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Awake's vision is to fast forward the future of Watersports. Starting with zero-emission electric surfboards designed with one key factor in mind: Massmarket Adrenaline. The 11 kW brushless electric motor amply delivers the torque necessary to propel the rider to speeds of up to 30 knots / 56 kph in mere seconds. Precision-machined parts ensure maximized efficiency backed with a clever design that can easily be adapted to vertical products with our massmarket vision in mind.

Limina Financial Systems

Limina is a SaaS OMS solution powered by AWS in Europe! We have the best technology available for investment professionals looking to future proof with intuitive tools that simply work without the complexity of legacy IT infrastructure. Limina is providing SaaS OMS Solutions to Asset Mgrs, Hedge Funds, Family Offices, and Asset Owners


Gastrobox er en madklub for madentusiaster, der søger inspiration i deres gastronomiske univers. Gastrobox leverer hver måned en oplevelseskasse fuld af inspiration og ingredienser til køkkenet. En Gastrobox leveres hver måned til hoveddøren for 225,- og indeholder 5-7 produkter og et magasin fuld af opskrifter.

Wide Assessment AS is a startup company with all the excitement and frustration this entails. Our team is small, but growing, and we are passionate about creating something that uses technology to challenge perceptions and processes in an otherwise traditional industry. We are ALWAYS looking for hungry talents!


WHAT We offer smart and versatile software maintenance services HOW We focus purely on maintenance and continuously improving how it’s done. By participating in the development process early on, we make the transition to maintenance smooth and easy for everyone We invest in our people. This is why we have the best people who take care of customers the best way possible. WHY We believe in more sustainable software development. Well cared code prolongs the life-cycle of digital services and products and reduces the need to start over. We make maintenance easy for everyone. So that no one has to lose their sleep over neglected software.

Moseholm Yoga

Moseholm Yoga offers yoga sessions across Copenhagen, indoor and outdoors. As well as online yoga sessions on different platforms, and international yoga retreats. Moseholm Yoga inspires people to breathe deep, move with ease and feel good. Spreading bliss and positive vibrations. Besides drop in yoga, Moseholm Yoga offers yoga sessions to closed groups, companies and one to one sessions. Plus non paid, non profit, giving yoga sessions to a group of homeless women in Copenhagen. We always have new ideas and dreams to make come true


Scandinavias largest selection of Christmas sweaters! We design and sell Christmas sweaters, pyjamas, suits, socks and other Christmas items, and sell them in our webshops in 6 different countries. In addition to webshops we have pop up ships in Norway before Christmas. We are expanding every year with new product lines, and are always looking for fun clothing!

Createch Garage

Createch Garage is here to serve the modern-day marketing system with its arrays of digital assets across messages, formats and devices. Rooted in an understanding of media and creative, we understand consumer journeys and how to create content that moves the consumer efficiently along. We do not focus on strategy or creative concepts but on defining tactics that will bring these to life at scale in digital spaces. With the explosion of programmatic advertising and the possibility of targeting the consumer at the most opportune time, campaign assets now need to be specifically targeted an array of touchpoints across the customer journey.


SundhedsTV er et digitalt og videobaseret samlingssted for sundhedsinformation. SundhedsTV er skabt som en reaktion på den stigende forvirring blandt danskerne omkring, hvad der er sundt og usundt – en forvirring, der bl.a. kommer af det (mis)informationsoverload, der findes på nettet samt det paradoks, at rigtig meget sundhedsinformation er tekstbåret, mens over en halv million danskere har svært ved at læse og forstå en simpel tekst. Derfor er der brug for overskuelig og korrekt viden om sundhed og sygdom til alle. Både for at give tryghed til den enkelte og for at understøtte sundhedsvæsenet, hvor der er travlt og behov for at kunne fokusere på det vigtigste. Men også, fordi den øgede mængde sundhedsinformation har gjort det sværere at gennemskue, hvad der er myter eller halve sandheder – og hvad der faktisk er korrekt og videnskabeligt bevist. SundhedsTV tilbyder troværdig og relatérbar viden om de mest udbredte emner inden for sundhed. Fra myter om lus til diagnosticering af kroniske sygdomme. Vi formidler i korte video-formater, som gør emnet letforståeligt, og vi gør en dyd ud af at give seeren håb og mulighed for at handle – hvad enten det handler om gode råd til, hvordan du giver dit lille barn medicin eller gerne vil høre andre fortælle, hvordan det er at leve med en kronisk og måske alvorlig diagnose. SundhedsTV er en online tv-kanal på eget website, men de fleste danskere vil møde os dér, hvor de er i forvejen. Alt indhold bliver distribueret på tværs af de største sociale kanaler og maksimalt Google-optimeret. SundhedsTV-platformen er sponsorfinansieret og det sponserede indhold lever dermed også på sponsorernes egne kanaler og kan bruges som en vigtig del af et content marketing spor. 


