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Pain: When you make an online purchase that needs to be sendt to you, all the infomation regarding the delivery is sendt to you via SMS and e-mail. Those two platforms are allready filled with other relevant information, making it very confusing to keep track of your delivery. It requires you to proactively search for your delivery data amongst all the other informations on thoses two platforms allready drowning in informationoverload. We want to remove all the confusion and make it easy and convenient to receive a delivery, and provide you with an automated updated overwiev of your deliveries. At the same time we want to give webshops acces to the last part of the customer journey, from after purchase to delivery. Today 89% of webshops hand over the communication with the customer to the delivery company, after the orderconfirmation have been sendt. By doing so they miss out on a big business oportunity and leave the last part of the customer journey in the hands of a third party. Webshops have a big interest in ovning the complete customer journey, because in ensuring the right customer experience and continuing the contact with the customer right after purchase, is good for business. This is something Retailer have known and done many years, to ensure customerloyalty. Now it is time for the webshops to do the same.

Sygeplejerskernes Vikarbureau (SPVB)

Sygeplejerskernes Vikarbureau ApS (SPVB) er et vikarbureau, som er specialiseret i at levere vikarer til sundhedssektoren. SPVB's værdier bygger på, at man ikke er tilfreds, før kunde og vikar er. Derfor har virksomheden indgået overenskomster med DSR, FOA, SL, BUPL, HK-service og siden begyndelsen været godkendt leverandør af Sundhedsstyrelsen. Virksomheden har rundet sit 30-års jubilæum, og står nu overfor en større digital omstilling, hvor næste opgave bliver at komme ind i det 21. århundrede (selvom vi er meget glade for vores retro hjemmeside), så kommer vi med ny, egen udviklet vikar- og booking platform i state-of-the-art teknologier, ny hjemmeside og et meget større fokus på digital presence. SPVB er et Stabilt, Professionelt, Veletableret Bureau.


SIMTEQ is an ERP technology and advisory company that focuses on generating client value for small and medium sized companies by optimizing business processes and by technically enhancing Microsoft ERP solutions to support the optimal process flows. We use Apps/Extensions whenever possible to reduce our customer’s cost of ownership. We believe our specific, expert focus benefits our customers, helping us to deliver world-class solutions in the areas we know best. Our strength is local knowledge combined with global expertise, bringing innovation and creativity with constant attention to customer-focused results. SIMTEQ is a brand-new Microsoft partner and is a spin off from Nasarius. Nasarius was established more than 105 years ago by a team of specialists combining in depth technology and business knowledge within the ERP, Treasury, and cash management area. The founders have secured that the company is financial solid and have an extensive network with all major Nordic and international banks as well as many major Nordic and European corporations.


We are passionated about Outbound- and Inbound Sales- and Marketing Automation. We are mission driven - Your success is our succes ​ We have more than 25 years experience working with CRM, Sales, Marketing and Customer Service in Industries such as IT & Telecommunication, Software, Retail, Licensing, Entertainment,Professionel Sports, Tourisme, NGO's, ​Venture Capital & Finance, Shipping & Transportation and more. We are a professionel and certified HubSpot Partner with more than 15 certifications with in Marketing, Sales, Service, CMS, Operations and Partner Onboarding, which gives us the expertise in all aspects in getting you started with HubSpot the right way. ​ We know how to Attract, Engage, Convince and Delight the right leads and turn them into loyal and happy customers. We will show you, how to use HubSpot as your growth platform - from CRM, to Marketing, to Sales, to Customer Service. ​ We will help you Grow Better Get Better Leads - Have Better Meetings - Enjoy Better Results ​


RegTech Datahub delivers static data to financial institutions required to fulfill their regulatory obligations. RegTech Datahub collects and structures data from multiple public sources and makes the data available through a cloud solution to clients. At RegTech Datahub we combined in-dept knowledge of EU regulations with advanced algorithms and latest cloud technology. ESG data is the next step on our journey. RegTech Datahub should be the leading source of raw, directly from the source, ESG data. Clients should be able access and use unrestricted ESG data.

Health Insurance Instantly

Tiden er ikke længere til at have lange ventetider og begrænsninger når det handler om vores helbred. Vi ønsker, at alle skal kunne få den bedst mulige behandling, uanset hvor den skulle være. En opgave der ikke blot skal ses i et nationalt perspektiv, men i et internationalt. Derved sikres vores kunder mod enhver diagnose de skulle få. Health Insurance Instantly er her for at hjælpe, i situationer hvor der er mest brug for det. Som de første og eneste i Danmark, sikrer vi at kunne komme til udredning og behandling hjemme eller i udlandet. Vores mission er, at enhver sygdom bør mødes med den bedste behandling verden kan tilbyde. Vi lancerer derfor som de første i Danmark en international helbredsforsikring med lokalt samarbejde og kendskab til læger, klinikker og hospitaler i hele verden. Flere og flere danskere har fået øje på fordelene ved at have en helbredsforsikring. Igennem vores samarbejde med Cigna er du sikret at få den hurtigst mulige behandling i Danmark eller i udlandet. Valget er dit.


