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KIND is an international, multi-award winning, full-service branding agency.Our team of experts in design, strategy, positioning and content, is spread across the world. This global presence has helped us to create iconic, award-winning, emotive work for market-leading companies across wildly diverse markets. Our work is different. It’s one of a KIND.

Northern Beat

Vi skaper bruker­opplevelser som engasjerer, konverterer og begeistrer.Vi er her for å hjelpe deg med å finne ut hva du skal bruke dine digitale kanaler til. Vi er blant de beste i landet på å jobbe ut verdiskapende kommunikasjonskonsepter.


VIBRO er en plattform for samfunnsengasjert ungdom og unge voksne som ønsker å ha en personlig utvikling og gjøre en meningsfull forskjell. Vi legger særlig vekt på mangfold, sosial entreprenørskap og kreativt lederskap, og jobber for at alle unge mennesker skal utnytte sitt eget potensiale gjennom ulike former for kompetanseheving og prosjektarbeid. Hos oss har den unge generasjonen en reell mulighet til å påvirke sine omgivelser og samfunnet de lever i på en progressiv måte. Alle våre prosjekter planlegges og gjennomføres av ungdom, for ungdom.Vi er et rekrutteringsfirma for internshipordninger i anerkjente bedrifter i Norge. Vi legger her stor vekt på global kompetanse som en kreativ ressurs blant studenter og bedrifter, der vi kvalitetssikrer studenter gjennom ulike screeningprosesser. Formålet er å dra frem konkurransedyktige kandidater med flerkulturell bakgrunn eller som har god kulturforståelse, og øke bevissthet rundt nytten og verdien dette gir til arbeidsplassen. På den måten jobber vi parallelt med behovene til studentene, og markedsverdien til bedriftene.I tillegg har vi et nettbasert magasin som legger vekt på å fremme meningene og erfaringene til unge personer på tvers av kulturelle og geografiske grenser, og setter dermed søkelys på de stemmene som sjeldent blir hørt i medie-Norge. VIBRO er støttet av blant annet Kronprinsparets Fond, IMDI og Reach for Change.TIDLIGERE PROSJEKTERVIBROs første prosjekt var tv-konseptet "Nye forbilder". Serien ble lansert våren 2014, og portretterer mennesker gjennom flere episoder som fungerer som forbilder og rollemodeller for ungdom i Norge.


LIVE WITH PEOPLE THAT INSPIRE YOU! Coliving help young professionals live with purpose and share their passion. Find coliving-communities anywhere in the world. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely. Because of that, we started a website to list all Coliving-spaces around the world, where like-minded people can Live, work & play.  Coliving & coworking.

Ponti & Sofia ApS

I own Ponti & Sofia ApS, a small agency based in Copenhagen, which arranges holiday home rentals in Italy and other activities and services, such as events and weddings in Italy for Danish customers. My website is built on Joomla and it needs to be updated regularly with pictures and texts in Danish about holiday rentals and other activities and services that I offer, such as events and weddings in Italy. er et online iværksættermiljø, der arbejder tæt sammen med nye startups for at sikre deres succes. Gennem personlige mentorforløb og inspirerende events skaber vi en platform, hvor iværksættere kan vækste og opbygge økonomisk bæredygtige forretninger. Vi har været i gang i lidt over 6 år, og er i dag knap 60 iværksættere fordelt over hele landet. Medlemmerne består primært af webshops, konsulenter (marketing, foto, web), håndværkere og servicefolk (vinduespudser, haveservice, coaches). Selv er vi placeret i København, med et kontor i hjertet af Frederiksberg.


Vi er et dansk tøj brand i stor vækst, som søger nye, spændende mennesker til at blive en del af vores rejse. Med over +10.000 glade kunder og en tilstedeværelse i flere markeder internationalt er vi klar til at skulle udvikle os yderligere og dette kræver at udvide teamet, men individer som kan se samme potentiale som os i projektet.

Failup Ventures

Failup Ventures is a new globally operating early-stage venture capital fund. Founded by three previous Finnish entrepreneurs and angel investora – Failup Ventures backs early-stage startups with strong, mission-driven teams. Failup’s typical initial investments range from 200K€ to 1M€ with the capability to follow up with larger tickets.


