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Showing: 10161 filtered startups

Vitaro ApS

Vitaro driver en række webportaler med fokus på sundhed, træning, kost, motion og livsstil. Vi søger dig, der er passioneret omkring kost og træning og som kan bidrage med en god energi og et højt humør på vores team. Vi holder til på Frederiksberg i nye og moderne lokaler. Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig og ser frem til et fedt samarbejde.


Our hiring software helps you collect unbiased insights on the skills and behaviours of both your team and candidates to hire the best-fits without bias, by using a gamified approach. Equalture leverages neuroscientific games to analyse your current team and culture in order to define your hiring needs. The same insights are then collected for candidates in order to assess whether they fit your needs, right during their very first interaction with your company.


We want to build the leading and most advanced sports betting exchange for trading Football players in Denmark. This will be a new concept on the Danish market introducing a new way for football fans to bet on the sport they love - to increase the excitement around the games and transfers - and earn money on their passion.


Vi er en universitetsforberedende uddannelsesinstitution, hvis fornemmeste opgave er at dygtiggøre dig. Vores undervisning er for alle, hvad end du drømmer om at blive blandt de dygtigste på dit fremtidige studie, eller om du ønsker at opkvalificere dig i kampen om kvote 2-studiepladserne. Undervisningen er målrettet Jura, Psykologi, Medicin, Business og Statskundskab. Hos os er der mulighed for at følge en studieretning målrettet en bestemt uddannelse, men vores elever kan også selv vælge fag, så de prøver kræfter med forskellige fagområder.

HadbiFY AB

HadbiFY is developing an AI Medical smartwatch that predicts Myocardial infarction, stroke and prevents fall downs for ageing people with chronic disease and dementia. Our solution enables SOS autoalarm services if the health of the user is deteriorated by a connected healthcare App and dashboard that tracks and monitors wearer health trends in real time. Our health caregiver assistant provides help and support during 24/7 on a daily basis.

The BikeBuddies

The BikeBuddies upcycles discarded bikes so citizens and companies easily can get their hands on a fully functioning recycled second-hand bike. A concept that benefits people's health, the mobility in society, the economy and our Planet. In Denmark, more than 300.000 bikes are produced every year and more than 15 % of those end up being discarded. Our mission is to save discarded bikes from being remelted by refurbishing them to give them new lives. Our vision is to revolutionize the way bikes are recycled in Denmark and that way inspire other businesses to pursue a circular approach in their business models. With so many bikes and resources going to waste every year, the idea behind The BikeBuddies was a call to action of creating a business based on a circular economy to help reduce waste in Denmark. By being a front-runner in the era of the circular economy, we can hopefully inspire many more people, entrepreneurs, and businesses to think circularity and sustainability into their operations and everyday life.

OliOli Meditation app

OliOli Meditation is bringing guided meditation to everyone, everyday. In just one beautifully intuitively designed app, users will have acces to hundreds of audio files with guided meditations, recorded by some of the best meditation teachers, from around the world. The app even includes OliOli Junior, where all meditations are made especially for kids. The app was first launched in Danish, and since July 2019, it has been available in English as well. OliOli's vision is to grow bigger, and to present meditations in even more languages, and to help people all over the world experience the benefits of meditation, and help them find a peaceful mental clarity and to be happier.


We make configuration management easy so time and fixed costs are limited to an absolute minimum. We have designed Version Equipment Manager (VEM) - a software tool with the main purpose to have software and parameters in control for automation and IT systems (configuration management) in regulated industries


WHAT IS OPEN? OPEN is a co-working space for creative professionals looking for a strong supportive community, located at the strategic design firm, Designit. We are true believers when it comes to co-creation and live by the mantra that we are better together. Both as individuals and organizations. WHO CAN JOIN? First and foremost: good people. It's as simple as that. But secondly OPEN is home to promising startups, professional freelancers, creatives, creators, and innovators. OPEN is not limited to a certain line of business. Instead we are about promoting an honest and supportive openness culture. WHAT DO WE OFFER? Being located at a global strategic design firm, Designit, means you not only get access to high end facilities. It also means access to: — A radical innovation hub merging business and design — A world class design platform — A globally-connected corporate world — Formal and informal mentoring by skilled and experienced professionals

