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Många företag kämpar med att skapa marknadsföring som faktiskt är lönsam. De spenderar tid och pengar på olika taktiker som inte fungerar. Och det är frustrerande. Det har varit historien för tiotals företag innan vi hjälpte dem att göra deras marknadsföring lönsam. Vi vägleder dig genom de områden av din marknadsföring som fungerar mindre bra och presenterar en detaljerad för hur din marknadsföring ska se ut — med hjälp av vårt ramverk som redan fungerar för andra kunder. Därefter arbetar vi kontinuerligt med dig för att implementera och utföra planen. Vi vet att som företagare måste din marknadsföring fungera och den måste fungera bra. Du har inte råd att investera i marknadsföring som inte fungerar.


Who we are? We’re LMS365, and if you ask us, we're one of the most exciting SaaS growth cases on an ambitious journey to become a unicorn company in 2027. At LMS365, we don't just talk the talk; we walk the walk. We're dedicated to scaling up and actively fostering innovative ideas to propel us forward. We're fast, we're agile, and we're driven by the ambition to be the absolute best in the market, all while ensuring we have fun along the way. As a company, we’re 200+ individuals making us small enough to be agile, yet large enough to professionalize and strive for world-class excellence in everything we do. With offices in the Americas, EMEA, ANZ, and APAC, our global reach extends to over 4 million users across 60 countries, solidifying our position as a Microsoft Global Top Tier partner. As a solution, we are the only fully comprehensive talent development suite built for Microsoft 365 and Teams. Our products, Learn365, Engage365, and Perform365, are powerful on their own but magic together empowering people and businesses to unleash their full potential through personalized learning, engagement, and performance. What’s it like to work with LMS365? We often describe LMS365 as a global playground where people are driven by passion and curiosity. Our team has also said that working with us is fun, dynamic, collaborative, innovative, and always supported by continuous learning. It's simple. We believe that when people are successful, businesses are too. At LMS365 we have a very strong intercultural foundation for our global team, which requires thoughtful collaboration and intentional teamwork. We’re dedicated to creating and upholding an inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued and supported. Our products, Learn365, Engage365, and Perform365, are designed to empower both people and businesses to unlock their full potential through personalized learning, engagement, and performance enhancement. And guess what? We practice what we preach. We're committed to our employees' success by investing in their growth and performance. Oh, and did we mention that we are proudly certified as a Great Place to Work?

Dorm Cat Communications

We asked 200+ companies what the yfelt lacked most in marketing and it was two major things, transparency and understanding for the profession. So we have designed a suite of services around solving that problem. At our very base we exist as a subscription service that provides advice and coaching for companies toward their marketing. What Dorm Cat adds on top of that is providing the actual marketing for companies. We are as close to full stack marketing services as you can get. With a start in 2014 Dorm Cat was initially a one person company that did freelance contracts dealing with everything from text translations to planning, recording, editing and uploading social media videos. This quickly mutated into full fledged marketing and communications freelancing services where the founder, Veronica Di Dato worked closely with schools and as a freelance contractor for communications firms. At this point the company grew and she had support from Sonny Meller in data and statistical analysis for a few years. Then, in April 2022 Sonny took over running the company while Veronica as the owner continued supporting with knowledge skills and experience. This is the point where the present for of the company with its current services formed. We have worked with real estate agencies, NGOs, government entities, universities and other schools, E-commerce, consulting firms, online services and many more. We often act as the fire brigade putting out the fires and as a last line of defense for our clients which ensures we have the prerequisite skills and experience to solve any problem for our clients. We put a premium on transparency and honesty in our communications with our clients and our professional network.


Healtgenie fokuserer på emner inden for sundhed og ernæring. Formålet med bloggen er at give læserne en forståelig indføring i vigtige aspekter af deres helbred og kost. Ved at udforske en bred vifte af emner ønsker vi at ruste vores læsere med den nødvendige viden til at træffe velinformerede beslutninger om deres livsstil og kostvaner. Vores mål er at præsentere komplekse begreber på en letforståelig måde. Vi bryder ned de videnskabelige aspekter af sundhed og ernæring og leverer dem til vores læsere i en klar og sammenhængende form. Dette hjælper vores læsere med at føle sig mere selvsikre, når de navigerer i verden af sundhed og kost. I vores indlæg fokuserer vi på at bruge enkle og klare vendinger, undgå kompliceret jargon og skabe en forbindelse mellem videnskabelige koncepter og hverdagens situationer. Ved at gøre dette håber vi at give vores læsere redskaberne til at forstå, hvordan de kan optimere deres helbred gennem gode kostvaner og sund livsstil. Vi stræber efter at være en pålidelig kilde til information og vejledning inden for sundhed og ernæring. Vores blog er designet til at være en ressource, hvor læsere kan udforske artikler om forskellige emner, lære af videnskabelige studier og få praktiske tips til at forbedre deres velvære. Vi ønsker at inspirere vores læsere til at tage kontrol over deres helbred ved at give dem de nødvendige oplysninger til at træffe informerede beslutninger.


We help premium brands produce successful short-form videos to Tiktok, Instagram reels & Youtube shorts. Greetings from the experts behind the short-form video content of several Finnish companies. If you are looking for an agile short video producer who understands both the social media world and business management, we are a match! We break down data and analyzes into easy-to-chew chunks, so you can easily track sales growth with short videos.

