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Särkifood Oy

Särkifood Oy:n rohkeana missiona on hyödyntää miljoona (1 000 000) kiloa kotimaisia särkikaloja vuosittain. Siinä missä monien kalalajien ylikalastus on ongelma, parantaa särkikalojen kalastaminen vesistöjemme tilaa poistamalla sieltä rehevöittäviä ravinteita. Lisäksi särkikalat ovat erittäin hyvä ja maukas proteiininlähde.

Petraos AS

Petraos AS founded by a team of scientists to address the growing demand for compact and mobile sustainable energy source. We are bringing to the market a rain energy harvesting device fabricated from functional nano-scaled materials. The device is effectively converting raindrops' power to the electricity, supplying customers with  grid-independent energy.We are working to serve energy and construction business sectors as well as individuals.


At Revimatch, we specialize in creating connections between accountants/bookkeepers and their potential clients. Our commitment to results is unwavering, and we diligently strive to ensure that both our clients and employees remain at the forefront of our priorities. We firmly believe that a positive working environment is essential for sustained success. With ambition at our core, we are eager to expand our reach further and invite you to become the next high achiever in our team.

Vivende AS

The Vivende consultants are a unique blend of highly competent and experienced developers and project managers, with great ambitions on their customers’ behalf. We cover a wide range of development competence, most specifically Java, .Net and Amazon Web Services.Our unique “Vivende model” gives the consultant the possibilities and flexibility of working as a freelancer, with some of the benefits and opportunities of being an employee. We call it “independent – together”. Curious? Send us a hint! The Vivende consultants are a unique blend of highly competent and experienced developers and project managers, with great ambitions on their customers’ behalf. We cover a wide range of development competence, most specifically Java, .Net and Amazon Web Services. Recruiting the best and most skillful consultants and maintaining the loyalty of our team is our core focus, in order to exceed our customers expectations. We strive to achieve a balance between flexibility and stability, freedom and security and short-term and long-term objectives. Our unique “Vivende model” gives the consultant the possibilities and flexibility of working as a freelancer, with some of the benefits and opportunities of being an employee. We call it “independent – together”.In Vivende, we put the consultant in the driver’s seat, letting him influence his own income and working hours, and always have likeminded and competent co-workers to support and challenge him. By offering stocks in the company, we ensure ownership and motivation, adding value to our customers and projects. Would you like to be a part of our journey? We are continuously looking for people who wants to join our team! hjelper bedrifter å etablere og aktivere samarbeid med ideelle organisasjoner. Vi utvikler og produserer kommunikasjon for å synliggjøre bedrifters samfunnsengasjement for menneskene i og rundt selskapet.


Romvesen AS er en av Vestlandets ledende leverandører av RPAS-tjenester. Vi består av profesjonelt personell med ekspertise innen droneteknologi, fotogrammetri, media og webutvikling. Vi har per dags dato 4 medarbeidere, og er i rask vekst. Romvesen AS innehar alle nødvendige tillatelser som trengs for RPAS-operasjoner samt nødvendige forsikringer.Vårt mål er å alltid kunne levere det beste tilgjengelige produkt på markedet til våre kunder. Dette gjer vi ved å alltid inneha det nyeste og beste utstyret på markedet, samt å alltid oppdatere vår kunnskaps database etterhvert som ny teknologi utvikles. Vi tilbyr også konsulent hjelp og rådgivning, samt utvikler RPAS-systemer for kunder på bestilling.

