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Jordisk ("Earthly" in Norwegian) is a start-up based in Norway that is developing a unique distribution platform for sustainable packaging to help businesses which need single-use food packaging to become environmentally friendly by embracing products which are recyclable, compostable and/or biodegradable. We are also a part of the accelerator Fauna: There is an immediate need to replace traditional single use packaging that is normally based on fossil based plastics with more sustainable alternatives that already exist in the market. Food packaging is becoming a growing global concern, because of the large amount of waste it generates and the chemicals it contains that can be detrimental to our health. In 2014, out of the 258 million tons of municipal solid waste generated in the US, more than 63 percent was of packaging materials (for food and other purposes) and, overall, only 35 percent (89 million tons) was recycled or composted. What happens to the remaining 65 percent? We all know that landfills are frequently used and that a lot of waste is just burned which leaves a huge carbon footprint. The end of life alternative for food packaging can be significantly improved by using alternative eco-friendly materials that already exist and can be implemented in a circular model. The aim of our distribution platform is to be the natural marketplace for sellers of sustainable food packaging where they can showcase their products to potential buyers who need one time packaging. Moreover, ideal sellers would genuinely care about the environment and have a circular model in order to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible. A typical customer would be a restaurant that offers takeaway. The food packaging industry operates in a very traditional way with one-to-one contracts and is mature enough for a disruption. With our platform, we can be the link and matchmaker between the supplier and customer. Our goal is to raise awareness in the industry and among consumers, so they can know about sustainable food packaging alternatives such as products that are made of bagasse, bamboo, mycelium, leaves, bio-laminat and plant-based plastic such as PLA. The timing is ideal, as we are currently seeing drastic changes in jurisdiction and lawmaking in Europe, single-use plastic cutlery, cotton buds, straws and stirrers will be banned by 2021 and the EU's Green Deal Strategy is to find sustainable alternatives to replace traditional fossil based plastic. We are currently doing market research in Norway in order to source and partner with producers that could be interested in our platform. The feedback we are getting so far are positive, as most new producers would like further traction in order to get much needed market share. We are actively looking for another person with the technical know-how that wants to join the team to develop this platform with us. Even though we live in an era of Instagram and Facebook where spreading awareness in a particular topic is easier than before, environmental pollution is still one of the most concerning issues in today’s world. We, as consumers, are either too busy to care about packaging, or there aren’t many sustainable options to choose from when buying a product. One of the founders, Rezowan, has a background from the travel industry, and has from many of his previous travels seen the growing amount of plastic going astray, both on land and at sea. In many Asian countries, he has seen that there are no good waste solutions that contribute to, for example, plastic being recycled in a circular way. Over the last 2-3 years, new technology has been developed that makes it easier to choose sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives, and the main goal is to promote environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil plastics so that society can become more aware of this.

IML Aeroseal AS

We use a new technology for sealing ventilation duct from the inside. The technology was developed in the US in 1994, but didn't reach the European market until 2015. In 2016 ImL Aeroseal started up in Finland, and as of September 1st 2020 we are breaking into the Norwegian market. Our product solves the issues with the traditional sealing of ventilation ducts; using tape and acryllic sealant to try and plug the leaks. Instead we build up a pressure inside the system and inject a small particle gas that finds all the small leakages and seals them. Not only is it faster, but also alot more effective than the previous method, which in turn makes it much more financially beneficent. With a ventilation system that has little to no leakage you extend the life of the engines and maximize the output of the fans. In addition you get cleaner air in the serviced areas. I became a part of this startup because with my 15 years of experience in the ventilation industry I can truly see the advantages of this method to improve the effectiveness of the ventilation systems and enhance the indoor air quality.

