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Orgbrain AS

Orgbrain is a next generation portal that is tailor-made for manage digital board meetings and general assembly. The portal gives you everything you need to organize a meeting like meeting planing, video conferencing, shareholder book, digital voting, document storage, distribution of minutes for consultation and signing of minutes with BankID. The system provides proposals for both annual plan, agenda and minutes. Orgbrain also contains a digital board school where users can complete an authorization course in board administration with exams and diplomas. #orgbrain #styreskolen #styret #styrearbeid #styreleder #dagligleder #styreportal #styreplattform #ledelse #digitalisering #maskinlæring "kunstigintelligens #innovasjon
Location Norway
Founded 2017
Employees 1-10
Industries Fintech, IT & Software, SaaS
Business model B2B
Funding state Seed

Working at
Orgbrain AS

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Work life balance
Work life balance

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea


Founder, CEO

Thomas Evensen

Founder, CTO & Styremedlem

Dag Asheim

Founder, COO & Styremedlem

William Jensen

Founder, CMO

Are Stegane