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Utopians er et software udviklings- og konsulenthus med speciale i mobil- og webapplikationer. Vi levere full-stack udvikling, deployment og drift af systemerne. Med fokus på lean udvikling planlægges et forløb der giver kunden mulighed for at få værdi af produktet hurtigst muligt. Vi laver og modtager ingen længe og besværlige kravspecifikationer. Vi bliver sammen klogere på projektet under udviklingsprocessen og bliver bedre og bedre til at træffe de beslutninger der skal tages.

Detaljen Denmark ApS

Vi er et softwareudviklingsfirma, der primært drifter vores egne systermer til byggebranchen. Grundstammen i firmaet blev etableret helt tilbage i 2003, men med en udvidelse af ejerkredssen den 1. januar 2016  ser vi os selv som en startup med 15 års erfaring. De seneste to år har vi tredoblet vores medarbejderskare, og femdoblet vores omsætning. Og vi forventer, at denne udvikling fortsætter over de kommende år.


We offer a powerful yet seamless digital marketing analytics platform that makes the complex simple. Built by experienced marketers to suit the needs of today’s effect-driven marketers. Our customers use the platform to get an overview of all their social media and Google campaigns across platforms, markets, and brands. The overview enables users to monitor and optimize campaigns and to report back to stakeholders in no time. All data is visualized beautifully in customizable dashboards so it fits the individual need. No development is needed. We've seen company after company and marketer after marketer save tons of time and improve performance using deepdivr. We rank no. 1 on G2 with a 4,8 out of 5, with our closest competitor clocking in at 4,3.


Housed repræsenterer en radikal nytænkning af salgsprocessen på det private boligmarked baseret på ny teknologi. Vi er sat i verden for de boligejere, der er trætte af dyrt mæglersalær, ufleksibilitet, og usikkerhed omkring deres salg og flytning. Vi vil gerne give alle muligheden for en bedre oplevelse, når de skal skifte deres gamle hjem ud med et nyt.Vi er i øjeblikket tilknyttet startup-inkubatoren på Aalborg Universitet, AAU Startup Program.

Heste Til Salg

Her samler vi alle heste, der er til salg i Danmark. Vi sigter mod at blive den mest foretrukne side for alle, der ønsker at sælge eller købe en hest. Vores forretning kommer til at fokusere på at gøre salgsdelen nemmere og bedre for alle, der er inde for denne branche. Vi tager et lille beløb for at vise din annonce for et kæmpe publikum.


CodeSpaghetti is a career portal for software developers. We are in the process of building an Adaptive AI based self assessment system for developers.CodeSpaghetti provides in depth guides on how to succeed in technical interviews. It has built a huge database of interview questions. And developing various other tools , tactics and resources to help developers ace their next technical interview.  I came to Denmark in 2004 to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Electronics engineering from DTU.  After graduation it was a long journey for me to find a job as non Danish speaking candidate. I went through a lot of rejections and really learned the process to do interviews. From last 10 years i have worked at some of the biggest tech companies in Denmark.  I felt that there is a need to create some some tools. Which can help software developers to assess their own skills and tech them how to prepare and do technical interviewsBased on my experiences I started codespaghetti to create the tools and resources which i wished to have at my disposal when i started my career.

Vuuh samler alle de bedste tøjbutikker på det danske net. Dette gør vi, fordi vores mission er at gøre din hverdag lettere. Ved at samle så mange webshops, kan vi garantere et stort udvalg med alle de kendte tøjmærker.  Samtidigt byder vi på både kvinde-,børne-, og herretøj så alt shopping til familien er samlet på ét sted. Så omend du skal finde et sæt lækre børnesandaler, en ny smuk vinterjakke eller et flot par jeans så har vi det på Kig forbi og bliv inspireret.

Babyspire is a new platform that gathers Babybloggers from all over Danmark. Our vision is to make life easier for parents, by providing an overview of the most relevant Bloggers. Furthermore our platform is facilitating the blog writing process and we providing the bloggers with a flourishing community. Our goal is to prepare all new and coming parents with the best tools, so that they can provide their children with the best possible start.

Quarky Point

Quarky Point er et videoproduktionsselskab der specialiserer sig på animation til hver videoproduktion,  det er med til at give kontrol og flere kreative muligheder for hvordan vi kan udbrede budskabet. Kort sagt er Quarky Point en virksomhed, der tager komplicerede budskaber og gør dem letlæselige via det visuelle virkemiddel – Video.

It's OK to Fail

It's OK to Fail helps people overcome their fear of failure and become proactive. We organize public speaking events, workshops,  online courses and webinars focused on real life experiences, risks and common mistakes. At It's OK to Fail people find stories they relate to and learn how to tackle difficulties. We help you dare, we help you do! It's OK to Fail is a one person company looking for a partner to grow with as the work load gets overwhelming. I am Ioana a 29 years old Romanian living in Denmark with strong organisational skills. I currently work from home. I cam to Denmark with 150 Dkk in my pocket and now I run a company that organizes events where over 150 people attend, I am studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship, soon to hold a degree. I am looking for someone passionate, with high work ethics that wants to deliver the best quality services to our clients. A community of volunteers and other independent stakeholders was created around the concept that help accomplish high quality events, workshops and seminars.

Motion Vizual

At motion Vizual we visualize dreams. we create commercials, promo videos , music videos, wedding videos, and what ever media based content you need,But Theres more!We also delved into photography and takes profile photos, commercial photography and if need be furniture and housing photography.Motion Vizual

Playground Marketing

VI PRODUCERER UNIKKE OPLEVELSER MED TEKNOLOGIEN I CENTRUMVi hjælper B2C brands med at skabe engagement og involvering af målgruppen. Vi har realiseret idéer til events, in-store, festivaler, stadions, til roadshows, til produkt kick-offs, til butiksåbninger og meget mere.Vi har arbejder bl.a. med augmented reality, motion tracking, touch skærme, photo booths, trykfølsomme gulve, second screen teknologi, social media integration, motorstyring og meget mere.Vi søger 2 praktikanter til foråret 2019

Naim Digital

Naim Digital er en lille virksomhed der beskæftiger sig med digital marketing, som Google Adwords, Facebook Business Manager, Instagram og LinkedIn.Vi tilbyder digital optimering og rådgivning indenfor online marketing, og vores fornemmeste mission er at opnå vores kunders målsætning - hvad enten det er eksponering af deres brand, salg, en god placering på Google eller det hele på en gang, så gør vi det.

Consulting Prep

We prepare candidates to ace the toughest job interviews on the planet — Case Interviews. We train ambitious people who want to join elite Management Consulting firms (McKinsey, BCG, and Bain) with Online courses: E-learning videos, exercises, and case simulations Live courses: workshops at top MBA schools such as INSEAD Coaching: Mock interviews and  feedback with senior top consultants If you want to go into consulting, or want to learn the problem solving skills of top consultants, apply now. Consulting Prep is the leading training platform for case interviews. We train the most ambitious students to succeed in their interviews and in their careers for the elite management consulting firms.


The future of storytelling is user generated. Viral Bastard offers creative video makers  a  platform to showcase and distribute their authentic, entertaining content to  media buyers and engage audiences around the world.  Join us in our quest to push the boundary of stock video so that we can distribute awesome, ground-breaking content together.  We see an awesome opportunity ahead. We feel proud to be part of this upcoming movement, where the future is unwritten and the potential unlimited.