Faciplay was founded with a lifelong dream in mind: to create games that not only reflect our passion but also bring joy and engagement to others. This endeavor marks our ambitious and creative entry into the world of game development. At Faciplay, our mission is to create authentic games for explorative minds. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where the gaming industry is overloaded with flashy graphics and shallow gameplay experiences, we recognize the need for genuine content. We understand games' profound influence on your thoughts and emotions, so we're dedicated to crafting experiences that spark curiosity and nurture creativity.

We're launching Finland's first Amazon-like marketplace exclusively for vegan products. Our platform offers a curated selection from independent producers, subscription options, and custom food boxes. With innovative initiatives for fresh/frozen goods, we're revolutionizing how Finns shop for plant-based foods online.


We are Bsure and we help optimize license spend and enhance user security through insight to a companies user base We have seen that the old processes companies used does not work in the world of cloud, so we help them gain better insight and enable cost optimization and enhanced security on their user base. This is done through a managed application, and not in the traditional way of building a SaaS service. This gives instant trust with the customer, and makes the process for acquiring our product much easier. Our team has long experience in the IT industry and experienced the challenges first hand, which is why we decided to start Bsure. We want to help companies become more efficient and aware of what happens on a cloud journey


At Droppa we are on a mission to liberate e-commerce from bad returns. High return rates remain one of the toughest challenges in the e-commerce industry and Droppa is committed to making an impact and solving this problem, for merchants and the environment. Our return management platform fuels e-commerce brands by giving them the tools needed to battle returns. By utilizing our platform we give brands insights on how to reduce returns, while also helping them convert inbound returns to exchanges. This leads to less return, higher revenue, and reduced environmental impact. That's what we call a win-win!

CollectiveAction Aps

It’s about culture: We are on a mission to empower employees to take a co-ownership for their workplace culture! We provide company-wide social well-being events to build a physical and mental well-being culture among employees. With our platform employees can build healthy habits with colleagues and friends & family. We develop tools for teams to take co-ownership of their team culture. We are a small 'get-shit-done' bootstrapped team that over the last 3 years has succeeded in developing and selling a software product to a handful of the most well-known Danish companies.


For entrepreneurs, For learners, and For job-seekers. Whether you want to practice a foreign language with a native speaker, need help with homework from a senior student, or want to learn a new skill from an industry expert. On our platform, you will find the right person who will be happy to support you in your journey.


FysioScout is developing a platform, in the shape of an app and a Dashboard to physiotherapists and their patients to help them facilitate the course of treatment and keep track of the progress by a personalised exercise experience. Many physiotherapists spent enormous time finding and handing over the right exercises to their patients in big pre made libraries without the possibility to even personalise the conduction of the exercises. That means that both the physiotherapists are wasting important time that could have been used more efficient while the patients do not get the personalised program that they need to fully recover from the injury. This happens everyday in every physiotherapist clinic and is a huge problem since more and more evidence based studies show that personalised exercises given to the patients are way more efficient - both when it comes to actually conducting the exercises the right way but also when finding the motivation. That's what we want to change! We have made a solution where the physiotherapist can easily use their own camera on their smartphone to record the patient doing the exercise while giving instructions. The exercises are given in the moment of the treatment and does not have to be done at the end of the day many hours after the patient left. Also the patient gets an easy overview of the personalised video instructions and the possibility to actually track the progress of the injury to make sure that they are on the right path. They can give feedback on the conduction of the exercise and get a graph of the progression to keep the motivation high. At the end the physiotherapist can integrate the data done through the app to their journal and save a huge amount of time since they do not have to manually write the journal. We found a need in the market to make to make the hand over of the exercises more smooth. On of the founding partners is a physiotherapist himself and both founding partners have played football at a high level in Denmark. We were tired of getting printed paper with bad drawings of exercises that were not personalised our body when we got injuries. Also we find the physiotherapist business very old school and wanted to change this through a modern software setup. This was our motivation to get started and we have an inner fire to succeed. The feedback we get is that there is not any other services made for exercises that is as easy, intuitive, relevant and quick to use.