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We are Safe ApS

Safe er en softwarevirksomhed, der hjælper danskere med at forbedre deres digitale sikkerhed gennem en overskuelig og nem løsning baseret på abonnement. Vi er i massiv vækst. Vores kultur er resultatorienteret - vi har verdens bedste kundeservice - og vi har det sjovt sammen! Du vil blive tilknyttet vores markedskontor i Danmark.


Shopbox is a software company that makes managing your business easy. We believe that intuitive small applications connected with payment will explode in the coming years. We are the leading "all-in-one" SaaS mobile point-of-sale solution for small and medium sized shops. We have secured funding from a number of prominent investors. We have several times achieved status as the best all-round shop system on the market by among others Microsoft, Intel and Mastercard. We recently acquired one of our competitors and currently serve around 1,500 merchants in the Nordic region. Our ambition is to get to 10,000 merchants within 3 years Shopbox combines the most relevant business tools in one user friendly app. Shopbox has a counter, customer club, finance module, eshop and staff manager in one app. We call it One Business - One App. Our goal is to make the richest and most user friendly Business App in the world. We work with local partners in selected markets to reach more customers with a valuable and future proof point of sale system.


"Reuse 4 Change" is a B2B and B2C business that through a marketplace (something similar to DBA but for business) aims to connect resources/goods that are not needed anymore for some people or companies with others who need/are interested on buying them. Imagine a restaurant or a hotel that is closing/re designing and wants to sell or get rid of the furniture, and at the same time an entrepreneur who is opening a food truck and needs to buy affordable tables and chairs. Briefly speaking, the problem we aim to solve is that due to the high consumption rates nowadays many resources are becoming waste. Nonetheless, there is no need to dispose them as they can be reuse by others so in the end Reuse4Change will be the connection between supply and demand of these resources.


véwater is a social business within water services, combining sensor technology with water cleansing technology and close collaboration with locally anchored partners. véwater provides water to emerging, underserved markets without local access to sustainable and affordable alternatives. Integrating both analogue and mobile payment as well as existing infrastructure, we are able to provide water at competitive prices through existing channels. Meanwhile our sensor technology allow us to monitor solutions real-time to ensure preventive maintenance and repairs even in areas with unstable internet access, while all systems are designed to be repaired using only simple tools and readily available, affordable spare parts. véwater is built upon a vision of providing long-term sustainable development, while simultaneously nurturing and developing unrealised market potential. This is a journey which starts with water, but which has the potential to reach much further. is an online guide for current offers from various subscription businesses in the categories: Streaming services, Newspapers, Magazines, Mobile subscriptions, Broadband supscriptions and Ready meal subscription boxes. We have both direct and indirect partnerships with the products offered at our site. Indirect partnerships thourgh affiliate networks.


NoviPOS leverer kasseapparater, dankortterminaler til butikker, cafeer, restauranter mv. i Danmark, Grønland, Færøerne og Norge. Vi samarbejder blandt andet med FlexPOS vedr. kassesystem-software. Vi har desuden bygget vores egen software, LoppeOnline, som er en brancheløsning til kommissionsbaserede loppemarkedsbutikker. Vores team har arbejdet med dette kundesegment siden 2015 da det først startede i Danmark. Af øvrige samarbejdspartnere kan nævnes Elavon og Nets.


DNA handler passioneret og ambitiøst om at hjælpe andre mennesker med at lykkedes. Vi er eksperter i kommerciel udvikling af virksomheder og fokuserer overskyggende på eksekvering. DNA er et kontroversielt og unikt koncept, der bryder med den måde virksomheder typisk modtager hjælp til at udvikle deres forretning. Konceptet består af det bedste fra organisations- og konsulentverdenen – samlet ét sted. Vi tror ikke på quick fix og søger derfor dybe relationer, hvor vi sammen med virksomheden også står på mål for den effekt, der strategisk er aftalt. Vi er et opbrud med konsulenthuse, brancheorganisationer og andre institutioner, der typisk blot leverer den uforpligtende og simple analyse. DNA arbejder operationelt og vedholdende med det langt sværere “hvordan” og hjælper med at få strategierne til at virke i virksomhedens travle og lavpraktiske hverdag.

Auto-Mow Aps

Auto-Mow Aps are supplying the robotic lawn mower market with installation material and accessories. We only operate within the B2B market and we assist our dealer in developing new and innovative products both for the installers of the robotic lawn mower but also the end-users. Our Dealers use our product every day, and they are continuously using them to sell directly to the customer, or to assist in their installation and service of the robotic lawnmowers. We are right now supplying over 20 countries across Europe, where we mostly only focus on the Professionelle installers and the Distributors within the garden industries. The Major brands don't offer much accessories within the Market, and they mainly focus on the developing the Robotic lawn mowers, these gives us a lot of great opportunities within the market. The market I also increasing every single year, this also opens up a lot new dealers that comes to us to become dealer.


