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4straction Oy

Living Strategy® is a software platform to bridge the gap between strategy and action in businesses. It provides key management tools working together to connect your business and drive the decision-making. We solve critical problems in today´s management in SMB and midcap companies where Information is fragmented around multiple systems. Time and money is wasted on manual processes and management group time is lost on non-strategic issues. People are not participated to strategy process and therefore they are not engaged to execution. 4straction collects and updates automatically internal and external data and visualize fragmented information into easy to understand form. It shares information to the right people at the right time to increase understanding and engagement of the organization. 4straction is a unique software platform to manage your whole business in SMB. It helps to exploit AI and automation for actionable insights and makes your monitoring of the competitive and operating environment efficient and automated. Our years of experience in corporate management operations have convinced us of the effect of strategy work and its implementation on the improvement of a company’s increase in value. All too often, strategy is only seen as a tool for the management, and this may result in the true potential of a company remaining undiscovered. By combining our experience in the software business with the coaching in the management strategy work, and with entrepreneurship and high targets, we have an excellent starting point for solving the management challenges of our customers.

EnklereData - easy as Ludo

The goal of EnklereData (EasierData) is to make systems and data easier for you. Your SMB strugle in usage of software and apps mainly because they all behave and look differently. We have made it easier by developing MS Excel apps with its known user interface and behavior. This is our Excel apps/templates: 1. EnklereData BI (Graphical analyses)2. EnklereData CRM3. EnklereData Accounting/Invoicing4. EnklereData Sallary5. EnklereData Year to endTake a look at our demos on The basic idea that started the project EnklereData was when I was challenged by a client why all the software we made was so complex to use and understand. He said : why don't you use Excel, "everybody" knows Excel ! But, hi said, don't use programming/macros only formulas to secure it keeps the simple look and behaviour.After some sleepless nights I decided to show him, and here it is !

Findino IVS

Findino er en sammenligningstjeneste, der skal hjælpe forbrugeren med at overskue markedet og finde frem til den bedste løsning. For alle danskere har hver deres præferencer.Vi stiller oversigter, værktøjer og gode tips til rådighed, så du kan sammenligne de lån, a-kasser og mobilabonnementer, der matcher dine behov. Prissammenligning er blevet en fast bestanddel af forbrugermarkedet og vi ser mange fordele ved at benytte sig af dette som forbruger. Se mere på

Presser Oy

Presser is a Finnish, privately owned content and influential marketing company. We specialize in premium quality publications with commercial content. Presser publishes high profile specialist interviews in widely circulated print media in Finland and internationally. All content is supported with digital publishing.


We are a company that sells supplements for sport, fitness and bodybuilding. We are offering the cheapest products in our field of business. Our product assortiment is updated the whole time with the newest products from USA and Europe. We can also help our customers in choosing the best products for them and their fitness goals.

MotionPro Oy

MotionPro Oy is an owner-managed company based in Finland and specialized in animated videos. In addition to explainer videos, we also provide short commercials for cinema, TV, and YouTube advertising. We are in love with customized top quality explainer videos and enjoy producing them for our versatile customers ranging from small enterprises, start-ups, medium-sized companies, as well as global corporations to governmental organizations and NGO's.

Missing Maps

The Missing Maps project maps the most vulnerable places in the developing world.  Building on the excellent work done by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and others in mapping as emergency response, the Missing Maps Project aims to map the places in the world where the most vulnerable people live in a proactive way. Instead of responding to a natural disaster, conflict or epidemic, regions vulnerable to crises are identified and mapped in anticipation of crises, meaning that when one occurs, local people, NGOs and other responders can start using the maps and the data from the word go, saving valuable time, and potentially, lives.The Missing Maps Project is an open collaboration founded by the American Red Cross, the British Red Cross, Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT) and Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

