy Climate change is at the top of the political agenda. Governments are promising to do much more to move from a fossil fuel economy to one based on renewable energies and greater efficiency. But there is a world of difference between knee-jerk reactions and well-thought-out change for long-term climate and societal gain. FORESIGHT Climate & Energy bridges that difference. Its in-depth articles and expert opinions identify actionable solutions that will work long term and map their development paths to a clean energy economy. FORESIGHT Climate & Energy is the essential read on the global energy transition. Led by our Editor-in-Chief in London, our international network of expert journalists and writers report on what really matters, without fear or favour. Our content is intelligent and knowledgeable, and designed to look good, digitally and in print. We focus on how to achieve thriving renewable energy markets and liveable cities through the right mix of policy, regulatory, financial and technology initiatives. We publish top quality in-depth articles and expert opinions on our website every week and a high quality magazine twice a year focused on a specific theme. Over 100,000 policymakers, energy experts in business, finance and academia, city leaders and leading NGOs have access to our website, while our magazine is read by over 60,000 influential stakeholders.

Huoleti Ltd

Huoleti empowers patients to cope throughout the treatement of severe illnesses. With Huoleti, you are never alone. You can easily invite your loved ones and friends to be beside you on your journey. Huoleti helps you find peers to share and network with, and you can grow stronger together. We support your loved ones by helping them build their own peer networks. Huoleti is there for you whether you are asking for, giving, or receiving help.


vCompany – for your online benefit Do you know how much you earned in the past week? Google Analytics shows you your revenue, but what are your profits? How well does your marketing work? vCompany’s plugins for Google Analytics gives you the answer.  vCompany is not like the others. We offer analysis tools and add-ons for e.g. Google Analytics that gives a true picture of your profits and your competitors. Tools that you cannot find elsewhere.

Nordic Adventours

We believe that it should be as easy to find, plan and book activities for outdoor enthusiasts, as it is for urban tourists. Outdoor guides in the Nordics are far less digital than their clients. For that reason we developed an online platform dedicated to unlocking the adventures of the north by overcoming the communication gap between them. Nordic Adventours is enabling even the smallest adventure tourism companies to market themselves and to better communicate to and with their clients.

Dazzle Rocks

Dazzle Rocks is a games startup based in Helsinki, Finland. We're building a groundbreaking multiplatform social MMO that has never before been seen on the market. The product is a mix between engaging and non-violent gameplay mixed with deeply integrated social experiences. Players explore a vast world with lots of things to do from harvesting to building and creating completely new experiences for others. We have formed a fun-loving, international team from various backgrounds of art and technology and we're looking for likeminded people to join our success story and growth. Our unique and ambitious project offers endless amounts of learning and development possibilities and a cutting edge tech stack to work with. Seamless collaboration and effective communication is at the heart of everything we do. If you're looking to join a fast-moving and growing start up, we just might be the perfect match!

Iny Group AS

Iny Group want to disrupt the old ways of advertising through banners and signs, by offering the business a new way to reach their customers digitally on their smartphones. By using beacons and personalized app, the users will only receive relevant offers.We are developing:- Iny Prox (platform for companies to reach costumers by using beacon technology) - API (implement our solution into existing app)- Iny App (personalized app for customers)


EIMS 2C develops, markets and offers a cloud-based SaaS for the global exhibition industry. The service is registered under the name FAIRYSCOPE, and enables exhibitors to freely upload and distribute their marketing information to visitors, generating more leads than today, Visitors no longer need to carry the bag, and can with our app easy find, organize and distribute the information to colleagues and friends, through the system or through social media. Looking for a partner with broad IT skills!

Backup Bird helping people backup their MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MariaDb database to their favorite cloud provider.  You can select the cloud provider you want to use: Amazon S3 FTP Dropbox Google Drive OneDrive You just sign up and let Backup Bird do the rest. From our dashboard you can take backup of all your databases.


MELK er et skeivt kulturtidsskrift med det formål å belyse, synliggjøre og formidle skeiv kulturhistorie i Norge, med særskilt fokus på perspektiver som er marginalisert innenfor LHBTiQ-historie. Majoriteten av de som jobber med og for MELK i alle ledd er skeive: redaktører, designere, illustratører og tekstforfattere. Selv om heterofile også er velkomne som både bidragsytere og selvfølgelig som lesere.  MELKs redaksjon består av Anna Nafstad og Martine Johansen

Geniads ApS

Geniads er et konsulentbureau specialiseret i betalt markedsføring på søgemaskiner som Google, Bing osv.. Virksomheden blev stiftet i starten af 2013 og omfatter i øjeblikket omkring 50 forskellige kunder. Vi er således en startup virksomhed med fokus på, ikke blot at skabe gode resultater for vores kunder, men ligeledes at involvere dem i et transparent og ærligt samarbejde. Vores værdier går på åbenhed, ærlighed og god service – værdier der desværre ikke altid gennemstrømmer branchen.