
A note from the Founder not generated by AI :D Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that we can instantly communicate with anyone around the world at anytime wirelessly? Personally, I have been intrigued by the devices and the invisible fields that connect us all since I was much younger. From the smartphone to the services that power it - and while they are great for everything they do, I felt the business model of selling phones and SIM cards hasn't really changed since the industry first began - more importantly to me it lacked heart and consideration for people and the planet. So about 2 years ago, I started working on Worthmore. Today, we're a small team on a mission to disrupt telecom for the good of people and the planet and redefine what a mobile phone subscription can be. We market Worthmore more as a membership to a community focused on making the world a better place first - not just a mobile phone subscription. Our goal is to transform your choice of telecom provider into a meaningful decision to become part of something bigger. In fact, we tell our members that they get the SIM card for free just for being a part of what we do. As a member, you enjoy the same great telecom services & prices (in most cases better or cheaper) - plus added perks of saving money at impactful brands and services. On top of this, for each member of our community, Worthmore pledges 15kr/mo to the "Worthmore Impact Fund," which supports people and tangible projects working towards a future we can all be proud of. See our first video here https://youtu.be/Vo9SuuD07jw?si=tYlO_Z0YUo0vOuFy The mission is to prove that in a dinosaur industry like telecom - doing good is good business. That by supporting causes instead of wasting money on ads, we can build a movement and a community that is connected by more than just the SIM cards in their devices. They are connected with a common goal of working towards a future we can all be proud of. We are still in the very early stages, and since I don't come from money, and I didn't start this with a small loan of a million dollars from my dad, it has been a struggle to even get this far...but we now have our first working SIM cards - we have our website - we have the basic skills, and most importantly, we have the motivation to keep pushing things forward. Every time I see that it says Worthmore in the top corner of my phone instead of Telia, Lebara, or whoever, I'm reminded that we have succeeded in building a way to help people #ConnectWithPurpose. So - As a founder with an extremely limited budget and nothing but an overwhelming sense of optimism and a passion for what he's building - I write this letter to reach out to those who also want to be part of our mission - we could use the help. I look forward to connecting with some of you soon for an interview, and if you've read this far, you're probably the type of person we're looking for :D Tegan Spinner CEO & Founder @Worthmore
Location Denmark, Sweden
Website worthmore.io
Founded 2020
Employees 1-10
Industries Energy & Greentech, Telecommunications
Business model B2C, B2B, Marketplace
Funding state Pre-seed

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Near public transit
Near public transit

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

See all 13 benefits

“Our mission isn't just to build a telecom company. It's to highlight the power of community, take action against the dystopian future we seem to face, and turn a commodity like our mobile phone subscription into something Worthmore.”

- Tegan, CEO at Worthmore

Key numbers


Money raised




Founder, CEO and Founder

Tegan Spinner

Founder, CTO

Merveille Kabombwe





Daniel Kristensen

