
Learnlink ble startet i 2016 og tok i løpet av kort tid posisjonen som landets ledende leverandør av online én-til-én-undervisning. I 2020 ble tilbudet utvidet med sommerkurs i koding etter sammenslåingen med CodeAndGo . I dag jobber vi med å ruste barn for fremtiden ved å lære de STEM-fag på en morsom og givende måte. Dette gjør vi både 1-til-1 og i grupper, både fysisk og online. Med på laget har vi det vi “Pros” - toppstudenter barna ser opp til som bidrar til å tenne lærelysten. Alle i Learnlinks kjerneteam har høye ambisjoner for veien videre og brenner for å hjelpe barn med å lære det de trenger for fremtiden. I tillegg til de faste ansatte bistår et knippe dyktige rådgivere og et erfarent styre med retning og strategi. Nå som vi ser at Learnlink-modellen virkelig har potensiale, er planen å øke veksttakten ytterligere i Norge og ta den videre i utlandet. ENGLISH Learnlink was founded in 2016 and quickly took the position as the country's leading provider of online one-on-one teaching. In 2020, the offer was expanded with a summer course in coding after the merge with CodeAndGo. Today we work to prepare children for the future by teaching them "STEM" subjects in a fun and motivating way. We do this both 1-to-1 and in groups, both physically and online. Everyone in Learnlink's core team has high ambitions and is passionate about helping children learn what they need for the future. Additionally, a number of skilled advisers and highly experienced board members assist with developing guidelines and strategy. Now that we see that the Learnlink models really has potential, the plan is to increase the growth rate even further in Norway and take it abroad. In other words, there are very exiting times ahead!
Location Norway
Website learnlink.no
Founded 2016
Employees 11-50
Industries Education
Business model B2C
Funding state Seed

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Get your caffeine fix to get you started and keep you going.

Near public transit
Near public transit

Easy access and treehugger friendly workplace.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Equity package
Equity package

Want to be a partner? Look no further.

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Friday is something special, let's enjoy a beer together.

See all 12 benefits

“It's time we understand that students who struggle just needs another way of learning. ”

Tellef Tveit, Co-founder, CMO

Key numbers


Money raised


Happy customers


Yearly revenue




Founder, CMO

Tellef Tveit

Founder, CEO

Jonas Hyllseth Ryen

Founder, CTO

Johannes Berggren

Customer success manager

Sigrid Skjønsberg


Aleksander Strømshoved

Tutor support

Elena Snellingen

Tutor manager

Xixi Karlstrøm


Håkon Opdal


Jesper Paulsen

Content manager

Emma Eriksson



Angel Challenge