Create scalable tech teams with NerdCloud. Hard time scaling your business? Always the right size tech team, no upfront hiring, no vendor-locks, or overheads. Easy to scale up (or down) Unlimited Upscaling Outsourcing development to another country doesn't come without risk. It's a specialized management role that can only be mastered after years of experience with exceptional connections. ‍ We are a one-stop-shop for busy CTOs who don't have time to outsource development for greater scalability. We offer unlimited resources, world-class quality assurance, and proven HR procedures. Results-based budgeting In a world of agile business models with high demands for transparency and scalability, in-house tech development creates high fixed costs without guaranteed efficiency. NerdCloud implements Task List methodology to deliver accurate budgeting for every output needed. This results in improved foresight and response times for a fast-moving business environment. Truly scalable tech development Hiring more developers isn't a scalable business model, and outsourcing is a highly specialized business model. CTO, as a service, offers scalability with guaranteed quality and price point. NerdCloud has the experience and resources for the hands-on, day-to-day management of top global development resources. The best way to make tech development scalable.


There is no one point of access to digital benchmarking and comparison within our customer segment digital assets. The problem is that our customer's high-level decision making is made while lacking insights into their market performance, customers are operating with knowledge based on anecdotes - and there is a high level of uncertainty about at what level the customer is performing. We are solving this problem because we love Business intelligence, communication of data, and enlightening our customers on their performance. And we have unique access to our customer sector, enabling us to be first mover globally and own the market.


YOUANDX er en ung virksomhed fra 2017, der gennem de seneste år har været på en større vækstrejse. Vi er i dag en af de førende formidlere af foredragsholdere og eksperter i Danmark, med en vision om at blive en komplet digitaliseret løsning for vores kunder – en Airbnb eller inden for booking af foredragsholdere og vidensspecialister. Med udgangspunkt i denne vision, er vi i dag i fuld gang med en stor omstilling til at blive en SaaS-virksomhed og releaser den nye platform i sommeren 2021. I den forbindelse har vi brug for nye, dygtige mennesker til at blive en fast del af vores team og hjælpe os på rejsen.


MLOps is your one-stop-shop to create Machine Learning models on AWS. We provide our users with an opinionated pipeline solution that allows Data Scientists, Data Engineers and Machine Learning Engineers to go all the way from data discovery to production using tools like PySpark, TensorFlow and similar frameworks. We take pride in engineering and are not giving any drag-and-drop solutions. Instead we focus on code, versioning of datasets, models and production endpoints to allow teams to collaborate, experiment and scale their business around ML in an intuitive way. Simply put, with MLOps you can go from idea to production in minutes instead of months. All while resting assured that there is complete traceability and coverage over time.


För att kunna minska och lösa de samhällsutmaningar vi står inför och nå de globala målen behöver våra gemensamma resurser användas effektfullt. Många organisationer följer dock inte upp vilken skillnad de gör genom sina samhällsnyttiga insatser och investeringar. Detta medför att de inte vet vilka av deras insatser och investeringar som fungerar och bör tilldelas mer resurser, och vilka som behöver förbättras eller avslutas. Risken är överhängande att de inte uppnår avsedd nytta. Effektfullt grundades 2019 och är en ideell organisation som erbjuder stöd i effektmätning. Vi riktar oss till alla verksamheter som vill stärka sin förmåga att mäta och visa sina samhällseffekter på människor och miljö, samt använda resultatet för att lära och göra ännu större nytta. Vår uppstart är möjliggjord genom finansiering från Vinnova, Tillväxtverket och Svenska Postkodstiftelsen. Sedan starten har över 400 medlemmar anslutit och för att möta efterfrågan samt accelerera vår utveckling är nästa steg att bygga vårt kärnteam.

LUVE Wellness Space

LUVE Wellness Space is developing an online platform that helps wellness entrepreneurs and -professionals to find venues to share their work. The nature of wellness industry is shifting more towards self employed health and wellness practitioners such as yoga & meditation teachers, personal trainers, life coaches, health therapists ect. These practitioners are working independently and they are mainly sharing their work remotely. Finding a perfect venue is hard and thats why we are developing a platform that brings inspiring venues to right people. At the same time theres a lot of ununtilised venues out there that could be used in wellness purposes. LUVE Wellness Space helps to increase the utilisation rate of these properties so that the owners can make more money. Right now if you are an entrepreneur looking for a place you need to search on Google. Google will suggest you different venues such as yoga or fitness studios. Then you have to email those studios and the whole process takes a lot of time for both sides. Through our service we provide venue owners a platform where they can easily list their venue and keep their calendar and prices up to date. For people looking for a venue we offer a handy filtering system so that they can find a venue that suits exactly to their needs. Theres a lot of unused potential among wellness entrepreneurs as well as wellness venues. LUVE Wellness Space helps both sides to utilise that potential more effectively. This will result more work for entrepreneurs, more diverse wellness services for people and more profit for venue owners. Both founders Laura and Elisa have been working in wellness industry for many years. The core reason for establishing LUVE Wellness Space was the deep passion to contribute to the well-being of society and bring more diversity into wellness industry. Laura: Having worked in the industry for many years and knowing a lot of amazing wellness professionals internationally made me think of how could all these important skills be brought to people. How could they deliver their work more freely? I found my way and started to rent other peoples studios and venues for my work. I soon noticed how difficult the process was for both sides. I started to talk with the venue owners and spotted a clear need for this service." Elisa: I was working for a big fitness centre chain and I always felt that I was not able to share my true unique gifts with people because the whole process was highly regulated and scripted. Why I'm so passionate about LUVE Wellness Space is that I know that through this service we can encourage fitness professionals to share their unique talents and skills more freely by bringing them facilities where they can be creative.