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Showing: 10107 filtered startups

Zquared Technologies

For us, it is completely crazy that it is easier to find Stockholm's best pizza or which flight ticket is cheapest online, than to get a reasonably well-founded price estimate of what an apartment should cost - and we want to change that. We are a start-up improving the customer experience when buying/selling apartments and houses, by using AI and technology to make most people's #1 investment decision safer and more data driven. .

fueli ApS - Undgå fejltankning

Formål: fueli skal hjælpe Danske og udenlandske billister med at undgå fejltankning og sikre at de kan tanke med tryghed. Produkt: Jeg har de seneste 2 år udviklet en lille elektronisk enhed, som skal hjælpe folk med at undgå fejltankning af biler (Primært Diesel) Fueli er en lille batteridrevet enhed, som monteres på bilens tankdæksel og har et simpelt formål. Den bryder brugerens tankestrøm og skærpe deres opmærksomhed inden de tanker bilen. Dette gør fueli ved at blinke og bippe, med det samme brugeren åbner tankdækslet, hvor enheden er monteret. Derudover vises det tydeligt med tekst hvilken type brændstof, der skal på bilen. fueli koster 349 kr. ekskl. moms. Fakta: - Der er over 20.000 Danskere som fejltanker hvert år. - Der er 0 forsikringsselskaber, der dækker skaden - En fejltankning koster mellem 3.000 kr. og 40.000 kr. - Der er over 200.000 Tyskere som fejltanker hvert år. fueli er utrolig simpel og utrolig effektiv. Hurtig, nem montering og ingen konfiguration eller app opkobling. Hvorfor?: For ca. 6 år siden fejltankede jeg selv min egen bil. Det var en kæmpe frustration og forestil dig lige, at skulle bruge over 20.000 kr, fra den ene dag, uden at få noget som helst ud af det. Det er de færreste, der kan og vil det. Patent og beskyttelse: Fueli er design og trademark beskyttet. Derudover er der lavet en patentansøning, som netop nu er under behandling. Potentialet: Fueli har et enormt potentiale, da der har god mulighed for at komme på det internationale marked. Tyskland med over 15 mill. dieselbilen og lande, hvor over 50% af alle køretøjer er diesel. Elbiler: Alle spørger mig. Hvor gør du nu hvor alle kører elbil? Der går rigtig mange år inden elbiler, bliver et problem for fueli. Selv med en ambitiøs plan, er det kun 35% af alle biler i Danmark, som kører på el. Fueli starter i Danmark og fortsætter hurtigt til andre lande, som ikke er så langt fremme, som Danmark i forhold til den grønne omstilling. Kom og vær en del af holdet. Jeg er altid åben overfor en ny teamplayer, som er klar til at sparkerøv.


MäklarTjänsten kopplar ihop säljare av bostäder med lämpliga mäklare i sitt område! MäklarTjänsten låter potentiella säljare jämföra mäklare i sitt område gratis där vi lägger stort fokus på högt kvalificerade mäklare. Kunden skriver in sina kontaktuppgifter samt vilken bostadstyp det gäller och blir sedan automatisk tilldelad de mäklarna som är mest lämpligast för objektet. Mäklartjänsten erbjuder sina mäklare ordning och struktur bland sina tilldelade kunder med funktioner samlat under en och samma plats. Plattformen kommer också fungera som ett hjälpmedel för mäklarannonsering. Mäklartjänsten har idag anslutna mäklare i Stockholmsregionen där fortsatt fokus ska finnas. Som näsa steg vill bolaget utöka till mellanstora städer i Sverige samt utvalda orter.

Ares Habitats

Ares Habitats is a Swedish company specializing in matching humans and places of living. In a time when people are in movement like rarely before we offer innovative, data-driven solutions to put a spotlight on the best of living places and help the humans that will match find them. Our mission is to enable all humans to live in the place where they thrive best.


VdoTok provides easy-to-use APIs for live media, that help to integrate live streaming, screen sharing, video and voice calls into any app or product quickly and smoothly. Our mission is to open the world of live media & web3 to every entrepreneur & developer and empower them to bring people to a new engaging reality. We call it live revolution.

Novare Potential

We are kick-starting an Intensive Java Course and we are now in need of teachers assistants for the course. The mentor should have great skills in Java and be able to work full-time during the summer. We are a multicultural recruitment and staffing company but we also arrange different courses within the IT field. We've previously had a front-end course and a software development course.

