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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

Hubro Education

We are the new stuff in business education. Hubro Education develop business simulations that give students training in applying their business skills. We make it easily understandable and fun! The Hubro Business Simulation is aimed at management accounting and business economics courses in higher and secondary education. The simulation is used at more than 50% of Norwegian universities, universities in Sweden, Denmark and Finland, and secondary schools in Norway, Sweden and England. We're passionate about education and technology, and use tech to lift the classroom experience to new hights. If you ever sat in class and thought that this place is ripe for innovation, then maybe you should join us? We're a diverse bunch of engineers and programmers, teachers and business graduates, marketers and entrepreneurs.

Grundr AS

Grundr helps innovative companies build their network, gain knowledge and access capital. Our aim is to empower startups and foster the ecosystem by building bridges between entrepreneurs, experts, and investors.Our target group is Norwegian companies with growth ambitions. We help them with one on one advisory, workshops and investor introductions.


At Imerso we want to get more from data to help the world build better. We are a fast-growing tech company in Oslo transforming the global construction industry with new-generation software. Imerso is a first-of-its-kind platform that uses volumetric 3D data from construction sites to automatically track work progress — detecting mistakes and deviations from the building plans, and preventing massive costly problems and delays. Our customers range the entire value-chain, and some of the largest construction players already use our products in their most challenging projects. We’ve recently secured a new round of VC funding to grow our team, and take our company to the next level with one of the world’s biggest software provider in our industry. Join us in bringing the global construction sector online.

Fysionett - Din fysioterapeut på nett

Vi skal gjøre fysioterapi mer tilgjengelig ved å samle online booking for fysioterapitjenester i én landsdekkende plattform. Hovedfokus skal være å tilrettelegge for booking av videokonsultasjon, chat og hjemmebesøk, men også ordinær timebooking. On-demand tjenester kan også være aktuelt. Eksisterende bookingtjenester, og journalsystemene som tilbyr dem, er i dag preget av utdatert UI/UX og tilbudet for sluttbrukere er fragmentert og lite brukervennlig fordi mange terapeuter finner det for kostbart å implementere. Fysionett skal gjøre bookingprosessen enklere, raskere og rimeligere for både klienter og terapeuter. Sluttbrukere vil få et langt bedre tilbud, mens fysioterapeutene på sin side vil nå ut til et landsdekkende marked. Fysionett vil også gjøre det mulig for nyetablerte eller terapeuter som nettopp har fullført utdanning å selge sin kompetanse uten å være tilknyttet en klinikk eller arbeidsgiver. Fysionett skal bli Norges første og største plattform for online fysioterapi hvor fysioterapeuter fra hele landet kan registrere seg, opprette en profil og tilby sine tjenester til kunder over hele landet. Forretningsmodellen bygger på tjenesteformidling i et tosidig marked, ikke veldig ulikt plattformer som Uber, Lyft eller AirBnb og retter seg hovedsakelig mot det private markedet. Den pågående COVID-19 pandemien har fungert som en katalysator for denne ideen. Siden plattformen tilrettelegger for at terapeuter skal nå ut til sine kunder i form av videokonsultasjon og chat. På denne måten får de muligheten til å opprettholde sin virksomhet mens pandemien pågår.

Impact Hub Bergen

Where change comes to work! Part innovation lab, part business incubator, and part membership community: Impact Hub Bergen provides a collaborative work, meeting and learning space for people who seek to create positive impact. We believe in the power of innovation through collaboration. Our members come from a variety of backgrounds but are united in their quest to create sustainable solutions for the biggest issues of our time.


IZX is a platform for integrating LLMs into business applications, enabling natural language understanding and automation. Our product streamlines the creation, inference, and scaling of enterprise foundational models (that can also be hosted on-premise or in private cloud) that interact with external LLMs, APIs, and data sources. Our team includes the top 1% of AI/ML engineers in Europe. Join our team!

