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easymove is a SaaS tool that engages employees through various fun and activating micro activities during a workday. We believe in an informal and playful - albeit respectful - approach towards a serious challenge. We actively use gamification and the power of community to create better habits and happier employees, while continuously providing our customers with data and insight about employee well-being and activity. Thereby, we enable employers to create a healthier and more productive workplace. __ RUNNING26 easymove is a spin-off from the consulting company Running26, which has more than 15 years of experience in strengthening health and communities in Danish workplaces. The main goal is to strengthen mental and physical health in organizations through communities and engagement. Check out Running26 here: TRAILFOX SERIES Running26 owns the event company 'Trailfox Series' - a series of unique B2C trail experiences (trail running and offroad triathlon). In 2022, we offer two unique trail experiences at Møns Klint, and Tisvilde Hegn. Check out Trailfox Series here:

Nadia Wire

Nadia Wire graduated in 2017 from Central Saint Martins, specialising in Knitwear. After having worked for numerous well-known fashion brands; the brand Nadia Wire was established in January 2019: A new Danish womenswear brand offering feminine and innovative knitwear collections. Nadia Wire’s unique universe pulls you in to a world of colourful and stripy knitwear. Every textile and garment are 100% made in Denmark at our own knitting production facilities in Copenhagen. The brand will launch its first collection in 2020.


Tjekbil enables you to check license plate information - a license plate has never been able to give you as much useful information as now. At Tjekbil you can quickly and easily make several license plate lookups. For example, if you are considering buying a used car, it is highly recommended to do a license plate check in order to obtain information about the car. You can for example, make sure that there is no outstanding debt in the car through the necessary car info. Through our license plate information and registration number you can also access previous MOT reports and see if the car has had serious errors. The MOT reports also allow you to check if the car's mileage is credible.


For years, many people have been victim to the fraud regarding private car trade - especially because there were issues with the bill of sale for the car. Furthermore, the buyer didn't investigate the car the buyer was buying properly, e.g. looking for outstanding debt, theft and change of the driven miles. In order to combat these major problems regarding fraud when buying a used car, NEMbilhandel is providing a legally approved bill of sale for the car to help ensure a safe private car trade - for free! NEMbilhandel is automatically investigating whether there is outstanding debt in the car, signs of fraud with miles driven and theft. Furthermore, NEMbilhandel also provides secure transfer of the purchase price, with the possibility of car financing. Start your safe car trade now!


Vainu is building a Sales Intelligence platform that helps salespeople and marketers move forward. Powered by technology to collect, read and understand all company information ever written, Vainu makes these real-time company insights easily consumable directly in its customers' existing business systems. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, the company launched in 2013 and is now at €15 million in annual revenue with a team of 150, spread across Europe. Over 2,000 sales and marketing teams globally use Vainu’s data to personalize customer interactions at scale—ultimately leading to more sales.


At Skyfish, we celebrate innovation and integrity. Our nimble team is comprised of professionals not only from Denmark, but from all over the world. We delight in creating new solutions for our clients and consistently delivering a professional product. Our greatest success is when we work together to help our clients look effortlessly polished.


PLYO Lab is a growth studio based out of Copenhagen & Remote that collaborates with businesses to uncover and validate their opportunities for growth by utilizing modern digital technologies and networks of boutique studios, entrepreneurs, freelancers. This is enabling us to move with the speed and mindset of a startup.


U. is a startup Danish-led global travel company. We hold unapologetic convictions that travel helps to create better human beings. Quite simply, to make the world a better place people need to travel. We offer group tours with authentic, sustainable, carbon-neutral experiences in 14 different countries around the world. The experiences empower our travelers to become the best versions of themselves and to see the world from a different perspective. When the world opening up, we have seized the opportunity for creating the best travel company in the world and we are scaling up the business with ridiculously high ambitions- but hey why shouldn’t they be? Our most limited ressource now is time. We simply need more hands as the business grows - YOUR HANDS! Sounds scary? Good - now lets grow this business together and have a blast while doing so! We believe in stories over stuff, and we hope that you will be a part of our story.


