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beHOP is a double-sided marketplace that connects hiring managers and HR professionals in SMEs with local validated recruiting agencies on a global scale. We help hiring professionals and external recruiting agencies find each by matching international company talent needs with recruiter specializations and providing performance metrics on both sides.


Kom med - masser af personlig udvikling. 6 ugers kursus i København. Næste holdstart d.28.feb. Stadig ledige pladser. Kognitiv mentor uddannelse for ledige. På positiv listen i jobcentre. Som ledig kan du søge om at gå den bevilget som en del af din jobplan. Interessere du dig for psykologi og personlig udvikling så er denne uddannelse for dig!

Linumø Copenhagen

Linumø Copenhagen – elegantly simple design, that focuses on capturing the charm and texture of Linen. Long Linen traditions and Scandinavian design unite in a cozy celebration of everyday life. Carefully selected beautiful and natural linen fabrics from Europe to admire special and ordinary moments. We are proud to create handmade products and to return to traditional craftsmanship and authentic values of our products.

Dyreportal er Danmarks største og ikke mindst smarteste markedsplads for køb og salg af kæledyr. Alle kæledyr som ønskes videreformidlet i hele Danmark, er samlet et og samme sted. Vi stræber os nemlig efter at gøre markedet gennemskueligt, så du kan finde lige præcis det kæledyr, der passer ind i Jeres familie. På Dyreportalen kan du altså lave en nem og sikker søgning på det kæledyr, du ønsker dig. Begge parter i handlen bliver simpelthen matchet. Det er et sikkert sted både for dig, som ønsker at videreformidle dit eller dine kæledyr, men det er også sikkert for dig, som påtænker at anskaffe et kæledyr. Når man handler eller videreformidler kæledyr, er det vigtigt at føle sig tryg, og derfor tager Dyreportalen et mindre beløb i kompensation for at videreformindre kontaktinformationen mellem køber og sælger, netop for at skille sig af med useriøse henvendelser.

Comunchi ApS

Comunchi er en online frokost markedsplads, der gør det muligt for virksomheder at få frokost fra lokale spisesteder de kender og elsker. Vores vision er at skabe en billigere, bedre og mere bæredygtig frokostordning, som alle kan være med på og samtidigt støtte lokale spisesteder. Den typiske frokostordning bliver udskiftet med 3 måneders mellemrum, grundet manglende variation og fleksibilitet. Samtidigt går der både penge og mad til spilde, på de dage medarbejdere er fraværende. Hos Comunchi har vi bygget en platform hvor virksomheder kan købe digitale frokostkuponer, som de kan videregive til deres medarbejdere. Medarbejdere har mulighed for at indløse disse kuponer gennem vores app ved lokale spisesteder og på den måde få lige præcist den frokost de ønsker sig. Virksomhederne undgår at betale for frokost de dage medarbejderene er fraværende og undgår samtidigt madspild.

Bow Tie Productions

Bow Tie Productions was founded in 2019 and is the result of two good friends' dream about doing things together and jointly bringing own visions and ideas to life. With many years of experience from the Danish TV and production industry, we have created the the perfect setting for us to really unfold by brining Bow Tie Productions to life. This is where we have the opportunity to be part of the full video production journey - right from the creative development process begins to the final finish, where the production is delivered to the customer. And that is the process we are most passionate about! We collaborate with some of Denmark's best freelancers in their field, because we need to put the most competent team to the production. Therefore, you can be sure that we do our absolute best to produce and deliver the best possible product for you and your business.


Notes® is a newly established direct-to-consumer brand within the paint industry - launching in Denmark in the very near future. We are founded by an experienced team of designers, engineers, and marketers and backed by a leading European paint manufacturer and Rainmaking Venture Studio, making us uniquely positioned to stir up a multi-billion dollar industry across Europe. We are on a simple, yet ambitious, mission to make painting more inspiring, easier, and sustainable through a digital and design-driven approach. We are working with leading designers and engineers to create perfect colors as well as paint and supplies of the highest quality. Reducing our environmental impact is at the forefront of what we do and how we do it. Redefining af new paint brand means fixing the industry’s environmental footprint. This is why we've put sustainability at the top of our agenda.