Myselfie er Danmarks førende udlejer af selfie-kameraer til små og store fester, messer, udstillinger og andre events. Et Myselfie kamera er et morsomt samlingspunkt til enhver fest og giver kunderne unikke minder fra de særlige begivenheder i livet, som bryllupper, fødselsdage, konfirmationer osv. Myselfie er en spændende iværksættervirksomhed i stor udvikling. I 2018 fik Myselfie stor succes i tv-programmet ”Løvens Hule” og sikrede sig investering fra alle 5 ”løver”. Investorerne følger virksomhedens udvikling tæt og har bl.a. bistået under Covid-19 krisen. Virksomheden er nu for alvor klar til at skalere op og udvide internationalt. Grundlaget for udviklingen er den unikke, flersprogede IT-platform, der holder styr på salg, udlejninger, billeder og meget andet.

Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship

Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship exists to unleash your entrepreneurial potential by creating, transforming, or simply bringing something new into life. ​Connected to an international ecosystem of entrepreneurs, academics, employers and community partners, we create a safe space for both personal and professional development. Let us be the trampoline to catapult you and your startup to grow encouragingly, innovatively, yet, securely. ​​

Clevertrack ApS

Clevertrack is a modern fleet management platform that aims to reduce idle time, fossil fuel usage, and carbon emissions in the building and construction sector through valuable and actionable insights. We're primarily a software company. We make tailored software solutions in close collaboration with our customers to allow the sector to become more data-driven and help them in their effort to reduce their impact on the environment while also optimizing their bottom line. Reducing idle time is just a fraction of what our platform can do. For example, we also enable workers to find missing equipment, let managers plan out machinery service windows to reduce downtime, and enable stakeholders to browse through historical usage of equipment and machinery. In 2021, Clevertrack was nominated as a finalist for the inaugural IoT award "IoT-Solution of the year," held by Nordic IoT Centre, for our "Auto-off" solution.


Spry is a technology agency focusing on delivering secure, scalable and lightweight solutions. We built web platforms, commerce, campaign sites, APIs and integrations, and work as your experienced development partner, technology consultants and day-to-day support. Spry is a Copenhagen-based team with a global outlook, based on experienced developers and technologists at its core. We co-lab as a trusted tech partner. Our clients are a mix of international companies, NGO's and creative and digital agencies. We work in our clients' preferred choice framework and cloud platform. Technology independency is part of our belief. We provide technical consultancy, we are technology agnostic, and we take pride in building the right things in the right way.

META Digital ApS

META Digital ApS er et digitalt marketing bureau, som specialiserer i at vækste virksomheder gennem øget online eksponering og omsætning. Vi leverer unikke og investeringsfrie vækstløsninger, der – vigtigst af alt – gavner vores samarbejdspartnere, deres forretning og gensidigt vores egen. Virksomheden blev grundlagt på én fundamental filosofi: “Det ideelle B2B-samarbejde bør hverken kræve eller forudsætte negativ investering.” Dén filosofi har formet vores unikke model for leadgenerering, som fortsat er hjørnestenen, der driver META i dag. Vi siger, at vores kerneforretning er din kerneforretning. Gennem effektiv søgemaskineoptimering (SEO) og annoncering etablerer vi kontaktpunkterne mellem dig og dine potentielle kunder. Således forstærker vi din virksomheds aktivitet, drift og omsætning. er en gratis online kunstskole med indhold der henvender sig til både amatører og etablerede kunstnere. Kunstskolens mission er at blive den førende kunstskole online og at inspirere kreative sjæle til at udfolde deres kunstneriske evner fuldt ud. Kunstskolen udgives af professionelle.

Hos Sweetdeal banker vores hjerter for at kunne tilbyde de bedste deals til rigtig gode priser. Vi gør os umage for at forstå, hvad vores kunder drømmer om, og hvordan vi kan hjælpe og forsøde hverdagen med lidt ekstra omsorg og opmærksomhed. Derfor kan du altid finde eksotiske rejsedestinationer, spændende oplevelser, lækre produkter eller services der kan gøre hverdagen lidt lettere - med en flot besparelse i en begrænset periode. Sweetdeal gik i luften d. 16. august 2010 og ejes af Deal Media Group, som er Nordens største deal forretning med over 2 millioner medlemmer i Norden, og består af Sweetdeal, Lively, Urbanguide og Sweetsaver i Danmark, Let´s deal i Norge og Sverige. Sweetdeal har sidenhen indtaget pladsen som Danmarks største udbyder af deals. I samarbejde med vores partnere kan vi tilbyde dig deals til rigtig gode priser, som vi løbende giver et kærligt kvalitetstjek.