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HabiWe ApS

HabiWe er en møbeldesignvirksomhed, der udvikler æstetisk spændende og innovative møbler, udviklet med en forskningsbaseret og undersøgende tilgang. Vores udvikling tager afsæt i bæredygtighed, funktionalitet og akustik hvor målet med møblerne er, at de skal medvirke til at øge trivslen hos brugeren og sikre et bæredygtigt indeklima. HabiWes møbler tapper ind i noget væsentligt i et samfund, hvor støjniveauet øges, både i det offentlige rum, kontorlandskaber, klasselokaler, rehabilitering, og i de private åbne boliger. Et støjniveau der sænker trivslen og øger stressniveauet hos borgeren. Stifteren bag HabiWe, Anne Mygind. Annes fokus og ambition er at drive en solid og bæredygtig virksomhed, som sikrer menneskelig trivsel, ikke kun via de møbler der udvikles, men også blandt de folk, som virksomheden samarbejder med. Målet med virksomheden er ikke kun at være bæredygtig på det økonomiske og menneskelige plan, men at sikre at alle produkter, der udvikles og sælges i HabiWe, så vidt muligt, er bæredygtige gennem hele produktets livscyklus. HabiWe er et design-/handelshus der udvikler designløsninger der produceres i partnerskab med nationale underleverandører der producerer og lagerfører produkterne. Møblerne afsættes i dag via branchespecifikke forhandlere på det nationale og internationale marked. HabiWe blev stiftet i august 2020, hvor det første lancerede produkt i et produktportefølje af 4 møbler, HabiCave, kom på markedet i februar 2021. Et møbel, der var prisvindende ved årets Formland Award samt Hoppekids Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award og desuden blev shortlistet ved Danish Design Award. De øvrige møbler i Habi-serien er alle møbler der ligeledes er bæredygtige, arbejder med akustik og med den sansemotoriske udvikling hos brugeren.

Dytbaat Games

Dytbaat Games is a casual mobile game studio based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Our small team of five colleagues collaborates across Europe (UK, Austria, Ukraine) and works both on-site and remotely. Our ambition is to develop high quality puzzle games in a great working environment, and we are dedicated to achieving that goal. Our first title, a casual tripeaks solitaire game called Solitaire Grove, was released in 2022 and we are currently focused on the continued development of this game.

Bevco blev etableret i 2012 med en vision om at samle de traditionelle drikkevarehandlere i form af cash & carry, vinforretninger, øl- og vandleverandører, drikkevaregrossister og supermarkeder i én total løsning, online til både privat og erhverv. Med dette har vi skabt en totalleverandør af drikkevarer med et bredt sortiment til konkurrencedygtige priser, uafhængigt om du skal bruge 2 flasker vin eller et vognlæs. Vores forretningsmodel og online system giver altid kunden den bedste pris ud fra volumen og leveringsforhold.

Citizen Project

Hvem bestemmer teknologien der former dig og dit liv? 🎩 Burde du ikke have en stemme når andre bestemmer din fremtid? 💡 Vær med til at skabe fremtiden med Citizen Project! 🎉 Citizen Project består af et inkluderende designspil og en digital platform der giver almene borgere en stemme i det digitale tech-kapløb. Med Citizen Project kan alle og enhver blive opfinder af ny fremtidig teknologi og designvisioner. er pålidelig leverandør af Tryksager, Storformatprint samt Reklameartikler. Vi er kendt for vores evne til at levere tryk i høj kvalitet - endda til nogle af branchens laveste priser. Med over 30 års erfaring og know-how i den grafiske branche, sikrer vi vores kunder god kundeservice og sikker levering. Nogle tryksager kan vi levere fra dag-til-dag, hvilket nogle kunder sætter stor pris på. Vores services inkluderer bl.a. Bannere, Beachflag, Hæfter, Foldere, Bøger, Flyers, Gaveæsker, Emballage, Papirsposer, Muleposer, Kopper, Plastikkort, Plakater, Postkort, Roll-ups, Visitkort mm. er en Dansk virksomhed med base i København. Vi har specialiseret os i industrielt salg af primært europæisk non-animalsk Premium Fillers, Meso cocktails & Peeling udstyr, samt diverse klinik udstyr. Vil tilbyder en bred vifte af efteruddannelser hos nogle af Scandinavians anerkendte og førende Kosmetiske læger, med baser i Danmark, Sverige og Norge. Vi er en af Danmarks og nordens førende leverandører på området, med international anerkendte brands og internationalt netværk. Vi gøre os umage i at sælge sikre og godkendte produkter. Du kan derfor være helt tryg med at handle hos


Brotego was founded with the belief that every man deserves to feel like a king. We believe that taking care of oneself is not a luxury, but a necessity, and that investing in one's own well-being can improve not only health and happiness, but also performance in all areas of life. That's why we created Brotego– a brand specifically designed for men's unique needs. From head to toe, we intend to provide men with products made with the finest ingredients and crafted to the highest standards, to help men look and feel their best. But our brand is more than just a collection of products. It's a movement to celebrate and support men, and to recognize the importance of self-care in men's lives. By choosing Brotego, men are not only taking care of their own well-being, but they are also joining a community of men who are dedicated to their own self-care and who believe that self-care drives performance. Our mission is to help men feel confident, healthy, and powerful, and to show the world that men's self-care is a strength. Join us on this journey and discover the transformative power of self-care for men.