Freemi (refounded)

What do you do when selling your stuff is not an option? Freemi is bridging the gap between unsellable and the landfill with an online marketplace for freecycling. We all need to consume smarter, share and care more about the things we buy and say goodbye to. With Freemi, this is now a convenient option. Green luck!

Sopu Academy

Sopu Academy is a young edtech startup based in Helsinki, providing international negotiation skills education globally. The company is supported by the Helsinki Education Hub, and currently provides hands-on online programs to develop individuals’ negotiation and communication skills. Previous Sopu Academy programs gathered participants from Finland, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Singapore and Thailand. At Sopu Academy, we reimagine negotiation education through data-driven, interactive and online programs. We believe negotiation skills are fundamental for every individual to pursue a meaningful, balanced and happy life.

New Standard

New Standard was founded on the idea of change. Transforming the fashion system is necessary to face humanity's greatest environmental and climate challenges –and everyone can make a difference. Our way? Weaving style, quality, and comfort together with responsible practices. New Standard is creating the building blocks for wardrobes that stands the test of time. Our clothes are inspired by yesterday, designed for now, and constructed for tomorrow. We don't chase trends or design for seasons. Instead, we focus on perfecting a permanent collection that will serve its purpose for years to come. Our products are 100% recycled, and their CO2 footprint is 50% smaller than the same items made from virgin materials. We also use 99.9% less water our manufacturing process is free of harmful chemicals. To give people the information – the power – to connect the dots between their choices and impacts, we break down the value chain of each garment in their labels and our stores. From rising sea levels to extreme rainfall and more powerful heatwaves, the consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored – either by society or the fashion industry. It's now-or-never for our planet. We are in this to foster our industry towards greater ecological integrity by working together with other brands, manufacturers, policymakers, as well as consumers to drive the systemic change in fashion.

Diretto Employment Services AB

We make it super easy to pay salary for private individuals who hire help in the home and also for micro businesses. We make it easy to be a responsible employer and this way we help people transition from undeclared work to declared work. Declared work provides better protection for the worker but also creates a more resillient and prosoerous society. is an online ressource with a vast supply of content regarding meal plans, food suppliers and much more in the form of guides, reviews, offers, etc. We strive to be the best choice for anyone in Denmark looking for help finding the best meal plan and food provider,. Take a look at our website to see, what we are talking about!

Winn Hotel Group AB - Commercial Hub

The Commercial Hub was created during the pandemic as a solution to centralize knowledge, decentralize information, implement various new technical solutions and create more efficient workflows. The Commercial Hub consists of three teams within Winn Hotel Group AB: Marketing, booking and revenue. Winn Hotel Group operate 11 different hotels in Sweden and our aim is to create an hotel experience that goes beyond the experience itself. With a strong focus on sustainability, wellness and the best possible service we contstantly aim to create memories that lasts for a lifetime.


Contentbeak is developing an A.I. Editor to help writers make better content. The goal of Contentbeak is to give writers the opportunity to create more targeted texts that educate their readers and potential buyers to make the right decision. With GBT3 and soon GBT4 we will be able to build an editor that delivers finished texts on any topic in seconds. Contentbeak has been running for two years, as a hobby project, and has few paying users. Now it's time to take it to the next level. The dream is to bring together a team of developers, sales and marketing, and support people who together will lift and keep Contentbeak at the top of the market. The idea is that everyone who provides labor for the project becomes a co-owner on equal terms. Contentbeak's current version is built with: Github, Envoyer, Laravel, React, Stripe, and some API providers. Building a team with an investor can also be an option. Please note: looking primarily for Danish profiles.


PLAKATCPH - bare plakater, eller sådan startede vi ud… Plakatcph startede med at sælge plakater og kun plakater. Vi har siden udvidet det til også at omfatte mobiler, skulpturer og keramik. Vi sælger kun det vi selv kan lide. Alt er derfor kurateret af os og så håber vi bare I kan lide stilen.


Investorweb is a LinkedIn like platform for the stock market. We amplify public companies investor relations efforts by making it easier for investors to stay updated. Public companies no longer need to juggle multiple platforms. On Investorweb, investors, analysts and journalists will actively search for public companies and find relevant information.