Mia Health

Mia Health is on a mission to enable people live healthy lives, by giving unique personalised insights and research-based lifestyle advice, combined with an engaging community for motivation, inspiration and support. Starting with an inspiring physical activity score, we are expanding to more holistic health in the future. At Mia Health we build products where we can change lives and impact public health care costs. Our core is our digital twin – data analysis based on world-leading research. These analysis can help people live longer (8 years) and healthier (quality of life). BUT! If we cannot wrap this knowledge into an attractive application that users understand, trust, and want to use – then we have nothing! UX is a key focus area for Mia Health.
Location Norway
Website miahealth.no
Founded 2022
Employees 11-50
Industries Healthcare & Life Science, IT & Software, SaaS, Science & Engineering
Business model B2C, B2B
Funding state Seed

Working at
Mia Health

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Pension plan
Pension plan

Paid holiday
Paid holiday

Work life balance
Work life balance

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Equity package
Equity package

See all 10 benefits

Key numbers




Money raised




Founder, CEO

Alf Egil Edvardsen

Founder, Lead Designer

Valeria Gaitan

Founder, CSO

Bård Skaslien


Andreas Helde