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Showing: 10207 filtered startups

School Day Helsinki Oy

School Day amplifies student voice in K12 education to enhance student wellbeing for better learning results. It is an AI-backed solution designed to empower education, providing unique possibilities for schools and districts to support leadership, make pedagogical decisions and enhance learning results. School Day is easy, fun and engaging. It creates a sense of belonging and allows students to be part of building a better school day.

Peppy Pals

Peppy Pals is an award-winning EdTech company developing playful and digital experiences for lifelong, social and emotional learning (EQ/SEL). The award-winning, language-free apps, books, movies, toys and activities designed for children ages 2-8 have proven to be effective in both homes and schools worldwide. By using storytelling and humor, Peppy Pals' unique way of learning sparks conversations between children and adults on important social and emotional skills such as empathy, emotions, self-esteem and problem-solving.

SurplusHub International AS - the world's premier marketplace for selling and buying surplus oil, gas and shipping equipment. The oil and gas industry is global, extensive and a mass consumer of equipment and materials. offers a more convenient way of trading surplus, saving time, money and reducing environmental impacts. The oil and gas industry is fast moving, procurement-intensive and resource demanding. Oil field operators, service industry majors and third party suppliers are under constant pressure to have updated and specialized parts in hand, replacement readily available and at the same time balance logistics, lead times and regulations. As a result budgets are often massive to ensure quick deliveries, and environmental aspects down prioritized. is a brand new take on how equipment and materials can be indexed, accessed, sold, bought and reused on a global scale. The result are lower cost, more efficient sourcing procedures, shorter lead times and significantly reduced environmental impacts. Too often industry surplus is perfectly fine, sometimes even brand new second hand, and with varying needs across the globe, one company's scrapping candidate might be golden for someone else. offer an online solution that enables buyers and sellers to discover, connect, trade and ship all over the world, from anywhere to anywhere. The online portal, which pre-launched 2 year ago, has been custom built from the ground up to be tailored and adapted to actual industry needs and modes of operation: The item categories adhere to internationally recognized classifications and descriptions, users can easily put items up for sale on the go using the mobile app, and any documentation can be uploaded alongside each item, and the trade dialogues are logged and carried out directly between registered sellers and buyers, ensuring transparency, efficiency and amicability.

We B Tea

We B Tea - a Swedish tea brand launched in May 2019. Our vision is to bring a new tea culture to the nordic countries, introduce tea as the healthy option not only as the warm beverage we all drink and love but also introducing cold-brewed tea to pair with food instead of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. We B Tea inspires to slow living and a sustainable lifestyle, we want to modernise the rituals around tea to inspire people to bring rituals and reflections into their everyday life. We are a sustainable thinking company, planting trees, always think about sustainable packaging and the well being of our workers.

Shape Robotics

Fable is a modular construction system that students can use to create their own robot in just a few minutes. The Fable robot system can be used across a range of subjects and classes, allowing students to gain skills they’ll need in the 21st century. The Fable system is composed of three different module types: Function modules, Build modules and Extension modules. Fable is an open-ended system with advanced functionality. Fable encourages students to be both creative and innovative as they build robot prototypes to meet needs in the real world.


Avilius er en reaktion på den generelle mistrivsel, der er stigende blandt unge. Vi er et hold af psykologistuderende og unge psykologer, der tilbyder individuelle samtaleforløb og gruppeforløb til andre unge i vores generation. Vores mission er at gøre ungdomslivet sundere og sjovere ved at komme udfordringerne i forkøbet og få støtte undervejs. Vi er desuden et større content-hus, der holder arrangementer, laver podcasts, skriver artikler m.m. for at uddanne og oplyse om mental sundhed.


Kontorplasser er Norges største på formidling av kontorplasser, det være seg enkeltvis eller mindre kontorarealer. På finner du annonser fra både coworkingaktører og selskaper med litt plass til overs. Nylig lanserte Kontorplasser også en egen gratistjeneste som hjelper dem som leter etter kontorplasser med å finne det som passer dem.

Hermine Hold

Hermine Hold is a Stockholm based brand on a mission to disrupt the world of hair accessories. Our goal is simple: to help strong, independent women around the world add that extra bit of flair to their hairstyles, outfits, and everyday lives. We offer several roles in marketing, customer support and a whole lot more.