Hva Bygges

Hva Bygges er samlingspunktet for byggeprosjekter. Utbyggerne har ubrukt potensial i å henvende seg til publikum. Folk er nysgjerrige, de produserer data, og lar seg påvirke av markedsføring. Går man i dag forbi et byggeprosjekt er det ikke alltid lett å få informasjon om det. Vi ønsker å lage en portal som gjør at man alltid vet hvor man skal finne mer informasjon. Gjennom portalen kan publikum få informasjon om type bygg, hvem som er prosjekteier og entreprenør, hvordan prosjektet påvirker trafikk og støy i nærområdet, samt en oversikt over fremdrift. Utbyggerne kan vise til god byggeskikk gjennom BREEAM compliance og annet miljøavtrykk. Man kan kommunisere med nærområdet og andre interessenter om pågående arbeider. Prosjekteiere kan også markedsføre bygget sitt - før det er ferdig. Vi har peil på digital markedsføring, og ser stort potensial for byggebransjen her. Hva Bygges tilrettelegger for å hente publikumsdata som sier noe om hva markedet etterspør. For eksempel: Om mange søker på 2-romsleilighet i Asker kan det si noe om potensiell fortjeneste for et nytt byggeprosjekt i dette området. Dette er verdifull informasjon for utbyggerne. Businessmodellen er altså at utbyggere og prosjekteiere betaler for markedsføring, kommunikasjonskanal og data. Vi er 3 stk som har jobbet med dette peu à peu på fritiden over et års tid, men er nå klar for å gi gass! Hva Bygges fører innbyggere og utbyggere nærmere hverandre. På den måten kan vi bygge et bedre samfunn, sammen.


We help farmers become more efficient and create transparency across the farm commodity value chain.    Grainit - a SaaS platform that track farm commodities in order to give farmers realtime overview of inventory and make smarter choices. By tracking commodities throughout the farm value chain then we also know what livestock eats - creating valuable transparency to the industry and consumers.   Join us and help the Ag industry become smarter and create a more transparent Food System!  We might not be the coolest bunch of people on the block, but we are passionate about helping farmers and create Food System transparency! We are a small team with big ambitions! We are attacking an industry and problem that has been underserved and needs talented people - you can make a difference! We love to give people a chance to prove themselves and grow! One size does not fit all - we make room for diversity!


Karün is an eyewear company based in Patagonia, Chile. We are making high quality eyewear in a different way, where each frame has a direct impact on environment and society. We are sourcing our raw materials through our social program and currently use recycled fishing nets, wind-fallen trees and recycled jeans as materials for our 3 collections.  Converting a product into a symbol of change, we want to invite the people to look the world from a different point of view.

Pointscene is the media for 3D information. Our solution is developed by 3point Ltd, a Finnish startup company specialized in 3D data services for customer-specific needs vastly within the built infrastructure, for planning, construction, and maintenance. Our key players are drone, GIS, mapping, 3D-modeling and land surveying enthusiasts with a vast local and international experience in collection, processing, refinement, analysis, and interpretation of geographic information.


"To travel is to live"" Hans Christian Andersen I'm sure you agree, but where should you go?  BilligeRejser.Nu is on a mission to change the way you find and plan your vacation. We want to simplify the travel planning process and believe unique and personalized travel experiences should be for everyone and all this at an affordable price too.

Otovo Solar

At Otovo we’re building the energy company of the future. We’re currently hiring to drive this revolution. We believe that homeowners and businesses should be able to get cheap and clean energy in a simpler way, that is more fun and puts them in control rather than the large utilities. We’re currently hiring to drive this revolution.

PeeFence ApS

Put an End to the Stench!With Peefence, it is easier than ever to provide great sanitation everywhere at outdoor event sites. Through an engaging experience, you let your audience contribute to better & healthier surroundings, creating incentive for customers to return year after year.While solving a major infrastructural problem, Peefence provides a completely platform for outdoor advertisement & sponsoring, by using the large graphics area on the eco-friendly Peefence urinal.


Ordrestyring er Danmarks førende indenfor timesagsstyring til håndværkere. Vi arbejder hver dag benhårdt på, at tilbyde vores kunder det bedste, mest intuitive og nemmeste redskab til at holde overblik over deres forretning.  Vores cloudbaserede løsning gør det nemt for håndværkeren at registrere timer, oprette ordrer, kvalitetsikre samt fakturere. De har altid direkte adgang via app eller pc.