Our mission is to build an investment platform of tomorrow where investors can connect, share, and invest together to achieve their financial goals. Equality does not exist in the financial markets. The wealthiest 10% reap 80% of all wealth generated in stock markets, have access to broader service offerings and at much better prices. Plus, the hidden fees and opaqueness makes it near impossible for the financially illiterate to navigate. We do not believe this is the way it should be. That’s why we have founded *Endavu*. We are creating a full and fair mobile-first financial ecosystem to handle everything related to peoples’ personal finances. Think full digital neobank, starting out with making investing as easy as listening to music on Spotify! 🚀


We are a management consultancy based in Aarhus. We work with Danish and international clients across multiple sectors and industries. We are characterised by being productive and always focus on value-creation. We are honest and reliable, and we have a playful and creative approach to problem solving.


PeopleVenue is a small consultancy that support other small businesses in HR-related areas, such as recruitment, headhunting, leadership development and organisational change. Setting up an HR department is something many companies wish to do later on their journey, as HR is not always seen as commercially value-adding. But still the challenges of leading, recruiting and developing people arise, when companies hit about a dozen or two employees. That's where PeopleVenue comes in. Supporting when needed. No overhead when not needed. And still commercially value-adding.


Sourced provides a bridge from Denmark/EU to India Use our trusted partner network to source manufacturing & software development. India is on a rapid transition to become a significant trade partner of the EU Sourced can be your trusted third party on the ground - Quality control at the point of production - Regular and rapid feedback - Sourced and its network consists of people who understand prototype fabrication, production, software delivery and automation Some the services you can expect to get value from us is in CNC/lathe machining, fixture design, metal casting, injection moulding, small scale assembly, automation and industry 4.0. Full scale software development, talent sourcing, cyber security audits, data engineering and software integration.

LetsGo Fleet

LetsGo Fleet is a Danish company established in 2014 and specialized in fleet management and car sharing solutions. We help public and private organizations to promote green mobility by providing a user-friendly and integrable fleet management system that enables the booking, sharing and optimization of car fleets across departments and user groups. FEATURES With our fleet management program and intelligent telematics for cars, you get: • A complete overview of your vehicles • Booking system with pool booking and shared car functionality • Keyless opening of cars • An electronic driving book that gives a full overview of how much the cars are used and how long the journeys are. • Overview of your CO2 emissions linked to driving a petrol, diesel, hybrid or electric car • Option to share cars with citizens outside your opening hours • Easy damage registration and handling • Theft protection • Accounting module • Etc. YOUR BENEFITS • Better utilization of existing cars • Fewer administration costs • An overview of the cars' occupancy rate • Up to 25% reduction in the number of pool cars • Valuable data for use in your further mobility planning LetsGo Fleet is a subsidiary of LetsGo, the leading car sharing operator in Denmark with more than 20 years of experience. LetsGo manages more than 300 shared cars in Denmark. For more information please visit us at our homepage:

PickAPost, ApS

Same day door-2-door eco-friendly parcel delivery service by private transport heading the same way. We create service to ensure fast and easy delivery of used items bought on the marketplaces and presents. Also we create opportunity for everyday commuters, handymans to earn on theirs way to cover expenses.


Navipair is a pioneer in the digitalization of boat ownership. We have launched a global peer-to-peer networking app that transforms the traditional approach to boat ownership. Our platform makes it easier and more manageable to own a boat by digitizing the entire ownership, including repair and maintenance. At the heart of our service is the robust peer-to-peer network that connects boat owners with a diverse range of help – from experienced amateurs to professional craftsmen. This approach creates unprecedented transparency in the boating industry, where boat owners can easily find reliable and qualified help for their needs. With Navipair, a boat owner can quickly and efficiently: 1. Find and compare the help of both professional and skilled amateurs. 2. Receive multiple quotes for maintenance and repair tasks. 3. Make money by offering your own skills to others in the network. 4. Share and coordinate tasks directly through the app, making communication and planning easier. 5. Document all maintenance work, increasing the boat's resale value By gathering data from a diversity of users and tasks, we can offer a tailored experience that creates value for boat owners. This data collection is the foundation of our business model, which includes a freemium model, direct product sales and revenue from partnerships.


At BARK™DNA we believe that a confident appearance empowers us to own our presence. We want to be the obvious choice for the man who wants to put his best forward. We are the next-generation skincare brand aiming to redefine skincare for men. We confront stereotypes and introduce hybrid skincare solutions that instantly camouflages issues while at the same time offering the appropriate dermatological treatment for men’s unique skin. At BARK™DNA we are chasing a window of opportunity. Non have darted taking the risk to challenge status quo in the conservative men’s cosmetic industry which are struggling with a low degree of innovation. We won’t have that! Men deserve skincare that is formulated for their needs. And they deserve solutions that work.