Swedish public meal services are regulated by law. We have identified a great conflict in combining a heavy compliance service with a great craftsmanship. The result is a situation where our children do not eat enough or not at all in school. This means an increased risk for long-term health and not the least concentration and energy throughout the day. School and canteen personnel struggle to live up to compliance in nutrition restrictions and other regulatory requirements. Climate KPI's such as food waste, budget constraints and at the same time ensuring that the children eat a nourishing and tasty meal is challenging and a balancing act which requires experience and tools with sophisticated data to support their work.
We have identified three major areas for improvement; 1) Lack of a structured recurring way of collecting feedback from the public meal guests (children, school personnel), 2) There is only one player on the Swedish market offering an IT tool for planning and follow up the meal process. This is a monopoly situation and a huge risk of being irresponsible with tax money, not meeting the needs. The existing tools offered have a high focus on compliance and reporting and less on the guests and the taste and positive experience the meal should give. 3) The increasing alarms of children not eating in school and not getting satiated due to not enough nourishing meals. This is both a risk for the health of next generation and an unfair situation where the children should be served an equal meal wherever you live.
We have several main target users. The main customer is the school management and the municipalities. As meal planning is a core process involving many stakeholders, all contributing to fundamental steps in the process, we also see important values to each of these user groups; dietitians, diet economists, meal planners, school chefs, teachers, students and caregivers.
All user groups have been involved in our analysis. The function that got the most attention was the feedback function involving the guests. That is unique and there is no such service available in existing tools. It is also requested as the schools need to comply with the authority requirements of collecting feedback throughout the year as part of their meal policy.
As we are planning to release our meal planning ecosystem over time, we have during the fall of 2021 carried out a proof of concept among 150 pupils and teachers focusing on one of the main problems - continuous feedback from guests - in a project called skollunch.se. The result proved our concept and the feedback of our test came out very positive from the target groups.
We want to offer an intelligent solution for meal planning that proactively suggests a tasty meal based on budget, sustainability, nutrition and rating. With artificial intelligence, business intelligence and interactive functionality, the users will be guided in the meal planning process with engaging and simple interfaces. The core of Intellimeal is situation-based recommendations heavily relying on data locally and globally creating automated meal planning whenever needed and requested.
Intellimeal contributes to reducing food waste and at the same time improving knowledge and understanding of sustainable patterns of consumption. We want to contribute to educating the next generation in nutritious food choices to prevent life-style related diseases.
We want to work proactively and support the school lunch system with automated and simplified meal planning that result in a more equal and fair meal experience nation-wide, regardless of what the municipalities spend in school lunch budgets and chef experience.
This is our contribution to a more sustainable world and to meet the goals of Agenda 2030.