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We create tracking software for the booming esports market, providing media and betting companies with livescores and stats from esports matches. The idea started at a small LAN party, where the organiser couldn't keep track of the score and started looking for software to help. As this didn't exist, the concept of GameScorekeeper was born! We love games and esports, and when we're not working on figuring out how to best get data out of games and presenting it in a valuable way, we're often talking about or playing games, old and new. Like many other startups we have a relaxed atmosphere at our office, and it's an easy place to just be yourself and work with something you love.


Welltrado is an already operating scalable blockchain based platform that seeks to enable investors to buy and sell loans from thousands of di erent loan providers globally, invest into peer-to-peer lending funds (P2P) and manage investment portfolios.Welltrado is already an experienced player in the P2P platform market, with an early version P2P platform aggregator already up and running.


Klart helps organisations to get the right things done - in the right time. On Klartboard we can visualise all to-do's, tasks, assignments and projects across individuals, teams and departments. Teams meet up in front of Klartboard, see and take action. It is all about creating transparency, dialogue and clear goals. Along with Klartboard we provide training and feedback. We are entrepreneurs and consultants with a vivid tech-spirit and a great and focused worklife is the ongoing driver for us. We enjoy a high degree of personal freedom in our everyday worklife. It's all about getting the right things done - and working smart. We are passionate about helping organisations to cope with complexity. We would love to contribute in pushing and dragging teams back on track to their raison d'etre - back to where they execute on their core tasks.


Monsenso is an innovative technology company offering a digital health solution for mental health and behavioral disorders. Our mission is to help provide better mental health to more people at lower costs. Our solution helps optimise the treatment of mental disorders and gives a detailed overview of an individual’s mental health through the collection of outcome, adherence and behavioural data. It connects individuals, carers and health care providers to enable personalised treatment, remote care and early intervention. Based on continuous research and development, our team is committed to developing solutions that fit seamlessly into the lives of individuals, increase their quality of life and improve the efficacy of mental health treatment. To learn more visit

Vi vil gøre webmastere bedre til deres arbejde.Canecto er et webanalyseværktøj der gør det mulig at forbedre kvaliteten af et websites indhold.Værktøjet giver indsigt i brugeradfærd baseret på brugernes interaktion med websitets indhold, og ved at kortlægge de underliggende trends og mønstre der kan forklare brugernes adfærd.Vi anvender mønstre i brugernes interaktion med indholdet af et website til at beskrive, forstå og forudsige brugernes webadfærd.

Unite & Write

We are youtube for authors! New authors have great difficulty to get through to publishers because publishers chooses books by celebrities - these books already have buyers built in. This leaves new authors with limited acces and no control. Readers can evaluate their work and like on youtube the most popular floats on top.  Publishers can use as out/crowdsourcing of the demanding task of eval received manuscripts.  Readers can interact with authors  Freelancers can find customers


We have developed a unique travel concept within the Slow Travel concept. Our travels aims to bringing people together, by exploring the world and expanding your senses.We offer adventurous, group tours where sighted and partially sighted travelers can travel together and learn from each other. By travelling with a non-sighted travel partner you will learn to explore with a focus on your other senses, which gives your travel experience a completely new dimension.

Copenhagen Mist ApS

We are experts in Azure PaaS and global Sitecore deployments on Azure, working exclusively in this domain since 2010. Our experience gives us deep insights to navigate through Azure services, and architect solutions based on best practices. Copenhagen Mist was founded to accomplish an industry first: To provide an infrastructure-as-a-framework that improves and evolves. Azure Blueprint, the industry’s first managed reference architecture, is the product of our efforts.


Effihub is a cloud-based efficient time management SaaS for business selling their time. Effihub keeps track of all your time and tasks and also makes it easy for your clients to stay updated. If you are a copywriter, designer, lawyer, consultant or the likes and you sell prepaid hours, workshops, sessions or ...(you name it) then Effihub is for you. Our users see an increase in efficiency and invoiced time and at the same time, they are building trust with their clients by running a transparent business.


Relink is a team of venture backed serial entrepreneurs, data scientists, engineers and business developers on a mission is to transform the way people are matched to jobs. We build and train Artificial Intelligence algorithms to understand the fit between people and jobs. Use cases for our technology range form fueling recruitment processes with more intelligence, helping recruiters make better hiring decisions to helping EU governments match their unemployed masses with job opportunities.


