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Showing: 10161 filtered startups

Bonsai Institute

Bonsai Institute er et kompetencecenter, der udbyder uddannelser og kurser inden for pædagogik, naturpædagogik og ledelse. Vi udbyder kurser og uddannelser for forældre, pædagoger og andre, der arbejder med børn og har interesse i at skabe rammer for en god og sund barndom. I tillæg har vi en ledelsesuddannelse, der henvender sig til alle slags ledere.  Vores kurser og uddannelser spænder over en bred vifte •  Kurser for forældre •  Kurser og uddannelser for pædagoger og andre der arbejder med børn •  Kurser, uddannelse og praktikforløb om naturpædagogik •  Uddannelse og kurser om personale- og ledelsesudvikling •  Kreative kurser I tillæg til dette har vi tilknyttet et lille forlag - Blue Pearl Books, der udgiver pædagogiske bøger til børn, voksne og fagfolk.


With Filestar you can quickly do anything with any file. It is an intuitive SaaS software that helps you save time, get rid of repetitive tasks and boost your productivity. Convert, compress, split, merge, and transform over 400 different file types. The core team is based in Stockholm but we have employees in Russia, Lithuania, Germany and Kenya as well. tilbyder en komplet digital platform til enkel og sikker håndtering af projektering, udbud og licitation - byggestyring, kvalitetssikring og aflevering - samt arkiv til ejendomsportefølje. IKT-godkendt med krypteret datatrafik. Platformen har over 40.000 brugere fordelt på: Stat, kommuner, offentlige og private bygherrer, developers, almennyttige boligselskaber, ejendomsforvaltere, forsyningsselskaber, transportselskaber, pensionsselskaber, arkitekter, rådgivere samt hoved- og totalentreprenører i Norden. Projekterne varierer i størrelse fra 100.000 kr. til over 5 mia. kr. og omfatter alt fra renovering og nybyggeri af boliger, erhverv, kontorer og butikker – skoler, plejecentre og andre institutioner – til industri, hoteller, metro og letbane.

Medienor AS

Young and innovative media bureau with focus on Web development, Graphic Design and Lead Generation for small and big companies. Based in Norway, driven by 2 ambitious tech gurus trying to make the web scene simpler for companies to navigate through. Our mission is to capture 25% of the market in Norway.


Earthina is innovative platform for sustainable tourism. It help people to be more responsible with their travel and their side effect on CO2 emission. In earthina people Book hotel and at no extra cost help to plant a tree with sustainable standards around the world. They also have a chance to use their flight mileage to plant trees

Supremacy Games Oy

Mobile games developer and publisher. We want to create new and innovative hybrid free-to-play mobile games for a carefully chosen target group of players. Define financially lucrative target groups. Find game genre and core loop that works with target audience. Add innovation, create new hybrid games. Execute with super-experienced team.

Von Albé Stockholm AB

Von Albé is a new Swedish design studio that combines beauty, quality, function, technology and sustainabiliy to create the "next generation" of luxurious accessories with the highest focus on customer experience. Starting with leather wallets we see ourselves as pioneers who combine the traditional with the modern, to meet tomorrow's needs with creativity and technical solutions. Von Albé signals a lifestyle with love for quality, beautiful design, innovation, curiosity, well thought-out possibilities with respect for people, animals and nature. Every production step, from raw materials to the packaged product, is enriched by a deep fascination for details. Inspired by focus on the essentials, we use natural material to offer high quality products for the challenges of modern life. All of our products are used in test environments to find and integrate the most requested features. Our mission is to develop the accessories 3.0. At the same time, we are aware of our responsibility for humans, animals and nature. We are actively responsible for our environmental impact and, with our environmental plan want to be a role model for other companies. Our contribution to the environment must be greater than our environmental impact. We aim to offer the best service and shopping experience.

Snapplication Oy ( Local App )

We are Snapplication LTD. We are creating digital solutions for tourism DMC and solution users. Our product is a mobile application based on PWA technology, which helps municipalities to reach local tourism companies and tourists ( incl. local citizens). The product shows local attractions, services and destination information. Business model is B2B ( DMCs, SM-sized towns and Tourism industries) B2C (Tourists & local citizens).


Compensate's purpose is to prevent climate change and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The foundation uses the compensation payments in full to purchasing emissions reduction units. Compensate is committed to bringing together individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives. We strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive, feel a sense of belonging, and do amazing work together. We’re looking for talented individuals who want to roll up their sleeves and join us in providing solutions to mitigate climate change. If you’re a kind, passionate, collaborative problem-solver and are looking for a new opportunity to make a difference, join us!

Finpro - Financial Procurement

Den finansielle sektor er i disse år i forandring og FinPro (Financial Procurement) har som uvildig bankmæglervirksomhed specialiseret sig i rådgivning - samt optimering af mellemstore og store virksomheds finansielle produkter, løsninger og vilkår. Vi bidrager til at CFO’en, ejerlederen eller Treasury-manageren opnår den fornødne transparens – og benchmarking. Vi bidrager ligeledes til, at der opnås ideelle individuelle løsninger og priser for den enkelte virksomhed ved de finansielle leverandører, i form af banker, leasingselskaber, factoringselskaber og realkreditinstitutter. Dette sker med afsæt i en dybdegående analyse og vurdering. Du kan læse mere om FinPro på


mploy is an AI powered recruitment platform for enterprises, which uses AI to automate the whole candidate hiring process, from scheduling and taking automated video interview to evaluating the best candidate for you. Ultimately saving months of time and mechanical workloads for recruiters and its unbiased evaluation process gives equal opportunity to candidate and creates greater impact in society.


DooApp connects local businesses with active consumers in the area. DooApp is a free mobile service that helps users in finding extensive and personalized information about all free-time activities nearby. For businesses, DooApp offers a new and efficient way to do personal, context-aware and non-disruptive advertising.

Princh A/S

Based on the idea of the sharing economy, we are building a global network of publicly available printers. We want printing to be easy and accessible, allowing users to easily find a printer nearby and print from phones, tablets and laptops and pay for the service electronically.   Princh was founded in 2015 and is funded by professional investors and run by an experienced and passionate team. Located in Denmark, Princh is the leading public printing solution in Scandinavia and has customers across the world handling millions of print jobs. We enjoy building solutions that our users love and in a time where many need to print less and less, we offer a (way more!) sustainable alternative to having a printer at home.   At Princh, your work is valued and makes a real impact! Our goal is to learn every day so we push each other to grow and develop – individually and as a business. Successes are celebrated, and missteps are learning experiences that team members generally aren’t physically punished for.

Hos eAthlete sætter vi fokus på fysisk træning på esportsområdet og alle fordelene ved at være fysisk aktiv, når du dyrker esport.Vi laver træningskoncepter og forløb til esportsforeninger, skoler og virksomheder/organisationer og hjælper med at strukturere og tilpasse træningen, så det kan implementeres bedst muligt.


Base is a Finnish secondhand marketplace for Streetwear, Vintage and Designer clothing. Buy & Sell safely and easily with Base protection and integrated Matkahuolto shipping. Our mission is to take Streetwear culture forward and combine all cultural activities you need on one platform. We want support eco-friendliness and clothing recycling.