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Showing: 4436 filtered startups

Oquam Aps

Oquam is designing and developing software to support innovation processes, including tools, eLearning and feedback capabilities. Our goal is to help people and organizations improve their innovation capabilities by using digital tools that educate and help with “learning by doing”. We are a small team of dedicated entrepreneurs with many years of experience in innovation training/facilitation, organizational development, leadership, learning, personality types and technology development – we want to use this knowledge to provide the best innovation facilitation support possible, - using digital tools.

Ruumble - the dating Q&A game

Ruumble er den ven som kender dig og når du får et match, stiller den jer spørgsmål i 4 runder, hvor interessante og relevante ting om dig og dit match vil komme til udtryk. Spørgsmåls runderne er opbygget som et spil, så syntes du ikke om dit match besvarelser, kan du til enhver tid afslutte spillet. Er der kemi og kan lide hvad hinanden svarer igennem spillet, så fortsættes matches i chatten, hvor grundlaget for en date er startet, så hold den på sporet.

MamaMilla blev startet af Kamilla efter at have været på barsel og indset at der manglede nogle gode kavlitetspridukter til gravide og babyer. Vi går 100% efter at gøre vores kunder tilfredse og anser dem for vores vigtigste prioritet. Om det er babynest, vikler, sutter eller bare en god snak om det at være gravid, så står vi klar! er en revolutionerende tech-platform, som giver vinbønder og købere en hel ny måde at handle med hinanden på. Platformen skaber en direkte bro mellem vinbønder i hele verden og købere hjemme i stuerne. Det giver en mere autentisk, bæredygtig og billig måde at sælge og købe sin vin på. Vi har succes og i dagligdagen lægger vi vægt på at arbejde som et teamdrevet firma, der behandler hinanden på en lige og ikke-hierarkisk måde.


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Lendomatic is a fintech company simplifying and improving the lending process in consumer finance. We collect data from external providers to give our customer's the fastest and best user experience when applying for a loan. On the same time the many datapoints collected ensures that the credit scoring is legal, ethical and financially viable.


KLUB er et forsamlingshus for professionelle, der er interesseret i verdens transformation. Tidligere var det branchenetværk, Rotary-klubber og VL-grupper, der fungerede som professionelle vandhuller. Det var der man hentede inspiration eller blev ajourført. De findes stadigvæk. Men i dag drives udviklingen i samfundet og i erhvervslivet ofte af dagsordener på tværs af de enkelte brancher. Det er disse dagsordener, KLUB koncentrerer sig om. Medlemmerne kommer fra vidt forskellige brancher. KLUB er et fælleskab, der er forbundet i nysgerrigheden efter at forholde sig klogt til de omskiftelige betingelser, som definerer virksomhedernes og borgernes handlingsrum i fremtiden. Medlemmerne (370 på nyhedsbrevet) er stærke profiler, der øver indflydelse i deres faglige sammenhænge. Mange er direktører, bestyrelsesmedlemmer, eksministre eller ejere af virksomheder.


GoPitch is a matchmaking service for startups and investors. Startups make their pitch via a pitch flow, where they need to provide the information investors need, but often lack in other pitch environments. A key part of the pitch is a video of the team behind the startup, as that is as big a part of why investors see a startup as the perfect fit. The investors get automatically matched with startups that fit their profile in the GoPitch app, where they get a quick overivew of new exciting startups in their own personal feed.


Stedger democratizes the eCommerce market by empowering webshops and suppliers alike to compete against giant international companies like Amazon. We're a young company, and are experiencing good growth. We are looking for a talented software engineer, who will play a central role in shaping and building our future product! We strive to create a culture which is fun, rewarding and transparent with room for personal and professional development - where everybody feels like they're part of something bigger.


Focus on your business, not software. Cursum helps companies build and scale their digital business with a proven all-in-one platform for e-learning, onboarding, compliance and much more. Contrary to many other learning platforms out there, we don’t believe there is one “best way to learn”. However, we do know that to create a strong learning culture you need a platform that is easy to use and integrates seamlessly into your organization. With more than one million courses completed on our platform we know a thing or two about how to do this right, the first time. With our proven software solution, we’ve helped hundreds of companies create, educate and grow their businesses online with a digital first mindset. In other words, you have the idea or know-how within a specific area, then we have the software to transform your knowledge into marketable and scalable courses with your own brands look and feel. Setting up another revenue stream for your business has never been easier.


Welcome to next-level workforce management! Maptominds is a subcription-based cloudsolution that helps organisations manage, communicate with and find external consultants. Release the power of the truly agile organisation! The maptominds solution provides - Express access to a network of high-end consultants within IT, project management and management consultants - Full transparency of existing contracts, previous and up-coming connections - Organisation of interviews, evaluations and contract status


Designed to stand out, fit humans and build business. That's the winning digital experience we create. Customers are expecting delightful and empowering digital products and services that make their lives better. Digital solutions need to stand out and be cleverly personalised to solve human problems. And solving human problems ultimately builds business. We combine deep customer insights, strategy, creative excellence, data and technology to invent, design, develop and launch market-leading solutions that help companies win. We deliver measurable impact today with longevity sewn in.

Simple Very Simple

Linear production and consumption is wasteful and polluting but worse it drives creation of inferior modes of innovation and development: In Denmark 3.000 large household appliances are discarded every day. Simple Very Simple makes consumption of large household appliances simpler and better. Based on circular large household appliances Simple Very Simple offers climate- and nature positive products of higher quality and with new features.


2030beyond is a non-profit do-tank for the 2030 agenda, supporting parliaments and people to accelerate action for the Sustainable Development Goals. We convene and connect parliamentarians in a global network of Parliamentarians for the Global Goals as a platform to share best practices and ideas on SDG implementation. We support their efforts to build cross-party collaboration, multi-stakeholder involvement and civic engagement. ​We believe that co-creation through human- and planet centered design is the only way we will succeed with the 2030 Agenda. We work beyond borders, beyond sectors, beyond political, professional and cultural divides.

XploR XR

Upgrading skils and competencies of people using different solutions with XR technologies. This is done in collaborations with schools, companies and other organisations in order for them to become better and more effective at what they do. Our goal is to teach people about XR technologies and then collaborate together with them, finding then most valuable solutions. We strive to execute the most profitable solutions at the lowest costs - thus, the most valuable gain for the least amount of pain.