Violet Automation

Violet Automation utvecklar och tillhandahåller lösningar inom intelligent automation, såsom Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing, (NLP) och (IDP) Intelligent Document Processing för att hjälpa våra kunder att automatisera sina processer. Genom automation ser vi en fantastisk möjlighet att minska mängden monotont arbete och istället låta människor arbeta med mer givande arbetsuppgifter


Cortekst er et dansk tekstforfatterbureau, der skaber overbevisende og engagerende skriftligt indhold. Vi er en dynamisk og kreativ virksomhed, der er specialiseret i at levere skræddersyet og effektivt indhold til en bred vifte af formål. Vores team af dygtige tekstforfattere har en stærk forståelse for tekstforfatningens kunst og er dedikerede til at levere tekster af høj kvalitet, der rammer målgruppen præcist. De har en bred viden inden for forskellige brancher og har erfaring med at skrive til alt fra reklamer og hjemmesider til pressemeddelelser og sociale medier.

VetPlus og Lifetest

Vi leder efter en marketingsstuderende som kan være med til at hjælpe os med 1-2 gange i ugen med marketingsrelaterede opgaver til vores to virksomheder. Opgaver vi ønsker hjælp til: •Design af produktkatalog •Nyhedsbreve •Kampagner •flyers og plakater Om VetPlus På verdensplan er VetPlus den førende producent af veterinært tilskudsfoder. Hele VetPlus produkt portofolio udvikles og produceres i UK. VetPlus forhandles udelukkende af dyrlæger, og derfor vil dine kunder udelukkende bestå af dyreklinikker. Om Lifetest Nordisk leverandør af inhouse-lab udstyr til veterinærbranchen samt en masse andre produkter til det veterinære marked.


Parents' problem. Every 5-th child is born with dyslexia: an inherited neuro-biological condition that makes the process of decoding written symbols challenging. In most European countries, the USA and the UK children with dyslexia are entitled for a free state-funded help. In an ideal educational system a highly professional teacher identifies challenges of a struggling learner, the child is quickly referred to a state-funded assessment, every child with reading disabilities gets immediate free remediation. In the educational systems as they are in the post-pandemic era we see persistent acute shortages of qualified literacy and special education teachers and waiting lists of between 6 and 24 months for dyslexia assessment. Only children who are in the bottom 3 to 10% of their peers for reading ability can rely on free help. Parents and schools are forced to turn to private tutors and programs and are always torn between the desire to help struggling kids and the fear of ruining the financial situation of their families and organizations. Schools' problem. The current debate over inclusion in the society revealed the main educational problem that has not yet been solved: as classrooms become more diverse, the teacher is challenged to differentiate more. The legislation mandates that every child with disability is provided with an individualized learning plan, but the inclusive classroom that provides such advantages is difficult to implement, while the only extra support that a teacher gets is a university student or other inexperienced trainee.


Med idékraft, teknologi og entreprenørskap, tar vi drømmer ned på jorda og gir dem bein å gå på. Utvikling av nye produkter og tjeneser: Vi hjelper virksomheter med å utvikle produkter og tjenester, basert på hva kundene er opptatt av og villige til å betale for. Vi tar idéen hele veien fra tegnebrettet til markedet, og sikrer en effektiv prosess fra A-Å. Vekststrategi Vi utvikler strategier som er enkle å forstå og motiverende å gjennomføre. Skal du realisere ny strategi eller nye initiativ trenger du gjerne fart og kraft. Våre rådgivere, med strategisk og operativ erfaring, tar dine prosjekter fra plan til virkelighet – raskere.


SINTEF er et av Europas største uavhengige forskningsinstitutter. Vi utfører hvert år flere tusen oppdrag – for små og store kunder.Siden 1950 har vår forskning skapt løsninger og innovasjon for samfunnet og for kunder over hele kloden. Det har gjort SINTEF til et verdensledende forskningsinstitutt.SINTEF er et bredt, flerfaglig forskningsinstitutt med internasjonalt ledende spisskompetanse innenfor teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunnsvitenskap. Vi utfører forskning som FoU-partner for næringsliv og forvaltning og er blant de største instituttene for oppdragsforskning i Europa.Vår visjon er Teknologi for et bedre samfunn.

Kroppskontroll AS

Kroppskontroll provides health care services in Oslo and Drøbak. Our focus is to make osteopathy, physiotherapy, and chiropractic affordable and accessible to anyone, as well as provide top-notch quality in our services. Kroppskontroll, helt enkelt. Akutt og forebyggende helsetiltak gjennom hele livet.

Discover People AS

Discover People AS ble etablert i 2020 og har kontor i Karl Johan, Oslo. Vi oppdager og leverer fremoverlente kandidater til ulike stillinger på markedet. Discover People leverer ansatte både regionalt og nasjonalt, med oppdragsgivere i Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger og Trondheim. Vi hjelper deg som søker nye utfordringer i et krevende jobbmarked.


Visual Engineering offers immersive scenario-based gamified training and collaboration solutions for optimal performance and minimal safety risk. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and office in Singapore - we bring together resources and expertise from Scandinavia and Asia to serve clients worldwide. As an employer, we are committed to building a diverse corporate culture that fosters positive relationships, a service-oriented can-do spirit, creativity, innovation, and job satisfaction while respecting each employee as an individual and serving each customer with excellence.

FlytConsulting AS

We are a startup founded in August 2021, delivering quality advisory and implementation services related to Odoo ERP ( In Flyt we work with a range of customers within different sectors, from retail to engineering and manufacturing companies. These companies look to us for advice and experience when taking the leap to transform the way they do their work. We aim to build the number one Nordic consultancy within our area, making a concrete impact on our customers, and enabling each other to learn and grow.