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Meneto is a ground-breaking accounting firm that revolutionizes the way you handle your accounting. With our subscription, entrepreneurs no longer need to worry about bookkeeping and annual accounts. Thanks to our accounting program, you can send invoices directly to your customers with just one click. All you have to do is upload your attachments and we'll take care of the rest. Our skilled accountants and bookkeeper are ready to handle your bookkeeping, VAT and annual accounts, all from a fixed prize.


A bright future for education - Connecting kids ages 6-12 to safe and effective tutoring Liirn Aps is a Danish start-up and next-gen, mobile device tutoring platform that strives to provide effective and safe online tutoring for kids in the age 6-12 years.
We have a focus on making sure that kids are matched with the perfect tutor, based on their interest and passions, so that the kids feel inspired to want to keep learning through the sessions, but also afterwards and become lifelong learners.

COBO Technologies

COBO Technologies is a fast-growing start-up company based in Copenhagen, Denmark, that specializes in products and services for Quality Control (QC) of CRISPR modified cells and animals. The team behind COBO comes from senior positions in science, commercial and operation, with more than 10 years experience in the CRISPR field. Within the last 5 years, the CRISPR field has developed from more than 100 publications per year to now more than 5,000 publications per year and the number of ongoing clinical trials using a CRISPR tool is now more than 60. In 2020 two CRISPR scientists received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their CRISPR inventions, proving that this is a fast-growing field which is now moving from research to clinics. In consequence, there is a need for platforms that can support efficient QC of CRISPR cells. In more general terms, there is a need to understand what are the safety effects of altering DNA with CRISPR — hitting the right target gene, checking how efficient the DNA change is, and investigating other DNA changes that were not expected. Most of the solutions offered today for cell/DNA analysis are not developed specifically for CRISPR applications. They are expensive, lack sensitivity and are time-consuming and they are done by service companies with no/or little knowledge about CRISPR. Based on our experience from the CRISPR field and feedback from our network in the EU and US, we have developed proprietary platforms that can support the current needs for QC of CRISPR cells. Including both proven reagents for sample preparation, cell analysis and bioinformatics, this is the first full-package solution developed specifically for CRISPR clients. In addition, it combines low cost, high sensitivity and fast delivery time - 3 factors essential for our clients. We have used the past year to build up a scalable operation in Denmark in a low-risk setup and are now ready to speed up the growth first in the EU and then later 2021 in the US. In addition, we will also start the initial preparation of our first development project for a clinical application at the end of 2021. Since the start 2018, COBO has supported more than 15 clients in both EU and US, including leading pharma companies and some of the leading universities in the world. We have developed unique platforms, we have clients every week, we have the network and we have the skills to be a major player in the global CRISPR field and be part of the development of future CRISPR Medicine to treat genetic diseases. As of today, COBO Technologies is backed by an angel investor.


hiveonline is a fintech startup headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries in Stockholm, Sweden and Kigali, Rwanda, where our development team is located. We give communities of unbanked businesses, primarily women led, access to formal finance through a digital reputation. We are supporting village savings groups with blockchain technology with our MVP accounting app, and building on this to help cooperatives, agricultural associations and their members create more sustainable farming communities. We are expanding from Niger into Mozambique and other African countries.

Mads Olesen Holdings

Mads Olesen Holdings is owned by entrepreneur Mads Andreas Olesen. After selling his first companies for more than 100 mio. kroner, he now invests in startups, real estate and more through Mads Olesen Holdings (CVR: 36917997) and subsidiaries. In 2020, Mads Olesen Holdings invested in more than 50 ecommerce businesses through its investment in, that specializes in alternative ecommerce funding. In 2021, the holding company is looking to add 10 properties to its current portfolio of 19 rental properties.

Vitaro ApS

Vitaro driver en række webportaler med fokus på sundhed, træning, kost, motion og livsstil. Vi søger dig, der er passioneret omkring kost og træning og som kan bidrage med en god energi og et højt humør på vores team. Vi holder til på Frederiksberg i nye og moderne lokaler. Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig og ser frem til et fedt samarbejde.


We create a future where the entire water infrastructure can be monitored in real-time using a network of distributed wireless sensors. Dryp is a range of solutions that enable proactive and holistic decision-making for water infrastructure. Dryp builds data bridges across both physical and adminstrative boarders. We are uniquely co-owned by a major danish utility - along with private companies and investors. We are spearheading a data, iot and machine-learning revolution.