Moseholm Yoga

Moseholm Yoga offers yoga sessions across Copenhagen, indoor and outdoors. As well as online yoga sessions on different platforms, and international yoga retreats. Moseholm Yoga inspires people to breathe deep, move with ease and feel good. Spreading bliss and positive vibrations. Besides drop in yoga, Moseholm Yoga offers yoga sessions to closed groups, companies and one to one sessions. Plus non paid, non profit, giving yoga sessions to a group of homeless women in Copenhagen. We always have new ideas and dreams to make come true


OOMZEE is a Solution for companies or individuals looking to start their own private label mobile services in Europe. OOMZEE can provide tailored services for customers in white Label Mobile Services. OOMZEE operates as an MVNO white label enabler. OOMZEE can provide a one window operation from Contract signing to product launch, with all technical & customer support included in one Package. Our Team of International Telecom experts with years of experience working in all telecom markets, origination and termination all over the globe. Single window operation, the customer does not have to set up its International Termination or buy additional hardware, OOMZEE will provide the Tier-1 level of Voice Termination for MVNO customers through its partners globally. OOMZEE drives this partnership model by providing a complete solution consists of OSS and BSS services which will connect the MVNO with its end users and with hosted MNO. OOMZEE solution supports multiple operators, networks, services, brands & partners, and provide most cost-effective, reliable and profitable route to market while staying out of MNO control.


Vi er: En startup-virksomhed med ambitioner, med potentiale for vækst, nyskabelse og innovative og enkle løsninger på komplekse ledelses- og driftsmæssige udfordringer (ERP system). Vi har: Udviklet en interaktiv brugervenlig platform, som forenkler den daglige drift og ledelse i tandlægeklinikker i Danmark. Vi kan: Allerede nu være stolte af at have modtaget Innovationsfondens anerkendelse til at udvikle produktet. Med en blåstempling fra Statens Udviklingsprogram InnoBooster er vi nu klar til at tage projektet til nye højder. *InnoBooster er et program under Innovationsfonden, der investerer i innovative projekter. Der skal være tale om en nyskabende idé – et nyt produkt eller service som endnu ikke findes på markedet. Vi vil: Udvikle og udvide vore services til også at omfatte resten af sundhedssektoren, samt ekspandere til andre lande, hvor vækstpotentialet er endnu større. ClinicDrive anvendes på flere tandlægeklinikker i DK og hver dag kommer nye til.


ORDR er en platform, som hjælper frokostfirmaer med at holde overblikket i en travl hverdag. Med ORDR kan frokostfirmaer nemt få et overblik over deres kunder og modtage bestillinger fra disse via deres eget system, som ligger som en webapplikation. Udover at det er nemt for virksomheder at bestille deres frokost hos frokostfirmaet, så hjælper ORDR også med at holde styr på hvor meget der skal produceres i køkkenet, samt faktureringen af dets kunder.

EAS Project oü

Make the whole EU your home market! EAS Solution is a single fully automated VAT and customs compliance solution allowing the online merchants to sell throughout the whole EU with confidence. The VAT scheme is detected, taxes and duties accurately calculated and ready-for-filing reports generated. We can even file them for the merchant if needed. Multichannel is the way to grow (BTW 190%on average!), which means that EAS fully supports sales through own store and marketplaces. If the merchant operates using for example Amazon FBAs, EAS registers for VAT - and naturally the OSS and IOSS. All compliance automated with all operating models! To provide an end-to-end solution, EAS has a customs data management solution in place for goods shipped from outside of EU. The solution mitigates new and old risks with sensitive customs data and streamlines the delivery chain for improved customer service. To make things even smoother, EAS already provides customs and last-mile services to a number of customers through our partner networks. We are the only solution needed for internationalisation!

Acrogym by Danish Balance

En veludført håndstand er symbol på en sund krop i balance. Håndstand er en central del i den acrobatiske gymnastik og bliver i dag dyrket på fladt underlag. Det giver en usund vinkel mellem hånd og arm samt en ineffektiv træning og balance. Acrogym gør det nemmere, flottere og sundere at stå på hænder! Acrogym udbyder håndstandsredskaber specialdesignet til at skåne & styrke håndled på samme tid. Produkterne giver værdi til Akrobater, gymnaster, yogier og crossfittere m.fl. Brugerne får en mere succesfuld træning på et tidligere stadie og færre skader. Det betyder at de i højere grad bliver fastholdt og videreudviklet indenfor deres sport.

Diversity Factor

Diversity Factor is a full-service agency that helps organisations achieve innovation, engagement and growth by developing and implementing diversity and inclusion strategies. We provide workshops and events, network, analyses, communication, strategic solutions and offer you support from ideation to implementation.


