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Showing: 10104 filtered startups

Nature Preserve

Nature Preserve ( is a foodtech company that re-engineers avoidable food surplus into a range of healthy ingredients and products, including LOVI (, a smoothie brand made from 100% natural and upcycled ingredients. Fighting food waste never tasted better.

We Encourage Oy Ltd

✨AINO - A conversational AI tool for victims of domestic violence✨ To support our mission towards equality, We Encourage builds a conversational Artificial Intelligence tool AINO for providing psycho-social support and guidance to women victims of intimate partner violence, gender-based violence, and promoting sexual and reproductive health. Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women’s human rights. Global estimates published by WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. The AI tool is expected to act as a reliable source of information for women on their rights and where to seek different levels of support. The tool will be providing step by step recommendations to victims and act as a helping friend. This intervention is expected to address a chronic development issue and to have a cross-cutting impact on SDG 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) and SDG 5 ( Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls). Furthermore, the AI tool could also help in building a network for anonymous peer to peer support networks among users who are experiencing similar incidents. The tool is build in collaboration with violence survivors, professionals, and collaborating NGOs. ✨We Encourage CSR - YOUR PARTNER IN BUILDING THE BEST SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM ✨ Half of a company’s reputation is based on the public’s feelings about what the company is doing to support the community. Therefore, having a well-established CSR program is essential for businesses that want to improve their branding to stakeholders and customers. We Encourage is here to help you build the best CSR program.


Carinafour is the leading-edge company in developing and operating modern production systems and supply chain processes. We at Carinafour are committed to generating renewal, growth, and higher performance in industrial ecosystems through constant improvement of our customers’ processes. Our operating environment consists of different actors in industrial ecosystems. Carinafour offers growth and performance enhancing services for its customers by providing development and operation services that improve different aspects of production and manufacturing at the customer’s site. At Carinafour, we are committed to steering our customers towards industry leadership. Currently, we employ approximately 50 employees.

Särkifood Oy

Särkifood Oy:n rohkeana missiona on hyödyntää miljoona (1 000 000) kiloa kotimaisia särkikaloja vuosittain. Siinä missä monien kalalajien ylikalastus on ongelma, parantaa särkikalojen kalastaminen vesistöjemme tilaa poistamalla sieltä rehevöittäviä ravinteita. Lisäksi särkikalat ovat erittäin hyvä ja maukas proteiininlähde.

CORO, Co-lab Roskilde

CORO, Co-lab er Roskildes innovationslaboratorie, der skaber vækst, vi er stolte af. Vi identificerer muligheder, indgår i nye relationer og innoverer for at løse samfundets udfordringer. Medlemmer samarbejder på tværs af sektorer og beriges med ny viden og nye løsninger, der skaber værdi. Innovation skabes i krydsfeltet mellem videninstitutioner, virksomheder og offentlige organisationer. CORO forbinder beslutningstagere, driver udviklingsprojekter og giver adgang til events og testplatforme.

Angel Challenge AS

Angel Challenge is a workshop-based program to train Angel Investors and to accelerate startups.  Our mission is to build a stronger startup ecosystem by professionalizing the startup investing industry, activating more angel investors, making the investments more visible, and more startups investable.

Lendo (NO)

Lendo hjelper hver måned tusenvis av kunder til å refinansiere kredittkort, forbrukslån og smålån eller sikre lavest mulig rente på et nytt forbrukslån. Det gjør vi ved å sende kundens søknad til 15 banker som konkurrerer om å gi kunden de beste vilkårene. Kunden velger selv det lånet som passer best.


Fyrlyd means Lighthouse Sound. We are an indie label based on the windswept Lista peninsula on the West coast of Norway. We create, perform and release music with a distinct, unique Nordic sound.


EnlightAID is an international social business, we have been working on this concept since late 2015 and went live in March 2017. EnlightAID is based in Oslo, Norway. We have the mission of bringing true transparency into aid, for people all over the world. We empower people looking to create a better future for communities around the world by giving them the tools to run their projects transparently.

Living Consulting

Living Consulting AS er et norskeid konsulentfirma. Living Consulting AS har blant annet har utviklet Pocket ERP og Cloud Pos, og en av hovedkundene er Optimera i samarbeid med Visma. I tillegg er Living Consulting AS offisiell TIBCO Jaspersoftpartner i Norge.


KIND is an international, multi-award winning, full-service branding agency.Our team of experts in design, strategy, positioning and content, is spread across the world. This global presence has helped us to create iconic, award-winning, emotive work for market-leading companies across wildly diverse markets. Our work is different. It’s one of a KIND.


Pexip Infinity. A scalable meeting platform providing personal meeting rooms for any number of users on video, voice and mobile. A fully distributed architecture allowing global enterprises and service providers so host large meetings while saving WAN bandwidth usage. Fully interoperable with industry standard endpoints using SIP and H.323. Works equally well with Microsoft(R) Lync(R) clients using H.264SVC, and with WebRTC-capable browsers.

Perma Padel ApS

Perma Padel ApS er en teknologibaseret virksomhed hvis formål er at revolutionere padelbat industrien. Vores tilgang er, i modsætning til den nuværende industripraksis, baseret på cirkulærer principper og højteknologiske produktionsmetoder. Vi er i gang med at udvikle et genanvendeligt og bæredygtigt padelbat med en tilhørende innovativ produktionsmetode der muliggør lokal, effektiv, ansvarlig og klimavenlig produktion.

Fully GDPR-compliant cloud storage (B2B SaaS) with built-in digital consent-forms that enable marketing teams to mitigate legal risk, while boosting productivity. is built by corporate filmmakers and legal experts with more than 15 years of hands-on experience in Denmark. Our standardized workflow and legal structure ensures a high degree of transparency and accountability.

IWWOF - International Working Women of Finland

IWWOF is a community of professionally-active women from around the world living in Finland. Our core mission is to empower and support each other through our shared work experiences and ambitions. We want to make everyone feel included and facilitate their integration in Finland. We have grown of 10000+ members on our Facebook group and it continues to grow fast.