Trustzone A/S

TRUSTZONE is Scandinavia’s largest SSL/TLS certificate supplier and a leading provider of scalable PKI and IoT solutions for encryption, authentication, and automated certificate lifecycle management. We offer custom options for companies and organizations across industries with a full suite of compatibility-optimized, fully scalable certificate products and solutions. Our options fit all company sizes — from small, one-person businesses and startups needing one or two SSL/TLS certificates to large international companies looking for full-scale, enterprise-grade solutions.

CeOx ApS

Here at CeOx, we design and develop the new generation electromechanical devices for high-tech and biomedical applications based on novel smart materials. Our goal is to advance and bring innovation to the current state-of-the-art thanks to smart materials implementation, optimal design and innovative thinking. Electromechanical (EM) devices are used more and more in several fields of technology, bringing remarkable advances. Micro EM systems ensure reduction to extremely low size maintaining the performances of previous bulky products. Moreover, using smart materials such as defective oxides, we can aim at even higher peaks of performances, stability and scalability. For more information, check our project!


We are specialized in development and maintenance of native -, web - and hybrid apps. We're always looking for new talents to be a part of our team. Our current team consist of 11 employees with a mix of developers, designers and entrepreneurs. If you wish to hear more, we're always open for a meeting or a cup of coffee :-)

September 22

September 22 is an experienced community of creators who, with professionalism, ferocity, and empathy, solve large and small tasks within film, photography, branding, art direction, copywriting, strategic communication - and whatever else is needed. But we are more than that. We are creative people with dreams, talents, quirks, families, friends, allergies, mid-life crises, clothing crises, ambitions, curiosity, and everything else that human life consists of. September 22 is therefore also an attempt to create one of Denmark's best creative workplaces with the freedom, empathy, and flexibility we believe creates the best working and living conditions - and the absolute best creative solutions and customer relations. September 22 is a crisp starting point for creative transformation and growth. Let’s start here.

FællesSkabet i København

Fællesskabet i København or The Free Fridge Copenhagen is an open public community fridge located at Stengade 50 in Nørrebro, the idea is inspired by a variety of similar projects around the world. The idea of the Free fridge is to create a space for truly unconditional food sharing, with no restrictions, requirements or time limitations. The space is open 24/7 and caters to anyone who has surplus food to give, or needs food. Anyone from employees in an office which has surplus food after lunch, to people who are unable to afford it or access it through the various programs around the city. The Free Fridge aims to cater to everyone! Surplus food redistribution is very centralized, there are a number of organizations that in a way or in another decide to whom the food will go and decide how they can access it. We think this is an unfair redistribution of a necessary resource. With the fridge we attempt to decentralize the power that at the moment is in the hand of little and we want to make it open for everyone to join this initiative.

Alix & the Pack

Alix & the Pack is more than a dog walking and training company. We create a common language between dogs and humans to guide our interactions and relationships with them. We want both to live happier, healthier and stronger lives together. In our training, we focus just as much on you as we do on your dog. An owner's confidence and knowledge is one of the most important determinants of a dog's behaviour. That's why we are here to inspire, empower and educate you. Most of all, we want to build training that will last a lifetime.

I Tracket ApS

"I Tracket ApS" develop technological solutions for tennis players to record video, play video and receive analysis (record, replay and re-learn) of their tennis game with focus on technique. This is done via mobile phone in the form of an iOS app. We utilize artificial intelligence with a focus on the player's technique in the form of playing specific strokes such as all forehands in a row, including smart zoom features (ai zoom) and slow motion for clear display of the stroke execution on the mobile phone's small screen.

Ampa Medical

Ampa Medical is a health-tech start-up, dedicated to radically improve the quality of life for people living with an ileostomy (stoma from small intestine). Today a stoma bag is the only available solution for people with ileostomy. But living with a bag of stool attached to your stomach 24/7 comes with a lot of clinical complications and social stigma, decreasing quality of life for the many people living with an ileostomy. Ampa Medical is determined to change this.