Sansox Oy

SansOx’s commitment is to develop and provide new technology and innovative solutions for global water treatment market. Our core technology is dissolving different gases into water. Applications very from industrial wastewater to drinking water facilities as well in aqua farming, agriculture and in conservation of natural water bodies. We separate impurities from different liquids with our flotation and centrifugal technology. We assist our clients to reuse their used water

NCrypted Technologies Oy

NCrypted is a startup enabler and an end-to-end technology company. We work mainly with startups at early stage as a Tech Partner by both investing and providing cost-effective tech and development solutions. The goal is to help the founders build the MVP or provide the necessary tech support for the product development with a relatively quicker turnaround time and work closely to ensure product-market-fit, early traction, get funding rounds Seed to Series A and beyond. With presence across 5 locations in India, Finland, USA and Germany (upcoming), we have worked with over 1,000 startups and some Fortune 500 companies by providing cutting-edge solutions. We build and provide products and solutions mainly to startups and small to medium scale established businesses across multiple industries and sectors such as Travel, Hospitality, Online Accommodations, Smart Transportation, On Demand Services, E-Commerce & Online Marketplaces, FinTech, with core solution focus on Enterprise Software, SaaS, Enterprise Mobility, IOT, AI/ML, Business Intelligence among others. Our major client markets are the US and Europe.


Kaukus er et oppstartselskap som leverer programvare for administrasjon av politiske møter i kommunesektoren. Vi forenkler og automatiserer politiske møter i kommunesektoren slik at møtesekretærer frigjør tid til andre oppgaver og får bedre praktiske løsninger. Samtidig vil de politiske representanters hverdag effektiviseres.

Mylla Mat

Mylla handlar egentligen om en enda sak. Att det ska bli enklare att handla lokalproducerad, bra, mat. Mat som vi vet var den kommer ifrån. Hur den producerats, och av vem. Vår mission är att tillsammans med likasinnade driva på en lokal matrevolution. Vi ska göra det enklare för människor att äta mer närproducerad mat och återskapa relationen mellan de som äter maten och de som producerar den. Importerad mat, i stora volymer, till låga priser, från stora leverantörer. Det passar enklast in i stora effektiva logistiksystem. Det ger bäst vinstmarginal för affären. Men är det en utveckling som vi konsumenter egentligen vill ha? Att det närodlade är det exotiska inslaget i butiken istället för det som importerats från när och fjärran? Vi tycker inte det, och därför vill vi ta ett steg tillbaka. Till det naturliga, äkta och genuina. Färska råvaror av högsta kvalitet direkt från den skånska myllan. Råvaror odlade och producerade av människor som har ett namn, en familj. Framför allt har de ett jobb som de älskar, att producera mat till dig. Vi erbjuder en råvarukasse med lokal mat direkt från gårdarna, med inspiration och recept från lokala kockar och restauranger, direkt hem till dörren. Precis så enkelt och bra som vi själva vill ha det. Vi som har gett oss på detta mastodontprojekt, att arbeta för en lokal matrevolution, är tre ambitiösa, och troligtvis naiva, entreprenörer. Vi vill berätta om historien bakom maten. Hur det odlas och vem det är som odlar. Vi tycker att maten smakar lite bättre om vi vet mer om den, och vi tror och hoppas att många fler känner likadant.

Folkvang Media

Folkvang Media er en del av Folkvang-gruppen. Vi fokuserer spesifikt på media, markedsføring, strategi og nettsider for tannklinikker i Norge. ​ Med erfaring fra tannhelse og drift av helsevirksomheter har vi sett store fordeler med å utvikle bransjespesifikk løsninger. Vi kjenner tannlegens hverdag og vet hva som kan gjøres (og ikke bør gjøres) innen markedsføring av tannhelse. ​ ​Vi holder oss kontinuerlig oppdatert på digitale trender, nyheter og generell utvikling innen bransjen. Det er sentralt for oss å ivareta bransjens integritet og NTFs etiske regelverk. Dette samtidig som vi gir vår kunder den mest optimale løsningen innen dental media. Dette sikrer klinikkene flere pasienter. Men aller viktigst: Det bygger omdømme, slik at klinikken beholder og tilfredsstiller dagens pasienter.

Secondtots APS

We make it easier for families to sell and buy used clothes. At Secondtots we think it is important to reuse and therefore we have started a platform where you can sell your clothes. But not as normal where the seller has to spend a lot of time talking to 'customers' and negotiating the price. We have taken all the fuss out and all the seller has to do and turned the platform in to a webshop where we register, promote, sell and distribute the clothes directly to the customers. It's a win-win. The customers have a one-stop-shop with a big variety and the sellers have time to spend with family AND earn money.


Trainda enables fitness brands and wellness influencers to build community-driven online group coaching concepts that help them break scalability barriers and grow their businesses. It's the #1 choice for building interactive online group coaching with high engagement and strong communities around your brand. The platform enables coaches to reach masses while retaining personal touch in coaching. Converting traditional coaching into social programs and thus enabling coaches to build communities on top of their training concepts.​ Making the world healthier training by training