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We're on a mission to change the way people learn at work At Brainy, we believe that learning at work is fundamentally broken. Existing tools are not built for the way people learn today. We all have different people and organisations we follow, topics we care about and sources where we go to harvest the latest. But individual learning creates knowledge silos and scatters everything across too many tools and platforms. This makes it incredibly hard for companies to create a source of truth, one tailored to the way we actually learn, where everyone pulls from the same pool of continuous knowledge and inspiration. Brainy is designed to bridge that gap, by bringing everyone’s daily discoveries to the table, as we believe the more teams we can empower with collective learning, the more innovative and game-changing companies we’ll see.


Film is all about connection. It's about creating something genuine that reaches through our mask and sees us for who we really are. At CPH FILM AGENCY we primarily make corporate film. There's a rigidity in the larger organizations which forces people to hide who they are. They need this the most. producerer og udvikler hårprodukter. De bliver solgt via webshoppen og til frisørsaloner. Vi søger hjælp til branding af vores produkter. Jeg kender frisørmarkedet fra mine næsten 20 år i hårindustrien men står lidt på bar bund omkring branding og SoMe. Vi har i dag en konto hos Dreamfluencers og har fået et firma til at varetage vores SEO. Jeg er ret sikker på at tingene kunne gøres bedre og mere effektivt, derfor har jeg oprettet profilen i dette forum.


Loggershut is an influencer marketing and e-learning platform. By using the website companies and brands can save a lot of time when learning about influencer marketing - making quality influencer searches - and handle the influencer campaigns in a professional way. Loggershut is already on several market like: Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Citizen Project

Hvem bestemmer teknologien der former dig og dit liv? 🎩 Burde du ikke have en stemme når andre bestemmer din fremtid? 💡 Vær med til at skabe fremtiden med Citizen Project! 🎉 Citizen Project består af et inkluderende designspil og en digital platform der giver almene borgere en stemme i det digitale tech-kapløb. Med Citizen Project kan alle og enhver blive opfinder af ny fremtidig teknologi og designvisioner.


You will find the ingredien in Søften, Hinnerup - just outside Aarhus, Denmark. We take great pride in professional knowledge, developing and manufacturing quality hair care and beauty products. ingredien was founded in 2009 and is part of the Hair Team Company. Since day one, we have manufactured and produced our products in-house with a strong focus on the entire value chain and creating sustainable products through our production methods. At ingredien, we live and breathe to be able to reduce harmful, unhealthy, and allergy causing substances in hair care and styling products. We develop products based on a desire to give consumers, as well as hairdressers, the opportunity to opt out of allergenic substances in their daily routines. All our products are presented at a highly professional level with focus and act with care for the content, people, and nature - without harmful chemistry. When we at ingredien develop our products, we always aim to create security and transparency, save certifications that underline our products' quality, effect, and footprint in the world. We conduct trials and constantly research the market to find the best ingredients and challenge the status quo with sustainability, the environment and transparency. That is why all ingredien products are developed and produced in Denmark by professionals and specialists. ingredien consists of a team of dedicated employees who develop, produce, marketer, and sell sustainable luxury hair care and styling products. All our products are sold through our webshop and at carefully selected hairdressing salons in Denmark and Sweden. We are strongly on our way into the European market, and we dream of establishing our brand on the international market. At ingredien there is speed over the field, it is not far from thought to action, and we have many good ideas. We are always looking for new talent who wants to pave the way for our future growth and development. Of course, all employees must have the opportunity to try our delicious products, which is exactly why free products are one of the many advantages of working at Hair Team Company. We support diversity and we hope that regardless of your personal identity, ethnicity, age, religion, gender perception, sexuality, skin color and political beliefs, you want to apply for a job and join an ambitious team. Feel free to send your unsolicited application to Follow us on LinkedIn for job opportunities and other updates. er pålidelig leverandør af Tryksager, Storformatprint samt Reklameartikler. Vi er kendt for vores evne til at levere tryk i høj kvalitet - endda til nogle af branchens laveste priser. Med over 30 års erfaring og know-how i den grafiske branche, sikrer vi vores kunder god kundeservice og sikker levering. Nogle tryksager kan vi levere fra dag-til-dag, hvilket nogle kunder sætter stor pris på. Vores services inkluderer bl.a. Bannere, Beachflag, Hæfter, Foldere, Bøger, Flyers, Gaveæsker, Emballage, Papirsposer, Muleposer, Kopper, Plastikkort, Plakater, Postkort, Roll-ups, Visitkort mm.


Heeplink is the digital place that efficiently matches people who have the right skills with the tasks that need them. The place where projects find freelancers and vice versa. With experience from the film industry, Heeplink has developed a recruitment tool for project-based tasks that appeals to everything from technical specialists to creative octopi. Heeplink provides concrete tools, security and access to community in a project- and network-based working life. We want to create the ultimate solution so that freelancers can find projects and projects can be realized — a digital solution that makes it easy for all parties. A solution that you intuitively want to return to for daily use. And a solution that creates security for everyone involved. We will finally have a system put in place that was previously based on verbal agreements and loose recommendations.


