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Showing: 10171 filtered startups

Kindernay Corp

Kindernay has developed the world's first, light-weight, robust, and reliable substitute to derailleurs. The Kindernay XIV. The story of Kindernay is a story about passion for cycling and new technologies. We ride trail, DH, freeride, enduro, XC, transport, and road bikes. Sometimes we ride hard, sometimes for fun. We’ve won national level races, and we’ve crashed. Sometimes we break stuff: bikes, parts, and legs. Beside, we’re also engineers, and have decades of experience in the development of complex mechanical devices. Our inventions are on the seabed, terra firma, and in space too. And we’ve delved deep, to bring about innovative transmission parts for automotive brands such as Porsche AG, VAG, and BMW, and heavy truck makers, like MAN, Daimler-Benz, Volvo, and Scania. But that’s another story. We are cyclist and we love our bikes… but we also want them to be better. We believe in a world where gear systems are internal; and here we are, having developed the worlds first, light-weight, robust, and reliable, real substitute to derailleurs. The Kindernay XIV. Kindernay is a registered trademark of CA Technology Systems AS, a limited liability corporation registered in Norway.


Treet is the leading pharmacy digitalization company with a vision to revolutionize the pharmacy industry in Finland and abroad for better patient health and improved level of pharmacy service. Treet benefits both pharmacies and consumers with a modern digital platform built in cooperation with the existing pharmacy ecosystems.

The Siqnificant Company

Tutkimusten mukaan, ainoastaan 12% suomalaisista ovat sitoutuneita työhönsä. Tämä on surullista. Työelämää ei muuteta lisäämällä työaikaa kuudella minuutilla vaan tekojen kautta yrityskulttuurilla ja paremmalla johtamisella. The Siqnificant Company on olemassa muuttaakseen tavan tehdä töitä ja yksi merkittävimmistä keinoista tähän on työntekijäymmärrys. Siksi syntyi Siqni, maailman ainoa työntekijäymmärryskysely.  Siqni-palvelumme avulla, asiakkaamme ymmärtävät mitkä ovat heidän työntekijöilleen merkityksellisimmät asiat ja he voivat johtaa organisaatioitaan paremmin. Näin he voivat tehdä juuri niitä oikeita tekoja, jotka tekevät kunkin työpaikasta entistä paremman, sellaisen, jossa ihmiset ovat liekeissä ja johon talentit haluavat töihin.

We B Tea

We B Tea - a Swedish tea brand launched in May 2019. Our vision is to bring a new tea culture to the nordic countries, introduce tea as the healthy option not only as the warm beverage we all drink and love but also introducing cold-brewed tea to pair with food instead of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. We B Tea inspires to slow living and a sustainable lifestyle, we want to modernise the rituals around tea to inspire people to bring rituals and reflections into their everyday life. We are a sustainable thinking company, planting trees, always think about sustainable packaging and the well being of our workers.


BrainLog is a Danish organization, working on national and international level. Our focus of expertise lies within Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Education, E-learning, Digital solutions, Career guidance, Diversity management and Social & professional inclusion. We are involved in a number of Transnational European Projects and have established a network of reliable national and international partners.


Kaukus er et oppstartselskap som leverer programvare for administrasjon av politiske møter i kommunesektoren. Vi forenkler og automatiserer politiske møter i kommunesektoren slik at møtesekretærer frigjør tid til andre oppgaver og får bedre praktiske løsninger. Samtidig vil de politiske representanters hverdag effektiviseres.


Our mission is to enable employees to work longer before retirement and enable purposeful and flexible working in their retirement. We enable more efficient and motivated last years before retirement from working life by offering a systematic approach to employers for better leadership of final years of the career. Nextmile brings clarity and tools for company leaders and managers. Transparent online service enables longer careers and flexible working in retirement.


Instant anxiety relief anywhere, anytime. Meliocure helps you to cope with anxiety on-the-go. With a personal mood tracker, panic button, and different exercises, you can manage and prevent the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety disorders are continuously becoming more common, especially among young people. Meliocure's mission is to offer an easy option for daily self-management for anxiety, besides medical treatment and therapy.


The wild world of companies and service providers who are struggling with their sales and marketing needed for a reliable, versatile, and sales-aware marketing partner - that was the beginning of Makum. We provide unique and comprehensive marketing solutions meeting our customers' needs and delivering massive value for both.

MeKiwi Oy

MeKiwi is a full-stack digital agency based in Oulu, Finland, with a little branch in Spain. We have a team of experts making gamified learning solutions and applications. In addition to common technology software, we also have a strong VR team. We develop virtual reality games and business solutions, and offer VR game publishing. We have a strategic partnership with Oculus, and are also experienced in HTC Viveport, Windows Mixed Reality and Sony PlayStation VR development.

Absolute health

We are a collection of 3 brands. Absolute health, Mums Get Fit and Ed Ley. We work with individuals and companies using neuroscience through coaching and physical practises to helped our clients create lives that they love where that's better health, mental clarity or creating a thriving culture within their company.


The story behind Linear began in 2018 when our other service Dixu was founded in Helsinki, Finland. While working on that project, we met multiple realtors and other operators working in the real estate industry and heard the difficulties they had with the manual labor. Also, the lack of modern-day practices within the field was unavoidable to see. We could not ignore the problem so instead, we decided to create a solution - Linear. Today, Linear offers exclusive digital services especially build for businesses working in the real estate industry.


A fast growing automotive telematics service provider. Helpten offers innovative location aware data services to drivers, insurance companies, fleet organizations, leasing companies as well as authorities. Helpten multi-service system provides services via internet and driver display and creates simultaneously pay as you drive and road charging data with a very strict privacy respect of drivers who use Helpten services.


Novarbo Oy is developing and manufacturing Greenhouse cooling and climate management systems, growth substrates and growing medias, organic and organic - mineral fertilizers for professional greenhouse cultivation. Company is selling currently through own sales representatives, distributors and agents to 60 different countries.


EQTAG STORY started from the field - from the needs of the service organizations. Based on the real experience, we have developed our easy to use mobile software, eqTAG Maintenance Manager, for the field based services.