News and facts about your network. Get notified, if somebody you know is mentioned in the media, change job, make an investment or similar. Integrate Paqle with our social network or CRM system and keep you updated on any changes or openings in your network. Paqle monitor online media and public databases. Paqle has strategic partnerships with TV 2 in Denmark and VG in Norway

Olive Oil Copenhagen ApS

Organic Extra virgin olive oil – a taste you won’t forget Recommended by Olive Oil Sommelier Christina Elver from Olive Oil Copenhagen, who cooperates with the worlds very best olive oil producers. Quality Guarantee Christina Elver has been nerdy with food, quality, taste and nutrition since 1994. In addition to being certified International olive oil expert as well as olive oil Sommelier, a nutrition specialist, process technologist and chef. As an expert, Olive Oil Copenhagen can guarantee quality, origin and taste. We work exclusively with top manufacturers who believe in nature and good behavior. Sales to private as well as B2B partners, see more at Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Olive Oil Copenhagen:  About 15 kg or 5000 olive fruits in a bottle  The olives are hand-picked and are in the mill within 1 1/2 hours  Fresh olive juice is a healthy spice for everyday food  98% healthy fat, 2% antioxidants = 100% healthy Balance  Daily recommendation 2 tablespoons daily ≈ approx. 1/2 liters per month  Produced organic with consideration for the environment and nature  Durability approx. 3-4 months after opening the bottle (lasts longer than a bottle of wine) Smell: Fresh green grass Taste: Fresh, bitter and chili sensation in the throat from the antioxidants

Rent Guide

Rent Guide is a legaltech startup, who's giving the tenants a fighting chance against their landlords. By lowering their rent and getting them compensated, we're enabling tenants to exercise their rights, and ensure fair conditions against their landlord on even footing. By leveraging on technology and legal expertise, we handle the client's case from end to end, only requiring a fee if we win the case (no cure, no pay) - with little needed involvement from the client. We're working hard on making the process as smooth and automated as possible, to allow us to represent as many tenants as possible, with a fee they can afford. With a diverse set of backgrounds ranging from tech-development and banking, to marketing and strategy consulting - and of course, law - we're able to use a wide array of skills and experiences to make Rent Guide into the best that it can be. Since it was founded back in 2016, Rent Guide has made a solid place in the market, and are now looking at ways to expand. - Flutter and JAMstack apps

A Warsaw-based software consulting studio. We are a team of experts with 10 years of experience in implementing complex mobile and web solutions. We build projects using Flutter and JAMstack technologies. We help startups and scale-ups in designing, prototyping and implementing great applications. We support our clients on every stage of the project cycle, starting from technology consulting, through rapid prototyping, to deployment. We offer services related to: - technological advisory, incl. feasibility studies, software audits, prototyping - software development, incl. custom project development and team augmentation - UX/UI design, incl. wireframes, user flows, interface design We believe that direct communication and in-depth needs analysis are strong foundations of each successful project. We use collaboration tools such as Slack, Trello and Jira for more effective communication and the results of our work are presented on regular biweekly live demo video calls. Our experience: - mobile wallets - loyalty programs - payments integration Google Pay/Apple Pay/MasterPass/PayPal - mobile applications using NFC/BLE/QR - healthtech applications designed to collect and process biometric data We are ready to become your technology partner and to build a long-lasting business relationship. Contact us here or at

Toobusytobefit er en online coaching virksomhed startet af Mike Radoor ( Virksomheden startede af den ene grund at Mike som serieiværksætter så hvordan interessen for hvordan han kunne holde sig i den fine form, selvom han havde travle uger og tonsvis af udenlandsrejser på skemaet. Vi har i dag hjulpet flere end 1000 personer med at tabe sig og klient antallet stiger uge for uge. Vi har dagligt 100vis af spørgsmål fra aktive klienter som søger hjælp til en forbedret form og livsstil. Vi har store ambitioner og har for mål at blive Europas største coaching virksomhed inden for vægttab, livsstilsændringer og kropstransformation. Vores mål er at skabe en virksomhed der med stolte øjne kan sige at vi har gjort verden en tjeneste ved at hjælpe overvægtige med at tabe sig.


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Princh A/S

Based on the idea of the sharing economy, we are building a global network of publicly available printers. We want printing to be easy and accessible, allowing users to easily find a printer nearby and print from phones, tablets and laptops and pay for the service electronically.   Princh was founded in 2015 and is funded by professional investors and run by an experienced and passionate team. Located in Denmark, Princh is the leading public printing solution in Scandinavia and has customers across the world handling millions of print jobs. We enjoy building solutions that our users love and in a time where many need to print less and less, we offer a (way more!) sustainable alternative to having a printer at home.   At Princh, your work is valued and makes a real impact! Our goal is to learn every day so we push each other to grow and develop – individually and as a business. Successes are celebrated, and missteps are learning experiences that team members generally aren’t physically punished for.