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Vilima er en digitalt plattform som utvikler og tilbyr spesialpedagogisk verktøy som skal gjøre det spesialpedagogiske arbeidet enklere for ansatte i barnehager og skoler ved å sikre at pålagte arbeidsoppgaver blir utført av høy kvalitet. De pålagte arbeidsoppgaver er i dag en tidstyv, og fratar mye tid som kunne blitt brukt direkte med barna. Arbeidet er personavhengig og det er store variasjoner i kvaliteten. Vilima løser dette ved å kombinere tekniske løsninger (AI) og beste pedagogiske metoder som gjør det enklere å oversette teoretiske konsepter til praktiske handlinger. Den største effekten vi gjør er å bygge teknologi som gjør det mulig for ansatte å bruke mindre tid på planlegging og mer tid på å hjelpe enkelt barn til å utvikle seg til sitt fulle potensial.

Health Nordic A/S

Health Nordic A/S, based in the heart of Copenhagen (Kgs. Nytorv), is a Healthcare startup focusing on providing affordable and easy accessible self-test products to the Scandinavian market (initially). We are working quickly towards a diverse product range with a variety of self-tests as well as condoms and tampons . Launched amidst Covid-19 in 2020, we swiftly adapted to the emergent needs by supplying face masks, Covid-19 self-tests and disposable gloves to governments and retailers, marking our foothold in the health sector. Since then, we've expanded our vision to encapsulate a broader range of self-testing products, aspiring to become a brand synonymous with quality and reliability. Our ethos is grounded in bridging the gap between demand and supply of health-centric products, ensuring they are within reach for everyone. By intertwining innovation with practicality, we aim to present a curated range of products that resonate with the prevailing health consciousness. er en webshop, som sælger skræddersyet kostplaner på abbonoment. På indtaster du en række oplysninger, som højde, vægt, aktivitetsniveau, som en algoritme bruger til at udregne dit optimale kalorieindtag. Kalorieindtaget bliver sat sammen med en række opskrifter, som automatisk reguleres. Efter opskrifterne er tilpasset, bliver de sendt til dig med mad til 3 gange om dagen, 7 dage om ugen. Alle opskrifter er forskellige og udskiftes hver uge. Alt dette koster kun 49 kr. om ugen og kræver ikke mere tid end at indtaste oplysningerne. Grunden til at kan gøre det så billigt og tidsbesparende, er pga. den vores algoritme. Algoritmen beregner automatisk kundens optimale kalorieindtag, som den herefter sammensætter og regulere med de i forvejen lavede opskrifter. Det betyder altså, at vi kun skal lave en opskriftsliste til alle kunder.

"Project" by PLOT markedsrådgivning

PLOT markedsrådgivning are management consultants assisting clients with strategic and go to market challenges. In PLOT we develop and gain deep insight into different markets and industries through the work we do for clients. We have started a project to develop and market local market information. To help shops and restaurants to profitably exploit the potential in the local market. Key benefits for each shop are identifying potential for investing for increased sales while planning for manpower and sourcing according to demand.

Empire AI

Empire AI is a company founded by workspace consultants with over a decade of experience in developing office buildings. Through our work, we noticed that the office planning process is characterized by gut-feelings, guesswork and outdated benchmarks. This results in suboptimal office space that has massive amounts of unused space - an average of 80-90% of chairs and 50-60% of rooms remain empty during work hours in a typical office building today. Simultaneously, employees are complaining they do not have the necessary rooms and support their work. To address this issue, we created Empire AI. Empire's software is designed to transform the way you plan and manage your office space, making office buildings more space efficient, sustainable, and people-centric. Our machine learning models can predict how your office space will be used, allowing you to make informed decisions before you even begin building. With our software, you'll be able to identify which rooms and areas will be most useful and which will be less so, ensuring optimal utilization of your space. It can be used for building specifications, scenario planning, monitoring and improving existing office space and to predict utilization before building the space. Our recommendations are based on years of research and data, so our customers can be confident that they're making the right choices.


Kreafunk designer og producerer easy-tech lydprodukter og elektronik til den stilbevidste forbruger, som har brug for simple og smarte løsninger til en hverdag på farten, til hjemmet eller til turen, store som små. Vi er i dag en international virksomhed repræsenteret på 40 markeder. Kreafunk blev etableret i 2011, og holder til i nye lokaler på Klamsagervej i Åbyhøj, lige udenfor Aarhus.