The vision of Biowatch is a transformation from reactive “sick-care“ to preventive “self-care” within physical and mental health. Our digital platform supports access to expert counselling and interventions based on analysis of data in blood, saliva, wearables and input from end-users. The data of actionable insights may be conveyed to individuals and - on an aggregated anonymized level - to corporations enabling optimization of both end-user and organization. We collect blood and saliva via smart devices easily done by the end-user. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive platform integrating data science, research, technology and expert advise in a “one stop” service solution which proactively empowers our users with recurrent early-warning and actionable insights to reach full potential and prevent what is preventable, including negative stress Our elite sports solution screening for imbalances and untapped potential has shown strong improving impact on professional football teams and olympic gold medalists. Biowatch is a Danish company and with the "Scandinavian mindset" we want to foster long-term partnerships with everyone we work with, including all employees. We have an office in Copenhagen, Denmark and access to office facilities in Aarhus, Denmark.


Since 2016 PAPAPAPA has been changing what art is and what it can be! The startup has sold as much as 45.000 artworks in total. PAPAPAPA has designes around 2000 unique artworks. All artworks have been digitally designed by PAPAPAPA, and can be bought in many sizes. We scale our products, in a way that makes it affordable to everyone, starting with posters that is cheap and can be bought in almost any size. Second customers can upgrade to an awesome art canvas, lastly we also offer to upgrade the print to acoustic (Soundproofing).


Legetøjets svar på en måltidskasse. Dearbaby er et legetøjs abonnement tilpasset dit barns udvikling, som udskiftes hver måned med helt nye legeoplevelser. Vores kasser er skræddersyet i et samarbejde med forskellige babyeksperter, så du ikke behøver at være babyekspert. Leg har aldrig været lettere, det eneste du skal gøre er at unboxe og fylde stuen med leg. Aldrig mere tid skal du bruge på at finde det helt rigtige alderssvarende stimulerende legetøj til din baby.

Coatable A/S

Based on years of development Coatable A/S was established in 2021 to bring a set of unique coating formulas to the market. Our coatings serve a broad variety of ventilation application across industries but all with the same purposes – improving indoor climate, contributing to save energy costs, CO2 emissions and the use of raw materials. Our coatings are tested and validated by the Danish Technological Institute and The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, and the company is ISO9001 certified by DNV.


Canify is a pharma company with a beating heart - we are setting ourselves up to develop and deliver quality cannabinoid-based treatment solutions to help patients find their deserved relief. We operate at the cutting edge of medical research, clinical application, and manufacturing excellence. We believe that everyone is unique, and that you deserve the best possible treatment, tailored to your needs. As a producer, we do our part by ensuring product quality of the highest standard according to European GACP and GMP guidelines, which means transparency and traceability from the grow room to the patient.


We're a rental agency in Copenhagen, utilizing a two-sided market dynamic in the model in the same vein as AirBNB. However we target the market for a medium term rentals. Apartments are serviced by us, and rental is taken care of for the rentee and we take care of the rental to customers. This allows the renter to be completely decentralized from their property, while still reciveing and income.

RoSI Digital

RoSI enables both sides of sponsorships to make data-driven ​decisions. Move away from siloed data to automated measurement, and start tracking the RoSI. RoSI Digital is for both sides of the table. The Rightsholder needs to attract, retain, and grow sponsors & ​the Brands need to analyse performance, sign & activate the right sponsorships. Turn insights into Sponsorship Performance, and start tracking your Sponsorship in Real-Time.


Introducing Celonis! We look for top talent- the people who know they are good at what they do and are ready to make a real impact with their work. We also know that talent can't be defined in a singular sentence. It comes in many different forms and most importantly from many different backgrounds. We value the diversity of our team because we see that innovation prospers when it is fuelled by a variety of perspectives, skills, experiences, and knowledge bases. Want to know the thing that ties all of Celonis talent together around the globe? We're all chasing the world of tomorrow. It doesn't matter where you are in your professional development. We have openings from fresh out of college to seasoned veterans in one of our three organisations... - Sales - Engineering - Customer value & Services

Sovereign Solutions ApS

Save time on administration, focus on your passion. The last thing you want to spend time on as an entrepreneur is administration. Let me help you put system in your processes and thereby save you time so you can focus on what you are good at. At Sovereign Solutions, we believe that all companies are unique and therefore we tailor the solutions. Through mutual communication, we find the best solution for your company and needs. Through my practical experience in accounting and administration, I increase the efficiency of your company.