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Metra Næringsmegling AS

Som megler kan du ikke sitte et helt annet sted og tro at du kjenner Østfold og Follo. Du må være der! Vite hva som rører seg. Kjenne pulsen og identiteten til de ulike stedene i distriktet. Ha oversikt over utbyggingsplaner, reguleringer og ikke minst preferanser i markedet.Derfor bør det være ditt førstevalg å kontakte en megler som holder til i regionen. Metra Næringsmegling er den største næringsmegleren i området. Vi har årelang erfaring, mye detaljkunnskap og avdelinger både i Moss og Fredrikstad og i 2016 åpner vi kontor i Ski. Og det beste av alt er at vi er mye mer enn en megler. Vi kan bistå deg og din bedrift med forvaltning, økonomistyring, verdivurderinger, analyser og rådgivning i tilknytning til eiendomsutvikling. Mer info på vår hjemmeside:

Tema Innovasjon AS

Tema Innovasjon AS ble opprettet av Tor Magnus Anfinsen i 2016, og jobber med utvikling og salg av løsninger innen foto, dataspill og applikasjoner, samt salg av rådgivningstjenester, fotografering, bilder og andre produkter/tjenester, som naturlig hører sammen med dette. Vi er 3 ansatte og har som mål å utvikle seg som en ledende bedrift innen foto, rådgiving og innovasjon i Kongsberg.

Designdata AS

Designdata er forhandler av moderne CAD-systemer i hele Norge. Vi leverer profesjonelle løsninger for 2D tegning og 3D modellering til rimelige priser. BricsCad; - Moderne CAD-program til svært konkurransedyktig pris - Lagrer tegninger på samme filformat (.dwg) som AutoCAD - Fleksibel lisensiering / Valgfri oppgraderingsfrekvens - Lett tilgjengelig brukerstøtte på norsk - Symbolbibliotek og fagmoduler for VVS, elektro m.fl. RhinoCeros: - Populær 3D CAD for konstruktører og arkitekter - Særlig godt egnet til modellering av avansert geometri, som friform kurver og flater - Tilleggsprogram for fotorealistisk rendering, animasjoner, styrkeberegning, skrogdesign m.m.

Luseklinikken Norge

Luseklinikken gir foreldre og omsorgspersoner de sikreste, mest effektive hodelusbehandlingene som fungerer hver gang, for alle, garantert. ​ Luseklinikken er dedikert til å gjenopprette lykke til barn ved å gi foreldrene fred i sinnet og lindre bekymringer på tvers av lokalsamfunn. Ved å gjøre det sikrer vi at hvert barn og omsorgsperson kommer ut av denne vanskelige situasjonen, ikke bare sunnere og lykkeligere, men også som en helt, etter å ha vunnet kampen mot hodelus.

Joule AS

Verden trenger helt nye mobilitetsløsninger for å nå de ambisiøse bærekraftsmålene – og Joule er med på å skape den fremtiden. Joule er en norsk startup som baner vei for neste generasjon mobilitet. Vi tilbyr abonnement for elsykkel – et populært og miljøvennlig produkt med gode vekstutsikter. Våre verdier er:BærekraftLikeverdIntegritetNysgjerrighetJoule har en industriell eier i ryggen og såkornsfinansiering er på plass.

Cutfab AS

We are a young production company in growth – our mission is to bring the customer closer to the production and help them shape their idea. Now we are looking to fill our team with two positions– CNC operator to our brand new 5-axis Biesse with edge banding. You need to have experience with similar machines.– Cabinet makers with experience in both of these positions will be a big part of our team and central in shaping the path for the company into the future. Interested? send us a mail: at and we will provide you with more information.Materials we work with:- Plywood- Acrylic- Solidwood- MDF- Aluminum- D-board- Foam- PVCInterested? send us a mail: at and we will provide you with more information.


Resoptima is a young technology company, experiencing rapid growth. We develop innovative software solutions, helping upstream oil and gas companies improve efficiency, understand risk and make better investment decisions. We operate in an international environment and have customers in all major regions. We have successful software solutions, clearly differentiated from alternative solutions. We have a proven track record of innovation, and several promising ideas in the pipeline. We have great offices, centrally located in Oslo.

