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We have developed a unique travel concept within the Slow Travel concept. Our travels aims to bringing people together, by exploring the world and expanding your senses.We offer adventurous, group tours where sighted and partially sighted travelers can travel together and learn from each other. By travelling with a non-sighted travel partner you will learn to explore with a focus on your other senses, which gives your travel experience a completely new dimension.


AMRA is an international medical technology company, the first in the world to transform MR images into precise body composition measurements using a cloud-based, computer-aided service. We collaborate with world-leading pharmaceutical organizations, biobanks and population cohorts, research institutions, hospitals, and clinics, aiding in the advancement of metabolic research and therapeutic application. With more accurate knowledge about our bodies, AMRA assists the world’s medical leaders in predicting and preventing disease.


Vi er Sportsmakker, fordi vi er makkere til folk der ønsker en aktiv og sund livsstil som en del af deres hverdag. Vi er et team, der færdes i et miljø, hvor vi altid er med helt fremme med hensyn til ny viden inden for sundhed og udvikling. Vi ønsker derfor at skabe de bedste rammer for dig, din virksomhed, din forening eller din kommune.   Vi kan tilbyde dig. - Konceptudvikling - Rådgivning af foreningsudvikling, Teambuilding, Mental træning, Undervisning af aktiviteter, og idrætsfestivaler.

Stockholm Innovation & Growth

STING enables talented people to turn their ideas into sustainable businesses. Are you an entrepreneur running a tech startup within ICT, internet/media, cleantech and health - we could be the perfect fit to help you grow! The support we offer includes qualified coaching in business development, a business angel network, a venture capital fund, a recruitment service, and an international network of investors, business contacts and experts.


Workaround turns dead office space into vibrant and affordable coworking spaces in urban areas together with hundreds of hosts in Sweden and Denmark by building a market place that makes sharing of vacant work desks or office rooms super easy and inspiring. Our aim is to cater for the needs of small businsess - enabling them to find affordable, central and flexible office space that meets their needs.

Amsiq A/S

Vi gør digitale koncepter til virkelighed.Specialister i at bygge og drive brandsVi er en flok tech-nørder med stor erfaring i udviklingen af successfulde digitale produkter. Ambitionerne er store og vi arbejder aktivt på vores næste store koncept - en social datingapp - som snart lanceres på det danske marked. Læs mere på: PASSIONEREDE TECH-NØRDERVi er et ambitiøst og ungt softwarehus med alle kompetencerne til at udvikle, bygge og brande digitale koncepter.Med vores iværksætter-state-of-mind løfter vi i fællesskab, og arbejder hen imod at blive trendsættere i den digitale verden, med vores værdiskabende produkter.Udvikling og innovation driver os til at flytte grænser for det teknisk mulige, og for at skabe de bedste løsninger for vores brugere. Derfor arbejder vi ikke med deadlines, men har fuld fokus på kvalitet!Vores arbejdsfilosofi er en afbalanceret blanding af teknisk-nørderi, passion for mennesker, masser af samarbejde og highfives 🙏


Minuba ApS er en danskejet softwarevirksomhed med fokus på optimering og effektivisering af driften til både mindre og større virksomheder, især inden for installatør-, bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Minuba online sags- og ordrestyring giver bedre overblik, effektiv drift og øget likviditet i virksomheden. Med integration af hele arbejdsprocessen – fra første kundekontakt til sidste faktura.

99 Career Options

Cognified career guidance. We bridge the gap between the education system and the job market. Using gamification and machine learning we connect your strengths, skills, and interests with the needs of the society. We have a new concept in social business networking based on the latest changes in the way we socialize and behave online.


FlixBus is one of Europe’s biggest startup successes. We have quickly grown into one of the main long distance mobility providers and offer a new, convenient and green way to travel which suits every budget. Our smart business model and innovative technology present new opportunities to continue revolutionizing the mobility market. Along with offices in Munich, Berlin, Milan, Paris, Zagreb and Amsterdam, we are newly based in Central Stockholm. Join our ride!


Et økonomisystem med alt hvad man behøver Uniconta er et 100% cloudbaseret økonomisystem, der opfylder alle behov indenfor bogholderi, logistik og projekt. Uniconta er udviklet af Erik Damgaard, der har udviklet økonomisystemer siden 1984. Uniconta’s fundament er bygget på det bedste af de foregående 5 økonomisystemer, Erik har udviklet, kombineret med den nyeste teknologi fra Microsoft. Uniconta understøttes af en professionel og landsdækkende forhandlerkanal samt et stort netværk af revisorer.


Beer brewing have become an international billion dollar industry - both in the privat and industrial sector. This was a opportunity we couldn't let go. Thats why we have during the past year developed a cutting edge solution for this emerging and exciting market.  Plaato is launching its first product in May 2017 on Kickstarter, followed by the industrial version in late 2017.


Leiehjelpen er en bedrift med et nytt konsept for utleiemarkedet i Oslo.Vi bistår utleier med alt fra visninger til innflyttingsrapporter, vi gjør utleieprosessen profesjonell, sikker og behagelig. Vi tar oss av det som ellers kan være tidskrevende, komplisert og problematisk for en eier.Tvister mot erstatning er den vanligste årsaken til konflikter etter avslutet leieforhold, men med våre inn- og utflyttingsrapporter vil vi fjerne denne risikoen og jobbe for et hyggeligere leieforhold.


Relink is a team of venture backed serial entrepreneurs, data scientists, engineers and business developers on a mission is to transform the way people are matched to jobs. We build and train Artificial Intelligence algorithms to understand the fit between people and jobs. Use cases for our technology range form fueling recruitment processes with more intelligence, helping recruiters make better hiring decisions to helping EU governments match their unemployed masses with job opportunities.


Ninchat offers leading, secure communication service for large enterprises. Includes internal team messaging and external communication (chat, files, video, bots/ai connectivity, business automation) inside customer online services, intranet or mobile apps. Product in customer look&feel.Our reference customers include the largest health services providers in Finland (internal team chat, doctor-patient chat in mobile apps & in web), insurance companies etc. Customers in 5 countries.


At Wikibusiness, we’re developing a big data index covering all digitally registered companies worldwide. The technology we’re developing is market disruptive and will enable business professionals to access trustworthy real-time information on companies and the people associated with the companies anywhere in the world. Apart from up-to date company information, data will include aggregated feeds from social media and news feeds. We’re an innovative and well-funded company.