We are a management consultancy based in Aarhus. We work with Danish and international clients across multiple sectors and industries. We are characterised by being productive and always focus on value-creation. We are honest and reliable, and we have a playful and creative approach to problem solving.


PeopleVenue is a small consultancy that support other small businesses in HR-related areas, such as recruitment, headhunting, leadership development and organisational change. Setting up an HR department is something many companies wish to do later on their journey, as HR is not always seen as commercially value-adding. But still the challenges of leading, recruiting and developing people arise, when companies hit about a dozen or two employees. That's where PeopleVenue comes in. Supporting when needed. No overhead when not needed. And still commercially value-adding.


Navipair is a pioneer in the digitalization of boat ownership. We have launched a global peer-to-peer networking app that transforms the traditional approach to boat ownership. Our platform makes it easier and more manageable to own a boat by digitizing the entire ownership, including repair and maintenance. At the heart of our service is the robust peer-to-peer network that connects boat owners with a diverse range of help – from experienced amateurs to professional craftsmen. This approach creates unprecedented transparency in the boating industry, where boat owners can easily find reliable and qualified help for their needs. With Navipair, a boat owner can quickly and efficiently: 1. Find and compare the help of both professional and skilled amateurs. 2. Receive multiple quotes for maintenance and repair tasks. 3. Make money by offering your own skills to others in the network. 4. Share and coordinate tasks directly through the app, making communication and planning easier. 5. Document all maintenance work, increasing the boat's resale value By gathering data from a diversity of users and tasks, we can offer a tailored experience that creates value for boat owners. This data collection is the foundation of our business model, which includes a freemium model, direct product sales and revenue from partnerships.

ProRoom ApS

Our technology allows businesses to open their showrooms and service customers 24/7 without the need for employees. We primarily service businesses in the home improvement category, where showrooms are necessary as the end consumer often wishes to touch and feel the product, they are looking at buying. E.g., furniture stores, tile and bathroom sellers, window and door manufacturers. Our technology consists of hardware and software. Hardware that is installed on location. e.g., cameras, locks. Software in the form of an App that businesses can access all their needs for running their showroom. We believe the market for our product is enormous. The improvement we are bringing to the market is in order of magnitude greater than previous solutions. The world needs this and we see almost endless opportunities ahead.

Nordic Trader ApS

The firm first objective is to promote Indian and Asian food brands. Indian Aroma restaurant is one of them. The firm holds all possible ways to promote the brands including marketing strategy, digital programming, and advocating on inter and outer management. In addition, there is proposal to open more brans like Indian Aroma.

Helium Living

Helium Living vil gøre det eftertragtet at leve på et areal som er realistisk at gøre bæredygtigt - ca. 30m2 pr. person. Bygge- og anlægsbranchen står for tæt på 40% af vores udledning af drivhusgasser , og har et enormt ressourceforbrug som er umuligt at gøre bæredygtig, hvis byggeriet ikke begrænses - selv med bedre energikilder, processer og materialer. Helium Living designer kvalitetsmøbler med særligt fokus på funktion - indretningsløsninger så vi kan leve bedre på mindre plads. En række produkter er snart klar til produktion, og produktidéer er der masser af. Ambitionen er, at udvikle produkter med fokus på funktion, æstetik og bæredygtighed.


MERE END BARE PERMANENT HÅRJERNING Hos SMOOTH gør vi meget ud af at være ærlige og troværdige samt at skabe et trygt og tillidsfuldt rum. Permanent hårfjerning skal være en god oplevelse – Derfor er alle vores behandlere certificerede ved en læge, og alle klinikkerne er godkendt af styrelsen for patientsikkerhed – Og så tilbyder vi nogle af Danmarks skarpeste priser! SAMMENHOLD Vores mission er at gøre dig hårfri og give dig øget selvtillid. Dette gælder ikke kun for vores kunder, men også for vores medarbejdere. Derfor vil du aldrig se vores Smooth Operators i uniformer eller kitler som ved andre klinikker. Vores medarbejdere skal være 100% sig selv, så de kan stråle og give dig den bedste oplevelse i klinikken. DIVERSITET Vi behandler vi alle hud- og hårfarver. SMOOTH er derfor for ALLE. Mange kvinder tror ikke, at laseren virker på dem, fordi de har lyse hår. Det er netop her, Supreme laseren adskiller sig fra andre maskiner til permanent hårfjerning på markedet. F.eks. kan IPL kun tage mørke hår på lys hud, hvor vores laser kan behandle alle hud- og hårfarver!