Aid in Action

Aid in Action is a voluntary organization that was started in 2008 by the then 19 year old Anne Louise Dæhlin (then Hübert), after visiting a poor village in Kenya. After initially helping to meet a dire need for food, Aid in Action has focused on sustainable development for the local community. We use social entrepreneurship to help poor people and children in need. We are – and want to be – a small and efficient organization that works closely with local, resourceful people in Africa. Our projects are mainly in Kenya. We are working within the areas of education, agriculture, stimulating local industry, water supply, roads, and assistance to orphans. The money we receive from our donors always goes directly to the projects, and none of it is spent on administrative costs on European side. This also means we pay no salaries to those who work with us here. We keep our donors updated with frequent posts on our web page and Facebook. One of our latest projects is building and running the primary school Edustep Kyua Academy, close to Kitui, Kenya:


On a mission to revolutionize enterprise sales support with our competitive enablement-as-a-service software. We bring modern tech to traditional enterprises and provide an unparalleled view of their competitive landscape in breadth and depth never before possible, allowing sales people to win more deals with higher margins.


MäklarTjänsten kopplar ihop säljare av bostäder med lämpliga mäklare i sitt område! MäklarTjänsten låter potentiella säljare jämföra mäklare i sitt område gratis där vi lägger stort fokus på högt kvalificerade mäklare. Kunden skriver in sina kontaktuppgifter samt vilken bostadstyp det gäller och blir sedan automatisk tilldelad de mäklarna som är mest lämpligast för objektet. Mäklartjänsten erbjuder sina mäklare ordning och struktur bland sina tilldelade kunder med funktioner samlat under en och samma plats. Plattformen kommer också fungera som ett hjälpmedel för mäklarannonsering. Mäklartjänsten har idag anslutna mäklare i Stockholmsregionen där fortsatt fokus ska finnas. Som näsa steg vill bolaget utöka till mellanstora städer i Sverige samt utvalda orter.


Kollektivkraft is an innovative advisory service for the insurance holder, that for a low fee ensures correct and fair claims compensation for our customers through our digital platform and expert support. Just in our primary market Sweden, insurance takers yearly lose several hundred million euros in claims money that they are entitled to. This is due to complicated processes, lack of knowledge, lost documents, and an industry structure that disincentives payouts. These factors result in less payout for the insurance taker = greater profit for the insurance company. We help insurance takers to get the claims compensation that they are entitled to by (1) offering safe storage and organisation of all documents through our web app, before anything happens, and (2) when they have a claim, offering real life expert support from our experienced insurance experts. We are a passionate and diverse team with entrepreneur backgrounds and families, who are driven by the satisfaction and power in solving a common problem. We created Kollektivkraft because we’ve experienced the problem first hand: we had claims that we got external help with and ended up getting 10 times more in payout. All of us also have >20 years of work experience, meaning that we also have the grit, network, and determination needed to take us all the way to our goal.


Mentalytics was founded in 2002 and have since been one of the leading businesses in the commercial BrainTech market. The flagship product Mindball has been played by 10 million people around the globe. With the recent pivot into software combined with the full rebrand of the business we refer to ourselves as a start-up with 19 years of experience. Mentalytics is all about focus training, which we will make as common and accepted as physical exercise.

ARAY Society

We’ve set the goal of becoming the #1 platform for female golfers globally. A community base membership invite female golfers to connect, level ups their game, get access to offers, discounts on greenfees globally, meet up at events and make trips together. We bring all industry players together on one united plattfrom: - Golf Clubs - opportunity to communicate current female members, attract new members and learn how to be appealing towards female golfers. - Brands & Organizations - reach female golfers, get insights about the target group, increase sales, brand exposure and streamline offers “ARAY Society was born out of the desire to empower, inspire and create an inclusiveness for female golfers on all levels of play.” - PROs, professional players, golf influencers - attract new clients, work in the industry and find new ways to monetize.


SoulMade is the world's first composable avatar NFT platform, where users can freely customise their avatars by assembling or disassembling their avatar component NFTs. And it is built on Flow Blockchain, the world’s fastest-growing blockchain. We are also NFT solution provider for many companies, such as Ericsson ONE and many others.


Driim on innostava henkilökohtaisen kehityksen ja hyvinvoinnin verkkovalmennuskirjasto, josta löydät mm. Erkka Westerlundin, Baba Lybeckin, Perttu Pölösen, Anne Kukkohovin ja Frank Martelan valmennukset. Visiomme on mahdollistaa kaikille hyvinvoinnin tavoitteiden saavuttaminen luotettavasti yhdellä alustalla ajasta, paikasta ja laitteesta riippumatta.