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Showing: 4436 filtered startups

Harmoniq audio

Who are we? Harmoniq audio is a tech start-up, founded in Dec 2018. Our goal is to innovate the way speakers are produced, used and recycled. We started this journey with a focus on the development of new, sustainable alternatives to speaker components, including insulation and cabinets. At Harmoniq audio we are mainly working remotely, but we have a production facility 175m2 in Randers we are trying to setup with PNP machine and CNC machine, etc. Harmoniq audio was originally founded by Lasse Hald Andersen and Troels Mikkelsen. Lasse and Troels have known each other since kindergarten and their passion for making speakers started, like many others, with building speakers for the camp at Roskilde Festival and later for friends who needed to use festival speakers for their own camps. Since then, Lasse contiuned the journey and has been educated as an electronics technologist and prof. Bachelor in innovation and entrepreneurship, and are now running the startup, while having a full time job on the side. The interest in speaker production has led to an insight into the speaker industry, which has formed one of Harmoniq audio's central goals: to develop sustainable speakers while creating as good Hi-Fi as possible.

PITOT watches

Watches inspired by fighter jets. We research fighter jet signature look and details and come up with watches designed and inspired by fighter jets from all over the world. A former flight mechanic from the danish airforce and a watch designer previously worked with swiss brands, working together to develop these airplane-inspired watches. Currently 800 followers on Instagram in under 2 months, 400 on Twitter, 500 email lead lists,s and many buyers already on the concept and 3D stage. UPDATE 1-3-2021 We expect the first 300 F-14 watches in stock in May 2021. We have sold 130 F-14 watches of our intro watch in crowdfunding and preorder from Kickstarter and our webshop We got an investment in Nov 2020 and started our first production. We expect to get another bigger investment for more growth, production, and development of future watches and running the office probably and scale it up. Instagram followers 4800+ FB 2700+ Email list 1800+

3D Arkitekterne

3D Arkitekterne er et mindre bureau placeret i København. Vi udarbejder 3D visualiseringer og understøtter herigennem arkitekter, entreprenører og ejendomsudviklere i at styrke deres visuelle profil og præsentationsmateriale.​Vi tror på tætte langsigtede samarbejder og sikrer bl.a. dette ved at tilbyde høj kvalitet, til en pris der ligger 20-30% under andre leverandører i markedet.


RemoteMore brings the matching of remote job candidates and companies to a level of efficiency and effectiveness that does not exist today.More and more companies are realizing that hiring the best person for the job means hiring globally. While there are many options for hiring traditional employees – the choices are too limited when it comes to hiring remote employees with longer-term commitment.We want to fill this gap in the market.

Bliv andelshaver i Palacete Rossio og gør Portugal til dit andet hjem. Deltag i bevarelsen af et fredet, historisk palacete ved indgangen til en stor, naturbeskyttet nationalpark. Udforsk områdets natur, kultur og madkunst sammen med de lokale. Reserver din plads på vores infomøde, hvor vi byder dig velkommen med en præsentation af projektet, lidt te og kaffe samt netværk med andre Portugal interesserede.  Se bl.a. vores 2 mins. intro video her:


Bilabonnement is a new innovative and groundbreaking online concept, which for the first time offers cars on subscription basis. With a fixation period of just three months, a termination notice of only one month, and a fixed low monthly fee, our concept is for everybody who wishes to have a car on flexible, manageable, and transparent terms, with all costs included.

Hofstra & Wagner blev stiftet tilbage i slutningen af 2014 af Oliver Hofstra & Mathias Wagner. Idéen byggede på at gøre design til alt andet, end hvad det behøves at være. Vi så en stigende interesse i antikke møbler, hvor kabeltromler blandt andet blev brugt. Virksomheden er ung og dynamisk, hvilket afspejler sig i den stigende vækst. Hofstra & Wagner bygger på flere års erfaring med møbelproduktion og en solid og stærk holdning til bæredygtighed, produktion og design. is about discovering life's hidden gems. It's about sports, hobbies, knowledge, skills, self-improvement. It's about redefining your story.***Users explore at their own pace. As they travel through our universe, they build up a bucket list of interests, and for every topic we've written visually entising article about getting started.B2B partners are given a unique opportunity to advertise here. They become the first face, a person entering their market, ever sees.


Airlabs is an organisation with foundations in atmospheric chemistry and airflow engineering that has been established out of a desire to tackle the huge social problem of air quality in cities across the world. Our work is the result of active collaboration between our team and some of the world’s leading applied environmental research and engineering institutes. Our team brings together experts from widely varying disciplines: from atmospheric chemistry to pollution monitoring, from fluid dynamics to environmental health and from economics to engineering and design.

HR Connect IVS

HR Connect er en rekrutteringsvirksomhed med fokus på search – det betyder at vi gør meget ud af finde de helt rigtig kandidater for netop dig. Vi hjælper dig med at screene Danmarks største databaser for jobsøgende kandidater og eksponerer din stillingsannonce for de kandidater, som lever op til dine krav – formålet er at connecte virksomheder med de rette kandidater.

Floragora er et online plantemarked, hvor man kan bytte, købe, sælge og bortgive blomster og planter. Navnet er en sammenskrivning af "flora" og "agora", der betyder hhv. planteliv og markedsplads/mødested.

Bikematch is a platform where you can get the overview and find offers on bikes from your local bikeshop.On the other side we have made a dedicated online system called for bike dealers, that enables them to manage and update all of their online platforms from one place. The system features a build in database with bikes which can be integrated with their current webpage, facebook and other marketing platforms.Our vision is to be The best online system for bike dealers globally.


Autoholly is out to fix the $Bn auto transport industry in Europe. From our base in Copenhagen, we help car buyers and car sellers to move their cars safely from A-B. The auto transport industry in Europe lacks transparency, and transports are often seen (half-) empty and burning a lot of unnecessary CO2. Autholly is out to change this by eliminating all waste in vehicle logistics. Holly - is super friendly, always picks up the phone, and always delivers what she promises. Join us in building Autoholly into the best place to work in Copenhagen and fixing an old (but fun!) industry for good!


Artstash is a Digital Asset Management platform ( DAM ) built specifically for Game and Video teams working with 3D game technology. The system is uniquely designed to interface with several different storage technologies used in such teams to bring together assets across multiple platforms and make them easy to search, preview, collaborate on, and recycle in other projects. Artstash connects with your existing version control and cloud storage to bring your art assets together in a single visual interface. Artstash comes with native support for a myriad of formats. Find, tag, preview, and share 3D and 2D formats like FBX, OBJ, 3DS, BLENDER, PSD, PSB, AI, AVI, and many more with no need to install local software. Our advanced context-driven tag navigation allows for complex combinations of search and filtering to be created allowing users to drill down to exactly the assets they need for a given project. In this way, assets from multiple sources can be combined and searched seamlessly together.


Birdie® is a Fresh Air Monitor™ improving your indoor climate & health. 90% of our life is spend indoors. Often in poor air quality increasing the risk of asthma, headache, fatigue, and sleep disorders. Experts suggests that one of the best ways to improve indoor air quality is by ventilating frequently. This is a huge but invisible problem, calling for a visible solution. Just like the canary in the coalmine, Birdie® will drop down when the indoor air quality is poor — until you open your windows and bring it back to life. Simple as that.