Varp og Veft

Fra fiber til ferdig vare.VARP & VEFT er en moderne ullvarebedrift tuftet på tradisjonsrikt håndverk og nøye utvalgte materialer. Vi kjøper råull fra dyktige sauebønder og jobber tett på råvaren fra valg av fiber til ferdig produkt.Norge har 12 nasjonale saueraser, 6 av dem er truet og flere regnes som sårbare. Mangfoldet disse rasene utgjør gir seg utslag i ulike ullkvaliteter. Dette er et mangfold som hittil har vært lite utnyttet. Industrien krever ensartet og hvit ull i store kvanta, mens gamle raser gjerne har todelt fell med bunnull og dekkhår i ulike lengder og i naturlige fargenyanser. Tilgangen på ull fra bevaringsverdige saueraser er begrenset. VARP & VEFT er en norsk tekstilbedrift, etablert i 2013. Vi tilvirker ulltekstiler basert på spesialplukket ull fra gamle norske og bevaringsverdige saueraser. Tekstilene designes og tilvirkes i Norge ved bruk av tradisjonelt håndverk og moderne produksjonsteknikker under merkevarenavnet Norway Cloth™. Vår første kolleksjon, denne basert på Grå Trøndersau, lanseres på utstillingen 100% Norway under London Design Festival 19-27 september 2015.Som første naturfiber i verden er norsk ull er miljøsertifisert med Svanemerket og er dermed dokumentert en av verdens mest miljøvennlige tekstilfibre. Dette er en "cradle to cradle" sertifisering som setter norsk ull i særstilling internasjonalt, i tillegg til egenskaper som overlegen glans, spenst og slitestyrke. Ullfiberen isolerer og genererer varme når den blir våt. Den er antibakteriell, vann- og flekkavvisende, regulerer luftfuktigheten og bidrar til et sunt inneklima. I motsetning til bomull og syntetfibre er ull naturlig flammehemmende uten tilsetning av kjemikalier.Det er stor samfunnsøkonomisk verdi i å bevare våre gamle raser sett ift mangfold i landbruket og styrking av norsk tekstilindustri. Per i dag blir mye god ull hevet sammen med den dårlige og oppnår derfor lave priser når den så selges på det globale råvaremarkedet.


We are building a platform, a real-time semantic graph, that will monitor how ideas spread and grow throughout society, collecting everything being published in a country and using Artificial Intelligence to discover hidden connections. This dataset allows you to measure key indicators within society in real-time, and see how one event or news story changes people’s perception on an issue.


KVICKIT PC Pocket Buddy er en elastisk lomme som kan festes til laptopen, så man lettere kan ta med seg løse gjenstander mellom møterom, klasserom og andre steder der laptop er nødvendig!Ideen kom opp da vi så folk gå fra møte til møte med mus, telefon, notatblokk og diverse stablet på PC-tastaturet, hvor ofte alt falt i gulvet. Dermed begynte Daniel Yang Hansen og Haiyan Yang å jobbe med en løsning til dette vinteren 2015, og nå i dag er løsningen kommet i form av vår PC Pocket Buddy! KVICKIT PC Pocket Buddy er en elastisk lomme som kan festes til laptopen, så man lettere kan ta med seg løse gjenstander mellom møterom, klasserom og andre steder der laptop er nødvendig!Ideen kom opp da vi så folk gå fra møte til møte med mus, telefon, notatblokk og diverse stablet på PC-tastaturet, hvor ofte alt falt i gulvet. Dermed begynte Daniel Yang Hansen og Haiyan Yang å jobbe med en løsning til dette vinteren 2015, og nå i dag er løsningen kommet i form av vår PC Pocket Buddy!

Framery Acoustics

Framery is a pioneer and leading company in manufacturing and developing soundproof private spaces – and the only company in the market solely focused on making them. We always put user experience first to turn efficiency up, and let people bloom. Our clients range from small offices to the world’s leading brands. - Gratis nummerupplysning. Sök företag, personer och platser. Hitta telefonnummer, adresser, företagsinfo mm. Varje vecka hjälper ca 4 miljoner unika besökare som tillsammans genomför över 20 miljoner sökningar i veckan. är etablerat sedan många år som en av Sveriges absolut största sajter med räckvidd över hela Sverige.

Nordic Factor

At Nordic Factor DMC, we specialize in creating unique, adventure-filled experiences inspired by the beauty of the Nordic region. Our focus is on innovation, sustainability, and personalized service, working closely with local suppliers to boost the local economy and promote sustainable tourism. We prioritize building strong relationships with clients and suppliers, ensuring that each event or trip is carefully curated with minimal environmental impact. We solve the problem of impersonal, mass-produced travel experiences by offering tailored, eco-conscious adventures that respect local cultures and communities. We strive to minimize reliance on large global chains, and instead, we support local businesses and promote eco-friendly exploration, like walking or cycling. At Nordic Factor, we’re looking for people who share our passion for sustainability and creating unforgettable experiences. We aim to cultivate long-term relationships with clients and suppliers, making each project meaningful and rewarding. If you believe in making a difference through responsible travel and value personal connections, Nordic Factor could be the right place for you.