Workintra is a NextGen intranet and communication platform dedicated to startups, small and medium-sized businesses. It allows for improved communication and work productivity along with high-level Document Governance in one easy to integrate and cost-effective solution. Workintra is built to be super intuitive, which means that it can be integrated into any organization within a matter of a few hours, unlike traditional intranet solutions that often require months and considerable resources, both human and financial. We aim to democratize the cloud intranet space, specifically for small businesses and scaleups, and enable users to increase productivity, improve team spirit, and reduce time waste, by providing our award-winning intranet cost-effectively and fast. Our roadmap includes a list of exciting and unique new features as well as native iOS and Android APPs and full accessibility compliance (WCAG 21 - AA) to cater to our public and government customer base.


Poikilingo is developing a language learning app for small children (2 - 6 years old), where social and cultural awareness are at the heart of our concept. Our program focuses on the cultural aspects of the language being learned, as we believe that cracking the social code is as important as learning vocabulary and pronunciation. This promotes a sense of belonging which will positively impact the child's learning process. Each child is unique, so each of them deserves a study program that takes into consideration their peculiarities. The customized study plan that childre get at Poikilingo mixes activities, videos, songs and games, and if the child makes mistakes, she gets feedback in her native tongue. We follow a consolidated learning approach that teaches different subjects through the language, all created by educational experts and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. But the game-changing experience that Poikilingo brings into the market is based on animated stories where an avatar of the child goes through everyday situations that children go through, including when they move to a new country and have to start into a new kindergarten.


Our hiring software helps you collect unbiased insights on the skills and behaviours of both your team and candidates to hire the best-fits without bias, by using a gamified approach. Equalture leverages neuroscientific games to analyse your current team and culture in order to define your hiring needs. The same insights are then collected for candidates in order to assess whether they fit your needs, right during their very first interaction with your company.

ungmedpenge er et voksende site inden for privatøkonomi og investering. Det er et site, der har et kæmpe potentiale. Fremtiden for ser rigtig lys ud, hvor der kommer til at være fokus på e-bøger, kurser, YouTube, podcast og meget andet. Der er rigtig mange spændende ting forude, der vil tage sitet til et langt højere niveau.


SpeakerBee er en fri og demokratisk video platform, hvor alle med noget på hjerte kan dele deres viden. Vidensdelingen sker altid via live-streaming, men vil efterfølgende være tilgængelig på websitet. Når vi altid sender live er det med et håb at indlæggene fremstår så transparente og “uredigerede” som muligt. Samtidig giver det seerne mulighed for at interagere med speakerne direkte gennem chat, quizzer, afsteminger, webcam m.m. SpeakerBee er uafhængig af politiske- og andre særinteresser, og sålænge, der er interesse for et indlæg, det er indenfor lovens rammer og det overholder nogle simple kvalitetskrav, er emnet frit. Udover indlæg fra speakere producerer vi selv - eller i samarbejde med partnere - programmer i lidt større formater som kan være samtaler, debatter, temaserier eller anden vidensdeling. Der er også kommercielle indslag - dog altid efter samme principper - at det skal være live og transparent. Vi tror på at fremtidens kommunikation mellem virksomhed og potentielle kunder vil være en ærlig præsentation af virksomheden og dens kultur og værdier samt at deres produkt eller service gør en forskel for brugerne. SpeakerBee råder desuden over to professionelle video- og lydstudier centralt i København. Team SpeakerBee 🐝

Copenhagen Center For Functional Medicine

Copenhagen Center of Functional Medicine is a longevity-focused clinique and tech company- using the latest science and research within longevity to improve and lengthen the lives of the clients and building a platform for monitoring health performance. We are working at the forefront of longevity research and looking for strong partners and allies.

På får du en komplet oversigt over alle erhvervslokaler til leje lige nu. Vi mener det, når vi siger, at vi vil give dig det fulde overblik. Derfor tilbyder vi en findeløn, hvis du finder et lejemål, som ikke er at finde på

RPA House

I RPA House vil vi gerne være med til præge fremtidens arbejdsplads. Det gør vi ved både at øge medarbejdertilfredsheden samtidig med virksomhedens effektivitet. RPA House leverer automatiserede og forbedrede arbejdsprocesser, hvorfor jeres organisation bliver mere effektiv, produktiv og øger jeres kapacitet. Dette hjælper RPA House virksomheder med at realisere ved blandt andet at tilbyde følgende services: Rådgivning, Udvikling, Implementering & Undervisning. RPA House er stiftet af 3 unge CBS studerende med speciale i IT og forretning. Vores udviklere er certificerede i RPA, og har stor ekspertise og erfaring indenfor udvikling, implementering og undervisning af RPA. Derfor har vi mulighed for, at skabe den bedste løsning for jeres virksomhed. Vi udbyder vores services i hele Danmark, og har kontor i København.