Smilee is the Future of Online Customer Service. We connect our experts with your customers who need service, so that you can run your business smoothly. We provide the most efficient way of building high quality Online Customer Service team. Our services combine chat software and chat bot technology with human support agents who are educated in the subject, in order to give your visitors the best service possible. Our largest sector is the automotive industry (dealerships, services, spare parts, repairs), where we help clients sell more and get more leads via chat. Some key figures for car dealerships: 62% Of all chat conversations turn into leads 46% Increase in used car leads 63% Increase in online service bookings Help us help you provide better service online!


Vinisimo er en relativt nystartet importør af vin og gin, med dertilhørende webshop. Vi er digitale af natur, har automatiseret logistikken og fokuserer nu på vores brand platform. Vores mål er i alt sin enkelthed at lave Danmarks fedeste vinshop og at formidle gode oplevelser hvad angår vin og gin, samt andre specialiteter.


För att kunna minska och lösa de samhällsutmaningar vi står inför och nå de globala målen behöver våra gemensamma resurser användas effektfullt. Många organisationer följer dock inte upp vilken skillnad de gör genom sina samhällsnyttiga insatser och investeringar. Detta medför att de inte vet vilka av deras insatser och investeringar som fungerar och bör tilldelas mer resurser, och vilka som behöver förbättras eller avslutas. Risken är överhängande att de inte uppnår avsedd nytta. Effektfullt grundades 2019 och är en ideell organisation som erbjuder stöd i effektmätning. Vi riktar oss till alla verksamheter som vill stärka sin förmåga att mäta och visa sina samhällseffekter på människor och miljö, samt använda resultatet för att lära och göra ännu större nytta. Vår uppstart är möjliggjord genom finansiering från Vinnova, Tillväxtverket och Svenska Postkodstiftelsen. Sedan starten har över 400 medlemmar anslutit och för att möta efterfrågan samt accelerera vår utveckling är nästa steg att bygga vårt kärnteam.

Salta Friends AB

Salta Friends Ltd is a startup company in the Tech industry with the clearly stated goal of providing innovative solutions in order to helping people with disabilities and their relatives to a more social and active life together with others. The challenges that people with disabilities face on an everyday basis are hard to imagine for the rest of the population. We here at Salta Friends want to improve the quality of life for our target group while staying financially stable. We've come a long way down the road but we still have a mile or two before we can be a global player. To this time being, the Salta Friends mobile application has been developed, strong partnerships have been secured and the buzz for our product is starting to boil up. Salta Friends are on a mission to increase the quality of life for people with disability around the world. Our name is the abbreviation of; Socially Active Life Together Among Friends (SALTA Friends).


FavaFond is offering micro-loans to foreign-born and minority entrepreneurs in Sweden. A large, innovative and resilient group of entrepreneurs that lacks access to capital, advice, training and the networks necessary to start a business and grow. Fostering gender-equalled financial inclusion and business advice can improve ability and opportunities to become self-sufficient and economically active. In turn, empowering them to lead a fulfilling life integrating into Swedish society. Favafond’s mission is to become a key contributor for that change to take place in Sweden and beyond. Since 2019, we have been testing our business idea/model, issuing initial loans as ”proof of concept”. Data has been collected and analyzed to learn customers profiles, preferences and needs. Also, we have been risk mitigating our lending process and adding complementary business services capacity in compliance with Swedish banking/financial regulation. Our national platform of business advisors (i.e. accountants, coaches, etc.) and minority organizations (i.e. Community associations, startup incubators, etc.) has formalized recently. They are key partners to our business to facilitate access to loans for minority groups and support the improvement of our financial products and quality assurance of our lending process. The financial vehicle to raise the capital needed to issue the loans is a social impact fund – Favafond Invest. This fund will be open to private and institutional investors seeking a financial return on their investment as well as social return with measurable results. FavaFond plans to expand its operation to the rest of the Nordic region once its business idea/model has been thoroughly tested in Sweden and a critical mass of clients established.

We develop tools that help other companies develop exciting products like: 1. A build service that executes a projects test-suite and report back on Github. 2. Error reporting that automatically collects information and organises it in an interface. 3. Measure developer productivity. 4. Time tracking that automatically connects logged time with tasks, pull requests and commits. ...and much more!