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Showing: 4441 filtered startups

Falcon Invest

Falcon Invest er godkendt af Finanstilsynet, og er en børsnoteret dansk investeringsforening med kundeejede investeringsafdelinger.Foreningens rådgiver er Falcon Fondsmæglerselskab A/S, der er ejet af de oprindelige stiftere, som med et stort millionbeløb investeret i Falcon Invest har hånden på kogepladen.Vi er eksperter i den akademisk anerkendte momentumfaktor og sætter en ære i at tilbyde fair og gennemsigtige vilkår.Læs om - den bedste investeringsforening samt hvad du bør overveje.

Nordic Blockchain Association

We are a non profit organisation working to spread knowledge about blockchain technology and strengthen the possibilities in the nordics for developing and implementing blockchain solutions in society.We facilitate a network and a platform for knowledge sharing, community, ideation and debate and we arrange workshops, hackathons, conferences and many other types of events. We support a variety of blockchain projects & initiatives (Through advisory, an accelerator program, and more)

GoodMonday APS

At Good Monday we know that a well managed office is the best foundation for a well running company. Our service platform provides the office with access to wide range of services, a 360 overview of expenditures and service agreements, and last, but not least, a personal office concierge who is always ready to assist! We manage the office so you can manage your business.


Particle3D is a biomedical company that is currently developing 3D-printed bone implants for use in reconstruction of human bone for use in surgical operations. These specialized bone implants can simplify surgery, provide exact repair, and shorten recovery time. Particle3D is a spin-out from the University of Southern Denmark and was founded in 2017.


En virksomhed, der arbejder hårdt på at nå ambitiøse mål for vores kunder, produkter og services. Et fagligt stærkt miljø.Du får ca. 20 kollegaer i virksomheden, som er beliggende I hjertet af Kgs. Lyngby (3 minutters gang fra Lyngby Station), der alle arbejder for et fælles mål: At være de førende inden for vores felt.En arbejdshverdag med faglige udfordringer og et godt socialt miljø – og så må vi ikke glemme den dejlige frokost og de gode fester.


Notemoon is a note-taking program tailored for students, that automates relevant learning material from the internet. We are not just another note taker.We rebuilt the concept from the ground up to make students brilliant at what they do. We specifically designed it for those of you who want the best.Notemoon is gorgeous. Lightning fast. And comes with advanced features that make you feel weightless.Notemoon is so fast, delightful, and intelligent — nothing will hold back the users potential. We are passionate about productivity for students. It is our mission to empower students to be brilliant at what they do.Students spend a great amount of time using their note program. Such a tool should be a seamless, delightful and beautiful experience. We want to bring it to them.That's why we're rebuilding the note taking experience. It will be fast, delightful, and intelligent.We want to shape the future of student productivity and resourcefulness, to enable them to unlock the possibilities. They are limitless. is a strategic partner to insurers, brokers and distribution partners in the transformation process towards digital distribution. Today insurers and brokers are not able to sell digitally through partnerships due to constraints on internal IT-systems, lack of API’s for digital collaboration and not knowing how to establish customer journey for online sales through partners. solves this for our clients! is conceived as a global player from our founding and our ambitions are sky-high. Our goal is to become the leading platform for digital distribution of insurances.


Securyman sells surveillance and gps trackere. One of the biggest  surveillance company in Denmark. Our goal is to be the biggest surveillance company, we have a credible staff who will do whatever it takes to achieve the goals. When we achieve our goals in Denmark, we will expand to other countries in europe.


Danish leading headhunter, builder and administrator of remote in-house tech hire(s) and teams. Working strictly with startups, scaleups, and Venture Funds on building their own remote teams as a direct extension of their own team via our offices in the CEE region. Completely flat hierarchy with a dominating go-getter and entrepreneurial spirit. We love people, tech and results.


Nordsense is on a mission to make the world more sustainable through efficient waste, reuse, and recycling management. With an end-to-end solution based on IoT smart sensors, Nordsense provides the technology and data needed to transition to cost- and carbon efficient waste and resource operations.


At Wikibusiness, we’re developing a big data index covering all digitally registered companies worldwide. The technology we’re developing is market disruptive and will enable business professionals to access trustworthy real-time information on companies and the people associated with the companies anywhere in the world. Apart from up-to date company information, data will include aggregated feeds from social media and news feeds. We’re an innovative and well-funded company.


Make people happier by making them better! This philosophy has been the core of everything we do in Learningbank since our start in 2015. People learn all their life, and we believe that learning should be something you "want to do" and not something you "have to do". This is why we help companies transform old corporate learning into modern digital learning, shaping tomorrow's employees.

Presso Network

Presso’s mission is to empower networking without boundaries. We aim to make networking and attending events as natural as breathing.To make time more efficient in an ever-changing world, we reimagined the experience of networking for event attendees and organisers. The result is predictive technology, ready to help you find the right people and the right events, so you can spend time on what matters the most: building lasting and meaningful relationships.Presso is Smarter Networking We are a young modern start up in the most exciting phase of it all - we are ready to launch!Currently we are testing and iterating the last bits and bobs with our partners to make sure everything runs smoothly and is just a great product. We are remote and love the way we work, free to travel and work anywhere and at any time we choose. We have a lot of trust in each other and work hard with Trello to just grab task and get started. As we grow and bring on more and more great talent we need to be more involved with each other, while we all work hard for our perfect launch and to make a great sustainable company where we all love to work and come together.

Septima P/S

Septima er en lille men ambitiøs og kreativ virksomhed med engagerede og begejstrede medarbejdere. Vi arbejder med geografisk it - lige fra kort på hjemmesider til etablering af Danmarks digitale infrastruktur. Vi roder med store datamængder, leger med ny teknologi og synes det, vi arbejder med, er sjovt. Vi orienterer os og søger inspiration i hele verden men arbejder primært for offentlige og private kunder i Danmark. Vi holder til på Strøget, elsker byen og kort i alle afskygninger.


OURHUB er en global virksomhed med rødder i København. Vores mission er at skabe mere sociale byer og fysisk aktive borgere igennem en nyudviklet deleøkonomisk løsning. Vi har udviklet et smart bymøbel (IoT) der gør det nemt at dele spil og træningsudstyr i det offentlige rum. Denne service er knyttet til en social platform, der hjælper med at styrke sociale fællesskaber og gentænke foreningslivet. På sigt tror vi på, at vi kan være med til at genopfinde det offentlige rum.  OURHUB concists of a small group of passionates who strive to explore new tendencies within their fields. We have the back end geek, the industrial designer geek, the communications geek, start up geek and the urban planning fascinado - who all also share an interest for cold beers. We all want OURHUB to succeed so we can start impacting our communities and get on with some game paying. We have a shared dream, that OURHUB will build stronger communities and help facilitating new meetings between citizens - no matter who you are. We have a work atmosphere, where we expect people to deliver for the purpose of the OURHUB vision - not because we micro manage each other. We enjoy office laughs, lunches at Filmskolen and Friday beers while exchanging both cat videos and the latest new within our shared fields of interest.