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Showing: 10104 filtered startups

Vidalico Digital

MARKETING AS A SERVICE FOR B2B TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES We translate complex, high-tech information into marketing stories that drive sales. We work with B2B technology companies who want to grow but are frustrated with their marketing efforts producing poor or no results. HubSpot Certified Agency Partner | Digital Growth Agency - Helsinki, Finland

Morph ApS

Morph is a Copenhagen-based creative community and studio, creating authentic visual storytelling for youth audiences. We develop and produce branded / commissioned film, video, VR/360’ and still images across formats and platforms. We create stories and images that truly engage our peers through honest aesthetics, casting, and deep-links to our own community of creative taste-makers.

House of SEO er et web bureau i Kolding. Vi specialiserer os i Søgemaskine optimering og online marketing. Vores ydelser og services omhandler alt lige fra Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Business, Facebook og Social Medie markedsføring, webshops, hjemmesider, hosting, tekstforfatning, korrekturlæsning og meget mere. På vores hjemmeside kan du læse mere om de forskellige services vi tilbyder vore kunder. Vores kundekreds består hovedsageligt af små til mellemstore virksomheder.


INVESTING IN PEOPLE.MBU – Majesty Business Utvikling “ Development” is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.Because Business Development results in the creation of long-term value, our activity is strategic in nature. This requires that the Business Development professional thoroughly understands the company’s overall strategy, and stays in close touch with the capabilities of the organization & Human Resources. MBU INTERNATIONAL, moving forward in partnership with high quality companies towards planting the innovation seeds of positive change makers in the Middle East and Africa regions.  Our new startup project aiming to involve new fresh minded people despiting the age and religion. However the participation could formulating the implemented performance, still have the believe that humans are the most centrally cell giving life for the life cycle on planet. A significant contribution of commerce, social development, educational institution... Etc. Are grouping skills & effort to provide the best practices solutions for the modern world challenges such as international climate change and smart industrial zones, where by visionaries makers meetup and mentain the accumulated dusty which has broken arms within the productivity of the community. It's clearly resulted with bad impact on communities revenue of less jobs and farming infrastructures specially in Africa, where easy found in the most exclusive commercially sensitive and risk management to be determined; at the same time Africa was created as the planet's mother which means we find the warmer incubation and nonstop giving. NAMAS, is our startup innovation project to be launched within 50 different communities in the Middle East and Africa regions. We are in the very early stage of the project, and still working hard on developing a memorandum of understanding agreement with the potential co-founders.  Mr MAJDI ALNAJJAR, I have been growing up in different countries located in different Pacific,( Middle East, Africa and Europe), working with a focus on the importance of making a positive difference in the community posting the case, not my name. 20 years of experience in communities development: # Empowering the marginalized groups.# groupings and strategic planning.# Brandings the Humans skills.


Promare provides a flexible and cost-effective alternative to a full time in-house employee within legal services, based on your company’s actual needs from time to time. With wide area of expertise in contracts, compliance matters, shipping- and transport agreements, sale & purchase of ships, corporate documents and – governance, ship registration, crewing, flag state- and other maritime regulatory issues etc., you receive a reliable and competent support.  MEMBER OF DANISH MARITIME

Shipping Company specialized within Biomass transport and solutions.    We have invented a coastal Wood chip carrier optimized for transport of wooden biomass logs and timber within Europe.    The ship FOV - FLEXIBLE OPERATING VESSEL or Faraday - Orsted - Volt - is a Dual Fuel Hybrid ship with Waste energy recovery, that carries a full DWT cargoes of Wood and wooden biomass. Fuel consumption is about 50 percent of same size GT Vessel. Manning is reduced 25%, and operating time is full 365 days year is the shipping Vehicle of E-CO2 and is assisting clients ww to ship/charter and coordinate biomass shipments on executed charterparties particularly developed for the trades. is the only Company specialized in transportation of Woody biomass and has acquired  a large knowledge within a fast growing cargo segment.  Shipping educated, managerial positions, specialist Company.


We offer a powerful yet seamless digital marketing analytics platform that makes the complex simple. Built by experienced marketers to suit the needs of today’s effect-driven marketers. Our customers use the platform to get an overview of all their social media and Google campaigns across platforms, markets, and brands. The overview enables users to monitor and optimize campaigns and to report back to stakeholders in no time. All data is visualized beautifully in customizable dashboards so it fits the individual need. No development is needed. We've seen company after company and marketer after marketer save tons of time and improve performance using deepdivr. We rank no. 1 on G2 with a 4,8 out of 5, with our closest competitor clocking in at 4,3.

