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LampeWorld Aps

Lampeworld is a rapidly growing company that specializes in the sale of high-quality lamps and lighting accessories through our 2 multi-brand webshops, on Amazon, and B2B. Our unique product selection features a combination of Danish and international brands, making us a go-to destination for customers seeking distinctive and stylish lighting solutions. As a young and dynamic team, we are passionate about delivering outstanding customer service and bringing innovative products to market quickly. Our flat organizational structure and collaborative work environment empower employees to share ideas and take action, ensuring that our team is always at the forefront of the latest trends and developments in the lighting industry. Founded in 2018 by childhood friends Phillip and Adam, Lampeworld has quickly established itself in the Scandinavian market. Based in Herlufmagle on Zealand, our company has both a warehouse and office and delivers products to customers across Europe. At Lampeworld, we are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive workplace where employees can grow their careers and develop their skills. If you are passionate about lighting and want to join a fast-paced, forward-thinking team, we encourage you to apply for one of our available positions today.

Cantek Media

Cantek Media er et kreativt Content Marketing Bureau med flair for detaljen. Vi arbejder udelukkende med ambitiøse virksomheder, som ønsker, at vækste med raketfart via nytænkende og udfordrende videocontent blandet med professionelt og skarp målrettet markedsføring. Vi er en ung virksomhed med store ambitioner.


Segmento build out personalized experiences through AI-based, product Intelligence and human-to-human communication customer journeys that your subscriber is looking forward to entering. Supercharge your e-commerce business through a personalized shopping experience, that is equal to the fantastic customer service in a real-life shop.

Content Ad Libitum

Content Ad Libitum er en online platform, som hjælper danske virksomheder med at få produceret content til sine sociale medier. Content spiller en afgørende rolle, hvis brands ønsker at vækste igennem sociale medier som Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest og Snapchat. Content produktionen er for mange en stor mundfuld, da der kræves hyppig udskiftning af billede- og videomateriale, for at være interessant for målgruppen. Hos Content Ad Libitum har vi systematiseret content produktionen, og tilbyder derfor, at virksomheder kan få produceret ALT det content, som de har behov for - til en fast månedlig ydelse. Virksomheden blev etableret i dec. 2022, består af 7 fuldtidsansatte og har produceret content for +60 brands. Vi er på en mission om at disrupte en hel industri med en konkurrencedygtig pris, lynhurtig leveringstid og enorm indsigt i trends.


Eseba, a part of NIRAS Green Tech Hub strives to become the leading material science company in the furniture and interior industry's value chain with our innovative and sustainable biobased-technology to upcycle textile waste out of natural fibers. Our production method is based on securing minimal consequences to the external environment. Our vision is to become the clothing brands’ & interior companies leading partner in the implementation of circular business models with a platform of different upcycling technologies of textile waste in the long term. Eseba is based on a sustainable circular business model in which we aim to contribute to practical solutions to reach the targets of UN Goals, particularly SDG Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production. Despite the fact that the fashion industry is estimated to be contributing to 10% of the global carbon emission to produce clothing, a large share of clothing ends up as waste and is burned, eventually causing further harm to the environment. To put this into perspective, each year in Denmark, 677 tons of unused clothes are burned. Our Solution Eseba´s innovative and sustainable biobased-technology is relevant, because we can create upcycled textile products out of dead stocks (natural fiber) from clothing companies. Those upcycled textile products are customer-based and range from chair seats to lampshades. Lixo, which is the name of Eseba´s end-product is a hard and malleable material that contains 95-100% natural textile waste.


Blumen har som formål at hjælpe verdens førende virksomheder med at skabe arbejdspladser og organisationer, hvor ledere og medarbejdere trives og føler sig mentalt sunde. Gennem vores personaliserede og datadrevne psykologforløb hjælper vi virksomhedens medarbejdere med at tage mentale sundhedsudfordringer i opløbet, hvilket er med til at reducere sygefravær og øge performance. Ligeledes uddanner vi medarbejdere og ledere gennem vores workshops og ledelsesprogrammer, hvor vi går i dybden med emner som forebyggelse af stress, emotionel intelligent kommunikation, vaner og psykologisk tryghed. Blumen er startet og drevet af mennesker med baggrund i psykologien, der alle brænder for at skabe mere opbyggelige arbejdspladser. Den drivkraft har også ledt til kunder som fx Novo Nordisk, KPMG, SOUNDBOKS og OLIOLI.