Old News Club

Old News Club is an online magazine created to bring our readers the best insights and most interesting stories. We don’t deliver news for the sake of being first and we have no intention to contribute to the overflow of breaking news. Instead, our mission is to handpick timeless items with a great story and tell these stories in articles supported with high-quality pictures and videos. At Old News Club you will find a wide range of subjects. Common to all of them is the fact that they are timeless, have a classic touch or a historic element. We love racing, everything with an engine, like to travel and are interested in design, technology, craftsmanship and all things gentlemanly. In the Old News Club Buyer's Guide we provide a list of inspirational items and carefully selected high-quality products that you are able to purchase yourself. For each product we give you the background as to why this should be on your wish list of desired collectibles. For companies, we offer the option to advertise via the Old News Club website and our SoMe platforms directly to our dedicated International audience. For more information about our target audience, data and stats, please contact us directly. Visit our site at:

SearchComet ApS

SearchComet er et datadrevet Digital Marketing Bureau. Vi hjælper dig og din virksomhed med at få succes online gennem digital strategi, søgemaskineoptimering, online annoncering og konverteringsoptimering. Drømmer du om at øge din online synlighed, få mere relevant trafik til din hjemmeside og dermed få flere leads og konverteringer – så lad os samarbejde om at gøre netop dét. Vi startede SearchComet, fordi vi vil gøre tingene anderledes. De store bureauer bliver kun større i håbet om at lande endnu større kunder. Det betyder også, at distancen mellem kunde og bureauet bliver større. Du finder måske et bureau, der kan stille med et team af fem konsulenter, men hos SearchComet er vi to passionerede specialister, og vi har ingen at gemme os bag. Det er os, der udfører arbejdet, leder projekterne og ser dig i øjnene, når vi gennemgår resultaterne. Vi prioriterer ikke vores kunder efter størrelsen af deres forretning – så uanset om du har en kæmpe global virksomhed, eller om du sælger lokalt i dit nærområde, går vi altid helhjertet ind i samarbejdet. Vi har rig bureauerfaring og et stærkt kompetencegrundlag. Vi satser på tætte relationer, nærværende kundeservice og eksekvering i bedste kvalitet.

Beyond Art Oslo

Beyond Art raises money and awareness for other charities dedicated to helping women and children survivors of war, violence and abuse. Since 2014, the team behind Beyond Art has raised NOK 240,000 through annual art auctions for Women for Women International (“WFWI”), a charity that works in countries affected by war, violence and conflict, providing women with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to self-sufficiency.


We started Oslomade to create a fashionable, high quality and beautiful piece of luxury to match any outfit whilst protecting your beloved tech. Because we were tired of protective smartphone cases that are big, bulky, boring and disappointed of beautiful cases which do not protect your phone at all.One drop and your expensive $2000 iPhone is Dead.We are introducing the most fashionable and thin, yet most protective mobile cases with an advanced protection technology.


Optimér dit regnskab! Vi hjælper med bogføring, regnskabsoptimering og overordnet økonomi.Vi er et mindre administration selskab, hvor vi hjælper alt fra små start-ups til mellemstore virksomheder med alt fra bogføring, løn, årsrapporter skat til tømning af post. Totalt administrerer vi over 100 millioner i omsætning fordelt på over 30 virksomheder.


Myworkout AS er stasjonert på Angelltrøa i Trondheim, og forener kompetanse innen teknologi, medisin, markedsføring, kommersialisering og internasjonalisering. Selskapet ble etablert oktober 2013 av en gruppe investorer i Trondheim, og blir utviklet i samarbeid med Innovasjon Norge.