Gigstr is a growing HR tech company. We help small as well as large businesses with tailored staffing solutions. We manage everything via our app ‘Gigstr’, which enables us to help businesses globally just as easy as locally. For jobseekers, or ‘gigstrs’ as we call them, this means that they, via our app and under our administration, can take gigs when, where and how they like. Gigstr is active in several European cities with offices in Stockholm and Copenhagen.


I make artificial intelligence with minimal effort. I am an linguist and my way of working is unformal and friendly. I need someone who knows a programming language who will sit with me and have dinner with me and for an hour or so will help me build this database. I will sell the software as automated customer service and as a marketing tool and a combined CRM and ERP-system. It is purely experimental and if we break through with this, you will get 90% of all profits

Human Rights in Action / Levende Menneskerettigheder

Human Rights in Action is a non-profit knowledge resource center working to make human rights matter in th 21st century and beyond. It was established as a reaction to recent years development in state security measures with increasing power to the state, and an increasing control and surveillance of the citizens. Human rights in action means a proper balancing between security-measures and the fundamental rights of the individual.


Kingbo lægger vægt på flere ting i Kingbos varesortiment. Det skader ikke, at de produkter, vi betegner som brugskunst, egentlig slet ikke har et kunstnerisk islæt, men så skal de til gengæld være sjove som vores havetrolde, dekorative som f.eks. vores dekorationsfrugter eller funktionelle som granitprodukter i haven. Hvis du er god til at skrive tekster, hvad enten det er salgs tekster eller historier, så er du velkommen til at sende os en mail. For vi søger indimellem tekstforfattere.     Kingbo er lig med funktionalisme betyder i vores optik, at vi f.eks. vil give fuglene en håndsrækning i haven. Det vi fører, er en med andre ord ikke en kunstnerisk ’altertavle’. Ting med en brugsværdi for kunden er havemøbler og dekorative og funktionelle ting til dit hjem. Men det betyder ikke at vi udelukker alt det kunstneriske. Som du kan se, har vi især i forbindelse med vore granitprodukter lagt vægt på, at der er tale om kunsthåndværk, hvor f.eks. en stenhugger med en kunstnerisk fingerspidsfornemmelse og en virtuost håndværksmæssig kunnen har skabt små vidundere.     Dekorations dyr - Kingbos fantasier til hus og have Vi har specialiseret os i kvalitetsgaver både i og uden for hjemmet. Vores målsætning er at tilbyde vore kunder noget helt nyt og unikt indenfor hus og have. Vi introducerer altid kvalitet til overkommelige priser og med dette nye koncept her dekorations dyr i form af <a href="">Dekoration rød mariehøne</a>, som har stået sin prøve i alle havecentre i Storbritannien, er der opstået noget, der er enormt populært. Børnene vil elske disse sjove fantasier, og for den voksne iagttager er der her noget chikt, der vil live op i enhver have eller i enhver stue. Her kan du være ganske sikker på at finde en perfekt gave til alle. Dekorations dyr fantasier i haven og hjemmet genskaber en atmosfære af eventyr, og eventyr fordrer naturligvis altid et stænk af det overnaturlige.   Dekorationsfrugter Har du længe stået og kigget mistrøstigt ud af vinduet på din have. Alt vokser vildt, græsset står knæhøjt, og den langsomme nedbrydning af forrige års havebrug ses endnu her og der som visnet eller rådnende plantedele. Træer og buske spærrer for ethvert udsyn. Haven er efterhånden kommet til at ligne den Amazonske jungle. Det er lige før, du ville ønske, at du har en machete, så du kan hugge dig igennem de sammenfiltrede grene og planter. Nytårsaften afgav du din familie et løfte om, at det kommende forår vil blive den tid, hvor din have genopstår som en eventyrhave, en Edens have, en af Babylons hængende haver, en klassisk engelsk have eller måske en orientalsk have. Der er frit valg her, se et bredt udvalg af smukke <a href="">Dekorationsfrugter</a>. Det er nu på tide at sætte sig ned til tegnebrættet og planlægge, endnu inden sommeren løber af med dit nytårsforsæt. Det nye i al havearkitektur er at skabe rum, hvor det naturlige og det kultiverede forenes med den ornamentale, skulpturelle og tilvirkede natur. Få en eller af de smukke dekorationsfrugter i din have.


SmokeQuit has developed- and sell a new product for smoking cessation - named Smooff. The product is without medicine and side effects. Read more on or www.smooff-rauchentwö We sell online in Denmark and Germany and on the Danish and Finnish pharmacies. Our vison is to create new products which can improve the life quality of smokers.