Similarly to how cars replaced horse carriages, a new era of influencer marketing is approaching. Influencer marketing has become a jungle to navigate. Colab enters the market with polarity and new ways of doing things, aiming to re-invent, simplify & streamlining the influencer marketing process by offering a more effective product to brands with a cooler interface. Colab is helping brands facilitate, manage and scale their influencer campaigns, whether they have experience within the field or not. The industry has moved towards limited transparency and unfair pricing, with the general perception being that the more followers, the better the candidate for a campaign. However, the inverse relationship between follower volume and engagement rate makes this notion untrue. By harnessing the power of nano and micro-influencers, we're proving that relation matters more than size regarding impact. We are building our value proposition on this: By activating 10-20 micro-influencers instead of one macro influencer. This way, brands can have a more cost-effective campaign and deliver a higher ROI. Micro-influencers tend to have a more niche audience which can be highly targeted and more likely to convert to customers. This will reduce the risk of fall-throughs and ultimately have greater reach, effect, and overall return. We handle the influencer volume through our platform. The content creators follow brands they like, which is how we pick the relevant content creators for a particular campaign. No need to reach out to multiple influencers that don't like your brand in the first place. The relevant content creators get picked, can access the brief, order products, track packages, upload content for approval and chat with us through our Colab app. In other words, we have compressed the process to its core, turned the table, so the content creators pick the brand, and assembled all necessary steps and communication in one place. One of the most crucial factors in our approach is the community we build and nurture. We are very selective regarding brands we collaborate with and content creators. Hence, insofar as possible, we prioritise working with authentic brands and mainly content creators with some edge in a niche market, making them valuable to the brands wanting exposure to their particular niche. Colab began because we all saw how the influencer marketing industry was speeding out of control with the perception that the greater the reach, the better the candidate, at the expense of prices going through the roof, despite a lack of transparency and all campaign-associated data showing how well the campaign performed. In combination with the fact that trust tends to be more prevalent among nano and micro-influencers and their audience, mainly driven by their ability to create content that is perceived as more authentic and relatable, which can lead to greater credibility among their followers, additionally, making their engagement rates higher than Macro-influencers. Colab autogenerates a digestible data report on campaign performance comprised of every content creator participating in the campaign, which gives an overview of the content, the reach, impression rate and many more metrics. In Colab, it is, therefore, not crucial whether you have 2.000 followers or 200.000 followers as long as you are authentic and make an effort in what you are creating and posting regardless of what it is.

HabiWe ApS

HabiWe er en møbeldesignvirksomhed, der udvikler æstetisk spændende og innovative møbler, udviklet med en forskningsbaseret og undersøgende tilgang. Vores udvikling tager afsæt i bæredygtighed, funktionalitet og akustik hvor målet med møblerne er, at de skal medvirke til at øge trivslen hos brugeren og sikre et bæredygtigt indeklima. HabiWes møbler tapper ind i noget væsentligt i et samfund, hvor støjniveauet øges, både i det offentlige rum, kontorlandskaber, klasselokaler, rehabilitering, og i de private åbne boliger. Et støjniveau der sænker trivslen og øger stressniveauet hos borgeren. Stifteren bag HabiWe, Anne Mygind. Annes fokus og ambition er at drive en solid og bæredygtig virksomhed, som sikrer menneskelig trivsel, ikke kun via de møbler der udvikles, men også blandt de folk, som virksomheden samarbejder med. Målet med virksomheden er ikke kun at være bæredygtig på det økonomiske og menneskelige plan, men at sikre at alle produkter, der udvikles og sælges i HabiWe, så vidt muligt, er bæredygtige gennem hele produktets livscyklus. HabiWe er et design-/handelshus der udvikler designløsninger der produceres i partnerskab med nationale underleverandører der producerer og lagerfører produkterne. Møblerne afsættes i dag via branchespecifikke forhandlere på det nationale og internationale marked. HabiWe blev stiftet i august 2020, hvor det første lancerede produkt i et produktportefølje af 4 møbler, HabiCave, kom på markedet i februar 2021. Et møbel, der var prisvindende ved årets Formland Award samt Hoppekids Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award og desuden blev shortlistet ved Danish Design Award. De øvrige møbler i Habi-serien er alle møbler der ligeledes er bæredygtige, arbejder med akustik og med den sansemotoriske udvikling hos brugeren.