Knitstop is a slow fashion project where finest natural materials and best craftsmanship meet contemporary sustainable designs, while unemployed skilful female artisans with immigrant background from Helsinki get a chance to get integrated economically and be empowered for their passion for crafts. Our summer collections consist of palm raffia and recycled T-shirt yarn bags, while in winter we concentrate on stylish and warm alpaca and angora beanies and super popular functional alpaca hoods. In 2024 we aimed to test and launch new revenue generating channels to ensure stable profit and growth during mid (march-may) and low (june-august) seasons: offline workshops and courses in Helsinki and online sales of digital products (tutorials, patterns, courses). We plan to concentrate on development, promotion and sales of our digital products based on existing patterns currently used by our knitters for manufacturing as this channel allows the project to scale and grow internationally. The core issue that Knitspot addresses lies within the broader crisis of modern fast fashion: average content of natural fibers in a fast fashion “woollen sweater” is just between 0-4%, supply chain is shady, production is run in countries with cheapest possible labour, quality is horrible, unwanted stuff is wasted. The downturns of the existing mass market system simply do not fit the criteria of mindful consumers. Our mission is to create a vibrant, DIY-fashion and sustainable knitwear brand that offers exclusive, limited-edition physical goods and one-of-a-kind knitwear design patterns. We are dedicated to fostering slow fashion principles by providing expert consultancy and offering both online and offline learning experiences for individuals and companies, including team-building events and therapeutic crafting sessions. Our goal is to cultivate a close-knit community of sustainable fashion enthusiasts and crafters, spreading joy and happiness through fiber crafts and the art of creative slow living.

Perma Padel ApS

Perma Padel ApS er en teknologibaseret virksomhed hvis formål er at revolutionere padelbat industrien. Vores tilgang er, i modsætning til den nuværende industripraksis, baseret på cirkulærer principper og højteknologiske produktionsmetoder. Vi er i gang med at udvikle et genanvendeligt og bæredygtigt padelbat med en tilhørende innovativ produktionsmetode der muliggør lokal, effektiv, ansvarlig og klimavenlig produktion.

Valma AI is a versatile AI-powered SaaS platform to help businesses actually become highly productive with Artificial Intelligens. We are a Norwegian startup with global reach, offering both a no-code/low-code solution for non-technical SMBs and a robust API and SDK for developers, enabling businesses of all sizes and technical capabilities to harness the power of AI. is addressing the challenge of AI underutilization in businesses, spanning from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs) to large corporations with in-house development teams. This issue affects companies across various industries, particularly in the Scandinavian market, but is rapidly gaining global recognition. For non-technical SMBs, the problem lies in the complexity and inaccessibility of many AI solutions, which often require specialized knowledge to implement and use effectively. These businesses struggle to leverage AI to enhance their productivity and competitiveness due to limited resources and technical expertise. On the other hand, companies with strong technical capabilities face a different challenge. While they have the skills to implement AI solutions, they often lack a flexible, scalable platform that allows them to quickly develop and deploy custom AI-powered applications tailored to their specific needs. recognizes that the need for AI-driven productivity spans across the spectrum of technical capabilities, from marketing agencies needing simple automation to tech companies requiring advanced AI integration. Our platform is designed to bridge this gap, offering solutions for both ends of the technical spectrum. solves these problems by offering a dual-approach platform: For non-technical users and SMBs: A user-friendly, no-code/low-code interface that allows easy creation and management of AI-powered workflows Pre-built AI variants (Chatbot, Agent, and Workflow) that can be easily customized and deployed Simple integration options, including a chat window that can be easily added to websites White-labeling capabilities for brand customization For developers and technically advanced users: A robust API that allows deep integration of's AI capabilities into existing systems and applications An SDK for building custom solutions and extending the platform's functionality Advanced features like custom annotations to override language models for precise outputs Flexible data management, including the ability to edit uploaded/stored data directly in a vector database Common features for all users: - Multiple AI variants that can be combined for complex problem-solving - Integration capabilities with both internal and external tools - Long-term memory for storing and retrieving important information - Collaboration features for team-based workflow creation - Voice-to-text and text-to-voice capabilities - Built-in security features and GDPR compliance This comprehensive solution allows businesses of all sizes and technical capabilities to leverage AI effectively, whether they're looking for out-of-the-box solutions or want to build custom, AI-powered applications. By providing both no-code options and developer tools, ensures that companies can start small and scale their AI usage as their needs and capabilities grow.