Invoicery Danmark ApS

INVOICERY - GØR JOBBET TRYGT! Invoicery Danmark ansætter freelancere og fungerer som enhver anden arbejdsgiver for dig. Du laver dine egne projekter med de kunder, du vil arbejde med. Du aftaler selv, hvornår du vil arbejde, og forhandler og aftaler selv din pris. Du behøver ikke at bekymre dig om administration, og du kan bruge al din energi på at gøre det arbejde, du synes er sjovt. Du booker dine opgaver hos os nemt og hurtigt, og kan levere til dine kunder. Invoicery giver dig tryghed, når vi fakturerer korrekt til dine kunder i Danmark og i udlandet. Du kan arbejde hos Invoicery, når du bor i Danmark, Sverige, Norge, Finland og Frankrig. Vi fakturerer dine kunder til aftalt tid, med dine aftalte priser, inklusiv eventuelle tillæg, udlæg, rejseomkostninger m.m. Og vi følger op på at der bliver betalt. Vi udbetaler din løn til dig, efter at have klaret alt det med moms, skat, feriepenge, ATP m.m., og forsikrer dig både i dit arbejde, med arbejdsskadeforsikring, og med ansvarsforsikring når du er i gang med dine leveringer. Det vil sige alt det, der er nødvendigt for, at du blot kan arbejde, få faktureret dine kunder og få din løn udbetalt af os. Så kan du fuldt ud koncentrerer dig om at arbejde med de opgaver, du elsker. Så kan du gøre jobbet trygt. Invoicery Danmark ApS er en del af Invoicery Group AB. Vores koncern startede med det svenske firma Frilans Finans i 1999. Frilans Finans er i dag Sveriges største virksomhed for freelancere, der bliver ansat - i Sverige kaldet "egenanställd". ___ INVOICERY DANMARK skaber trygge jobmuligheder, og i en urolig verden kæmper vi for alles ret til at bestemme over sit eget arbejdsliv! Vi gør det muligt for mennesker på en enkel og tryg måde at få magt over sit eget arbejde. Vi tror ikke på den gamle dogme, hvor arbejde er noget, der skal udføres 9 til 5. Vi tror ikke på, at mennesker behøver begrænse sig og ikke vove at tage skridtet mod drømmen. Vi tror ikke på en tilværelse, hvor tryghed er forbundet med fastansættelse, eller hvor man må starte eget selskab for at kunne få betaling. Siden 1999 har vi troet på langsigtet at skabe jobmuligheder for alle. Vi tror på at dele alt, hvad vi kan, til både vores freelancere og deres arbejdsgivere. Vi tror på kraften i stadigt at udvikles og på at leve den historie, vi fortæller. Vi tror på at skabe nordens smidigste oplæg for egen ansættelse, i alle aspekter. Hvor vi tager hånd om alt det hårde arbejde, og du kan fokusere på jobbet og glæden det giver. Det er at tage risiko, men med redningsvest. Det er en indre rejse, men med sikkerhedssele. Det er et spændende eventyr, med tryghed, orden, fred og ro. Én ting er sikkert. Vi bliver flere og flere. Flere og flere som finder sin egen vej frem. En vej hvor du gør jobbet som du vil. Som gør jobbet sjovere og friere, smidigere og hurtigere. En verden, hvor du kan tænke større.


Retailhub is a fast-growing SaaS company, uniquely positioned in the ongoing digital transformation of physical retail storesOur SaaS eCommerce platform increases physical store revenues by 10-20% with substantially lower costs than alternatives Deliver better converting, Point Of Sales integrated webshops specialized for physical stores. Unique technology that drastically reduces the time and effort needed to maintain a store’s webshop. Enrichment of product data to amplify Google Shopping performance, outperforming most agencies in our niches. Access to other proprietary marketing channels that further boost store returns.After a successful funding in November 2022 we are rigging for accelerated growth and European expansion. Retailhub is a Norwegian startup with a team of six persons in Norway and India.

Enernite AS

Enernite is a technology company founded on the belief that data insights and digital solutions could accelerate the renewable energy revolution. We enable energy developers to make data-driven decisions in the early screening phase of renewable energy projects. To make this happen we automate the information gathering from fragmented sources and produce unique data sets based on satellite imagery analysis.

Disruptive Engineering AS

Disruptive Engineering enables more effective planning, management, and monitoring of road networks. Proprietary sensor hardware 'made in Norway'Use AI and neural networks for detailed classification of vehicles. Privacy-by-design solution ensuring that no personal data is stored or shared. With traffic expected to grow by 60% by 2050, and with congestion and safety already being an issue, there is a pressing need to utilize road networks more efficiently. Both Statens Vegvesen and Nye Veier see our first sensor VS1, and the valuable data it provides, as a potential solution to achieve this as well as an opportunity to digitalize roads and infrastructure for the forthcoming Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that are being implemented across Europe.Statens Vegvesen linkNye Veier link

TracSense AS

TracSense develops intelligent automotive solutions for the next-generation cars. Primarily the company develops and optical sensor system that can recognize slippery roads. The company's mission is to make autonomous driving possible under all weather conditions. TracSense is an ambitious start-up with its headquarters in Oslo, Norway. Have a look at our website for our current job openings!

HelloFresh Nordics

At HelloFresh, we want to change the way people eat forever by offering our customers high quality food and recipes for different meal occasions. Over the past 10 years, we've seen this mission spread around the world and beyond our wildest dreams. Now, we are a global food solutions group and the world's leading meal kit company, active in 16 countries across 3 continents. So, how did we do it? Our weekly boxes full of exciting recipes and fresh ingredients have blossomed into a community of customers looking for delicious, healthy and sustainable options. The HelloFresh Group now includes our core brand, HelloFresh, as well as: GreenChef, EveryPlate, Chef's Plate, Factor, and Youfoodz. We started in the Nordics in 2019 and are continuing to scale up throughout Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.


Famme is one of the Nordic's fastest growing clothing brands, we have an extreme focus on technology and automation. We have an automated robot warehouse in Oslo together with our office. We use Python for web apps, scripts and more, for almost everything else we use Airtable as our go to no-code system.

Again X

The world is getting urbanized and we need more and more resources to build and develop our cities. With this growth comes an increased pressure on natural resources. At the same time we have already have an impressive ''bank of materials'' available in the cities, namely in our buildings. By mapping and understanding the amount, quality and accessibility of these materials we can better plan for the future. We can decrease the pressure on new materials and create a circular building industry. AGAIN X provides a top down approach to mapping existing buildings, their content and status, by using aggregated data and machine learning. Our SaaS platform will give better KPIs(Key Performance Indicators) to real estate investors and managers. The KPIs will help them make more sustainable long-term decisions; better for their wallet and better for the planet.


MiraiEx is a Norwegian cryptocurrency exchange where people can buy and sell bitcoin and litecoin for Norwegian kroner. We help people get started with cryptocurrencies in a safe and easy way, by providing an exchange platform specifically for the Norwegian market. We use solutions that our users are already familiar with, like BankID-verification and regular domestic bank transfers.