Ecobotix offers technology that can leverage pesticide-free crop protection. Ecobotix has developed and patented a unique spreader system for gently, evenly and precisely applying natural enemies (beneficial insects and mites). The system can be applied with sprayer booms, agricultural vehicles or drones. The company is commited to making pesticide-free food available to everyone that prefers this. er en Dansk virksomhed med base i København. Vi har specialiseret os i industrielt salg af primært europæisk non-animalsk Premium Fillers, Meso cocktails & Peeling udstyr, samt diverse klinik udstyr. Vil tilbyder en bred vifte af efteruddannelser hos nogle af Scandinavians anerkendte og førende Kosmetiske læger, med baser i Danmark, Sverige og Norge. Vi er en af Danmarks og nordens førende leverandører på området, med international anerkendte brands og internationalt netværk. Vi gøre os umage i at sælge sikre og godkendte produkter. Du kan derfor være helt tryg med at handle hos

Silvi is an end-to-end screening and data extraction tool supporting Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis. was founded in 2018 by Professor in Health Economic Evidence, Tove Holm-Larsen, and expert in Machine Learning, Rasmus Hvingelby. The idea for Silvi stemmed from their own research, and the need to conduct systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses faster. The ideas behind Silvi were originally a component of a larger project. In 2016, Tove founded the group “Evidensbaseret Medicin 2.0” in collaboration with researchers from Ghent University, Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, and other experts. EBM 2.0 wanted to optimize evidence-based medicine to its highest potential using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, but needed a highly skilled person within AI. Around this time, Tove met Rasmus, who shared the same visions. Tove teamed up with Rasmus, and was created. Silvi uses AI to increase the speed of collecting and analyzing published data to created meta-analyses and systematic literature reviews. When using Silvi, the researcher still makes all the scientific decisions, but with AI supporting data extraction, the speed of doing meta-analyses increases immensely. Silvi is directly connected to literature engines to ensure that the results are always up to date. These core qualities of Silvi ensures a tool that quickly helps you create high quality evidence that stays relevant. Silvi helps create systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses that follow Cochrane guidelines in a highly reduced time frame, giving a fast and easy overview. It supports the user through the full process, from literature search to data analyses. Silvi is directly connected with databases such as PubMed and and is always updated with the latest published research. It also supports RIS files, making it possible to upload a search string from your favorite search engine (i.e., Ovid). Silvi has a tagging system that can be tailored to any project. Silvi is transparent, meaning it documents and stores the choices (and the reasons behind them) the user makes. Whether publishing the results from the project in a journal, sending them to an authority, or collaborating on the project with several colleagues, transparency is optimal to create robust evidence.


Medstart is a science-backed weight-loss platform, that seeks to change the way we do healthcare, by specifically challenging the way we handle obesity. We combine the effects of prescription GLP-1 medicine, personal lifestyle coaching and an interactive app that gives our members constant access to their entire team of healthcare professionals. We give our members the tools they need to lose weight, and always make sure to place out members right at the core of our business.


Minlæring har i de seneste år arbejdet for at give lærere og elever i sprogfagene og dansk nye muligheder i undervisningen. Det skal være motiverende og lærerigt at arbejde med sprog og grammatik. Derfor har vi især arbejdet på at skabe smarte løsninger online ved at udnytte teknologi i undervisningen til at understøtte elevernes læring.

Copenhagen Grooming ApS

Our mission is to design products that help men with the actual challenges of modern life; an honest story about being a man. We provoke confidence and help men feel good about themselves through products we love. We are inspired by the man who dares to be perfectly imperfect. The man who is in charge of his own life. And not dictated by the expectations of others - but simply want to feel satisfied with his own looks, for the sake of him and nobody else. Copenhagen grooming is here to create healthy and confident minds. Copenhagen Grooming is founded on the belief that powerful products never should equal harsh chemicals. Tweaking nature and provoking confidence since 2017.


I Gaudium har vi ét mål for øje – at give imponerende madoplevelser! Når livets store og små begivenheder skal fejres, skal maden være perfekt. Derfor har vi i Gaudium specialiseret os i at lave eksklusive buffeter, der imponerer både værten og dets gæster til livets fester og begivenheder! Det er uanset, om det er til den store fødselsdag, konfirmationen eller blot til en hyggeaften med venner eller familie. Med mad fra Gaudium kan værten slappe af – både op til, men især også under festen. Maden klarer vi, så værten ikke skal bekymre sig om mængden, kvaliteten eller smagsoplevelsen. Vi har leveret mad til mere end 500.000 madglade danskere, som har belønnet os med en masse flotte anmeldelser og en på 1. plads på TrustPilot i kategorien "Catering"." Vil du med på holdet?