Triple3Invest AS

Christer Olafsson, administrerende direktør og eier av Triple3Invest AS. Lang erfaring og kunnskap innen franchise konsepter, ledelse og operasjoner innen ulike bransjer i Norge og i Europa. Han har en omfattende internasjonal erfaring innenfor ledelse og B2B. Point er et fransk franchise konsept fra Teokubo by BOBIOS.Triple3Invest AS har reservert franchise rettighetene for Norge, Sverige og Danmark.   Point Sushi: Point er et frittstående bespisningskonsept.Kommer ferdig innredet med alt av høyteknologisk utstyr og maskiner. Kran løfter «boksen på plass» på et støpt fundament.Mål kube: 4,5 x 4,5 x 4,5 meterElegant design med glass fasader gjør at det passer inn på de fleste områder.Tilfredsstiller alle offentlige krav til bl.a. matsikkerhet.Må ha tilkobling til vann, avløp og strøm.Integrert avtrekk som ikke gir fett os og sterk matlukt.Kuben kan lett fjernes etter at leieavtale er utløpt, eller bytte til annet konsept innen 48 timer.

Løvetannakademiet AS

We deliver programs focusing on equipping youth from foster homes and residential housing between ages 16 to 23, with life skills needed to succeed in adulthood. Youth who have completed our program may apply to become leaders for the next group, giving them a chance to get work experience and earn money. This is a part of our peer-to-peer thinking, where young adults can be resources for youth with  similar backgrounds as them. This creates jobs, where your life experience is an asset.

Sports Computing As

Kicker-Ace enables new ways to train, play and compete within football, using modern technology to analyse physical achievements and performance  Kicker-Ace calculates and evaluates speed, precision, combination of speed/precision and trajectory of football shots. The results are presented in an exciting gaming interface. The Kicker-Ace platform connects players all over the world and provides unique training, playing and competition features on the mobile device (smartphone, tablet or bracelet) take the worlds most widespread sport (football), more concrete the art of shooting ... Add new and exiting competition and gaming elements where physical achievements is combined with modern technology ...Provide the gaming and competition elements in a cool and exiting app ...connected to a cloud based platform that enables players all around the world to compete, play and train with each other Then you get Kicker-Ace

Solidsquare AS

Solidsquare er et innovasjonsdrevet selskap som tilbyr tjenester rundt systemutvikling, prosjektledelse, design, innovasjon, strategisk rådgivning og workshop/prosess-ledelse. Vi er et uavhengig, verdibasert konsulentselskap for teknologer og rådgivere som ønsker å utgjøre en forskjell. Vår innovasjonsmodell gir ansatte mulighet til å teste ut sine egne idéer. Vi tror nøkkelen til fornøyde kunder og ansatte kommer gjennom tid og fokus på mer enn bare solid teknologisk kompetanse.

Babyspire is a new platform that gathers Babybloggers from all over Danmark. Our vision is to make life easier for parents, by providing an overview of the most relevant Bloggers. Furthermore our platform is facilitating the blog writing process and we providing the bloggers with a flourishing community. Our goal is to prepare all new and coming parents with the best tools, so that they can provide their children with the best possible start.

EnklereData - easy as Ludo

The goal of EnklereData (EasierData) is to make systems and data easier for you. Your SMB strugle in usage of software and apps mainly because they all behave and look differently. We have made it easier by developing MS Excel apps with its known user interface and behavior. This is our Excel apps/templates: 1. EnklereData BI (Graphical analyses)2. EnklereData CRM3. EnklereData Accounting/Invoicing4. EnklereData Sallary5. EnklereData Year to endTake a look at our demos on The basic idea that started the project EnklereData was when I was challenged by a client why all the software we made was so complex to use and understand. He said : why don't you use Excel, "everybody" knows Excel ! But, hi said, don't use programming/macros only formulas to secure it keeps the simple look and behaviour.After some sleepless nights I decided to show him, and here it is !


Adverr er eksperter i digital forretningsudvikling. Siden 2014 har vi hjulpet virksomheder med at navigere i det digitale landskab. Vi har en innovativ tilgang til at udvikle virksomheders forretning digitalt i overensstemmelse med deres overordnede forretningsstrategi.Ved at kombinere data og kreativitet sikrer vi den rigtige opbygning af din virksomheds digitale fundament, hvilket øger effekten af din digitale tilstedeværelse.


Hives is a startup which began with a simple idea! We think knowledge and experience need to be shared by employees in an easy way. With our user friendly application we help organizations to make it possible for their employees to voice their opinions and share their ideas of improvement. Basically we are developing a permanent tool for constant change in organizations.