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Showing: 10171 filtered startups

FREE:fi itsensätyöllistäjien laskutuspalvelu, jonka avulla kuka tahansa voi työllistyä Suomessa helposti. Palvelu hoitaa kevytyrittäjien puolesta paperityöt ja verojen maksun -aina palkanmaksuun saakka. tarjoaa myös kirjanpitopalvelua, mahdollistaen kokonaisvaltaisen palvelun yrittäjille.

Vi hos hjælper dig til en forbedret hverdag med vores massage- og kompressions støvler. Vores støvler hjælper dig med gigt, uro i benene, ødemer, smertelindring og meget mere. Når støvlerne anvendes giver det en øget blodcirkulation, som fjerner hævelse, smerte og affaldstoffer og hjælper lymfesystemet.

Twiceme Technology

Twiceme is a Swedish company, est 2017, dedicated to turning bystanders into helpers all over the world. By embracing the philosophy that Helping is Human, Twiceme strives to inspire bystanders to act upon that most human of instincts – to help others. We are on a mission to supply our Help the Helpers (HTH) Technology to all practitioners of sports and workers all over the planet, we strive to become the global standard that enables people everywhere to help. Join us on


A fast growing automotive telematics service provider. Helpten offers innovative location aware data services to drivers, insurance companies, fleet organizations, leasing companies as well as authorities. Helpten multi-service system provides services via internet and driver display and creates simultaneously pay as you drive and road charging data with a very strict privacy respect of drivers who use Helpten services.


The total amount of carbon on Earth is constant but for a balanced and healthy nature it is currently in the wrong form: as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the CarbonToSoil mobile app consumers get to participate in agriculture where regenerative farming is used to draw carbon from the atmosphere into the soil more efficiently than before. Through the app anyone can support farms to change their agricultural methods to regenerative farming. The app also allows the user to personally participate in food production and to see how food is grown. The proceeds raised through the app project are used to regenerating more land, research, education and scaling the project global.


Traditional pot plants or impressive and captivating green walls, we have it all. We design, deliver and maintain your green dream. We provide even the wildest green and leafy solutions indoors as well as outdoors, without any unnecessary hassle. Innogreen also has offices in Tampere and Turku.


Novarbo Oy is developing and manufacturing Greenhouse cooling and climate management systems, growth substrates and growing medias, organic and organic - mineral fertilizers for professional greenhouse cultivation. Company is selling currently through own sales representatives, distributors and agents to 60 different countries.


EQTAG STORY started from the field - from the needs of the service organizations. Based on the real experience, we have developed our easy to use mobile software, eqTAG Maintenance Manager, for the field based services.

StealthCase Oy

Modern society is increasingly depending on wireless communications and applications utilizing it i.e. instant messaging, web browsing, multimedia streaming and IoT solutions. At the same time governmental energy saving regulations are tightening. In order to respond to these the construction industry has developed new constructions methods such as low-E windows and aluminium coated insulators. Unfortunately these cause modern buildings to attenuate communications signals dramatically. StealthCase Oy is founded to design construction supplies in a way that mobile communication signals pass through wall unattenuated.

Superplus Games

A mobile games developer from Helsinki, Finland, founded in 2015. We aim to make the best casual multiplayer games for mobile.

SteamFoss A/S

Vi benytter os af fremtidens teknologi og gør din bil helt ren med blot 3 liter vand. Vores dampmetode sparer på vandforbruget. En liter vand forvandles til 1.700 liter tørdamp. En dampvask af din bil udgøres reelt set kun af tre liter vand – i modsætning til en traditionel bilvask hvor der anvendes 300 liter vand. Metoden er også effektiv, fordi den 170 grader varme damp trænger ned i alle afkroge af bilen, hvor den fjerner snavs og dræber bakterierne i hele bilen.

Nordic Engineering Group

Nordic Engineering Group consists of five engineer teams, highly skilled and specialized in but not limited to: 1) Project Management  2) Full Stack in DK 3) SoC Transmission Applications 4) WBAN development environments and 5) Mobile API.We do gather together, virtually – 24/7/365 – globally, based on the current need. Flexible and most efficient! Drop us a line info()

Glana Sensors

Glana Sensors is a newly started company that develops hyperspectral cameras based on a completely new and patented method. The founders have long careers as researchers within academy and the defence industry and they have founded several companies with similar technical profile as Glana. Glana has made a thorough market verification and go-to-market strategy through one of Sweden's most renowned business incubators and are now looking for further technical competence.


Rubato ble startet for å fremme norske artister. Siden oppstart har fokuset vært på å fremme ny, norsk musikk gjennom redaksjonelt innhold.Nå ønsker vi å gi artister en plattform å markedsføre seg på, samt legge til rette for at disse blir booket av aktører på en mer effektiv måte. Vi hjelper norske artister med å komme seg opp og frem, og vil digitalisere livesegmentet i musikkbransjen.

StellarQ Oy

StellarQ provides secure and user friendly solutions for the management of healthcare information adapted to the needs of healthcare professionals, patients, patient organizations, professional athletes and pharmaceutical industry. We are committed to support our customers in improving healthcare management with high quality products.