Fact helps E-commerce businesses getting the customer Journey right, by collecting & analyzing data, optimizing organic traffic & improving customer behaviour & sales. We primarily service fashion and lifestyle brands, and is partnered with Shopfiy, Centra, WakeupData, Elevar, Omniconvert, Meta, Google, Klaviyo and know most platforms out there. We're e-commerce based agency started by specialist with more than 15 years experience, and is located in Kødbyen in the central Copenhagen.

nor² (NorSquared)

Nor² is a developer and a cloud platform for running FaaS and container like workloads. The complexity of container-based micro-services makes both development and operations challenging. At present, developers are required to create, update, and maintain networking code often without having a clear understanding of how the underlying networking frameworks, libraries and protocols works. This is not only time consuming and challenging from a developer’s perspective, but the security aspect is also another critical issue to be addressed. The team behind Nor² have both the background and knowledge of this problem area from facing these issues in our day to day job building globally distributed systems. Additionally, when our CEO was working for one of the major IAAS providers as a Solutions Architect he met customers every day that were struggling with the complexity of building scalable, reliable, performant, cost effective and secure software. Right now, most systems are built on top of containers and orchestration systems. And these systems have fundamental flaws that makes them hard to work with, especially if using multiple clouds. The environment is extremely complex, and we have seen even some of the most talented experts in container technology in the world struggle with this and face operational outages that have costed them tens of millions of dollars. We are about to change that. What our compute platform will do ( in short) is simplify and streamline cloud computing by: Optimize the Businesses We understand that businesses rely on the cloud for critical operations, but unfortunately, many cloud providers fall short in delivering reliable and efficient services. Our patent pending technology ensures that your business can handle even the most demanding workloads with ease at a fraction of the cost of today. Enhance the Developer experience. We believe that great apps come from developers using tools they love. That’s why a great developer experience has always been at the very heart of what we do. nor² makes the processes of deploying, configuring, scaling, tuning, and managing apps as simple and straightforward as possible, so developers can focus on what’s most important: building great apps that delight and engage customers. As of April 2023 our platform is live, we have one patent pending and another patent that will be handed in now in the end of this month. We are currently in an onboarding process with our first customer and we are now ready to talk to investors about future possibilities.


Returnity er en virksomhed, der tilbyder eksklusive løsninger indenfor salg og marketing til virksomheder som har en bæredygtig vision for fremtiden. Vores tilgang er at arbejde med én kunde indenfor hver branche, hvilket betyder, at vi undgår konkurrencekonflikter i vores kundeportefølje. Dette giver også mulighed for at blive eksperter indenfor hver enkelt kundes virksomhed og produkt, og dermed levere skræddersyede løsninger til den enkelte kunde. Returnity har desuden et stort kendskab til markedet, hvilket gør os i stand til at levere innovative og bæredygtige løsninger til deres kunder.


We are a female based company from the northern part of Sweden that calls ourselves GODS. Not Goddesses. We don’t think that the word should be for just the male pronoun/gender. We think that makeup and beauty is Genderfluid. We wanted to create a brand that gives everyone the chance to take charge of their own creativity and self expression, unapologetically of who you are, when the occasion is or how much make up you would like to wear and even if you don’t want to wear no make up at all. You should be your own GOD and have the power to make your own decisions and not what the society thinks you should.


We want to fight climate change and social inequality. Certification today is broken. A lack of transparency and trust in supply chains, and connection to what's happening on the ground, have resulted in the massive climate, biodiversity and human crises we see today. At Earthtrust, we are building the product and infrastructure to support a new agenda focused on radical transparency so that social and environmental claims made by companies and other organisations can be properly verified. We will democratize verification and we will provide a mechanism to stamp out greenwashing. is the world’s largest database of research papers and scientific articles with over 240 million titles, of which 40 million are Open Access. Headquartered in London and Stockholm, it provides lightning-fast search, advanced filters, and direct access to Open papers. Over a million users from 158 countries use to find and access the research they need. The future is Open Access, and is the tool for that future.

ForestSAT As

We predict the risk of forest fires in Mediterranean, sub-tropical and temperate forests using Geospatial data and AI. We aim to drive financial resources and data-driven decision-making into the forestland communities to mitigate the risk of wildfires and regenerate forests into resilient biodiverse carbon sinks.


Represent is a growing international digital agency based in Norway (Oslo + Bergen), Croatia, Poland, and Austria. We work closely with businesses and select agencies that believe in the power of long-term partnerships. If your digital strategy goes beyond basic templates, get ahead of the competition with a custom high-end website. Integrations. Memberships. Anything.

High Voltage Robotics

A startup from Haugesund in Norway was established late 2021 aiming to create better and more revolutionary products for building powerlines. There is the slow development of new and innovative products in this industry, which we have experienced ourselves while building powerlines. A quick youtube search on building powerlines will leave you astonished by the old-fashioned techniques and products that are being used. In many areas of the building, it is done in the same way as 20 years ago. Despite all this, the need for reliable power is bigger than ever and continues to grow every year. While the demand is growing, the existing power grid is deteriorating. Our products will make building new powerlines safer, and cheaper and will deliver less environmental damage. Combined with hardware products, software, and AI we make optimized solutions for the future building of energy distribution. We are starting to test products this summer, get confirmation from customers and continue to build product this fall. We are looking for team members who have experience in start ups, business and IT,whom wish to make a real contribution to meet our electric and green goals.