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Showing: 2186 filtered startups

Your Aesthetic Style

Brand Consulting and Interior Redesign.Your Aesthetic Style is a design company specialized in visually communicating what's unique about you, so that you have a beautiful home or brand that reflects you.I offer a do-it-with-you design service so that my clients are equipped to use visual communication and design principles on their own in the future. Aps

Leading the field of grants finding service in Scandinavia, help Nordic students win grants to study what and where they want. Considering that we started out in year 2014, we have developed fast into a top rated service within grants finding service provided by on-line reviews of which certainly most comes from students. Apart from this we serve as fundraisers for government institutions, privates and non-profits, and have raised money to finance several projects. My name is Soren. I founded ( in 2014. Since then I have advised students, startups and international organisations including non-profits and private companies and helped scaling organisations and operations across the country and globally. A lot of my customers has benefited largely financially from my advisory with fundraising. It's encouraging to experience their success partly because of my efforts and connections.

Tidetec AS

The Pitch Most tidal power plants today generate power only in one direction. Projected, next-generation tidal power plants with two-way production have sub-optimal production. Tidetec patented technology improves efficiency by 11-22% of the most cost effective tidal turbine technology by obtaining optimal efficiency both ways and pumping efficiency. This is achieved by integrating the turbine into a rotating turret. The turning mechanism is patented, and has received international recognition. The What Tidetec can kick-start a huge UK Market The How Tidetec has developed a fully functional scale model prototype of the turning mechanism. The turning mechanism prototype has been successfully tested in sea water for two months. Prototyping has shown feasibility of the concept and the model turbine simulations and testing confirm turbine efficiencies much higher than state of the art traditional turbines for 2-way hydropower. In summary, prototyping engineering, feasibility studies and cost estimations of the Tidetec concept have proven major efficiency increase compared to traditional concepts. The results show that the Tidetec concept is potentially disruptive technology for 2-way hydropower in Tidal lagoons and barrages, and can kick-start this market. TEAM Tidetec has built a competent team guided by its co-founder and CEO. Tidetec team has been balanced to meet the commercial phase and Tidetec heading for an establishment of The Tidetec Two-way Hydropower Consortium consisting of EPCI partner, State funding partner GIEK /Export Credit and sub-suppliers to be able to deliver for Tidal range projects. PARTNERS Tidetec core function is development of market and technology within two-way hydropower. For everything else we use our trusted network of partners. From 2018 Tidetec is collaborating with Engineering company Femkuber AS. The Tidetec Two-way Hydropower Consortium consisting of EPCI partner, State funding partner GIEK /Export Credit and sub-suppliers to be able to deliver for Tidal range projects is expected to be in operation during 2018. Tidetec have signed MoU collaboration agreement with several, renowned international developers, turbine producers and sub-suppliers. MARKET The Tidetec market is 2-way hydropower, which means the tidal range market, with a focus on the tidal lagoon/tidal barrier/flood defence industry. Studies indicate a potential global market for Tidal Range hydropower up to 30Bn€ (investments). Tidetec's concept is not limited by turbine type, MW or geographical area. The Why Tidetec has developed and patented technology that can kick-start the Tidal Barrier and Tidal Lagoon market.

Zetta.IO Technology AS

Zetta.IO offers a complete Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform for the production of IT Services.At Zetta.IO we are passionate about open standards, privacy and security. We have a philosophy that sharing information benefits everyone. All our products and services are built on open technology and open source.While most of the big cloud players in the world are U.S.-based, Zetta.IO is a Norwegian company with Norwegian owners, and we operate under strict Norwegian privacy laws.

Trusted Brands AS

Trusted Brands AS eier som er en "game changer" i Norge der vi gjennom utvikling av nye forretningsmodeller, bruk av design, fokus på tekstilkvalitet og sirkulær økonomi etablerer helt nye økonomiske prinsipper innen retail. Vi vil representere noe helt nytt for våre kunder/brukere og tilgjengeliggjøre Norsk design for et internasjonalt marked.Basert på prinsippene om sirkulær økonomi og "as a service" tilbyr klær til baby og barn som en abonnementstjeneste.

Cognition Forge AS

Cognition Forge AS develops, creates and execute groundbreaking organizational optimization tools for businesses worldwide. We use analogue game design and metrics combined with cutting-edge psychological theory to maximize results for our clients and the efficiency of our process. We're currently hiring salespeople with good business networks.


Anywhere is an application for smartphones that helps people find things to do. Anywhere are gathering information about all events and activities and gives you suggestions on what to do, based on your interests and position. In general, hosts of events and experiences, have a lack of marketing competence. Anywhere AS will design a tool that makes it easier for organizers to reach their audience.

EcoCentric Innovation AS

Developing an automatic system for saving costs, reducing waste, and increasing hygiene relating to use of disposable gloves in the food service industry. The system allows disposable gloves to be reused and disinfected. We are in the process of adapting prototypes and software with partners for final test phase in the market.

Aladdin Services

Aladdin Services is a new Norwegian-based innovative logistics company with online services in Norway, which runs a network of contractors who provide services locally with their high standards of quality and reliability with our App, Website and Business Platform that provide services. We have professional competence in providing services to both the private and public sectors.

Jab Jab Academy

Jab Jab Academy hjelper selskaper å lykkes med digital markedsføring. Vi gjør dette via kurs, nettkurs, webinarer og konferanser. Bak selskapet står Thomas Moen. Vi har over 4000 kunder i Norge, og over 350 i utlandet. Vi leter fore øyeblikket etter dyktige kreative mennesker for video produksjon, samt design, foto og tekst.

Baam Norge

Baam was started up around 1.March 2018, and have since then had a few customers. We have been looking at a store in Sandvika city with street level, since we want to have a show room for customers, since allot of the customers ask me to look at the product before they want to buy it. I have contract with visa,mastercard (bambora) vipps and Lindorff (invoice/down payment) I made a genius business idea with importing from England. Speakers, subwoofer, disco lights etc..

Lipscore handles the entire process of collecting and publishing customer reviews for ecommerce websites. And we are in fact the most efficient ratings and reviews platform on the planet! More than 20% of shoppers give a rating or review after a purchase and this is a lot. More customer ratings and reviews => more confident shoppers => less returns => happier shoppers => more return business => MORE SALES!


We have developed two VR software solutions for early phase engineering and sales for industry customers. We want to provide the best planning tools for VR, and we use the latest technology to do so. We currently have the energy and utility market as our core focus. We are always looking to learn from customers, partners and users to stay at the forefront of innovation.

Aay's Village

Aay’s Village er en norsk veldedig organisasjon startet i 2016, støttet av Kavlifondet. Vår hovedaktivitet finner sted i Laos, som er et veldig fattig land i sør-øst Asia. Jungellandsbyen vi opererer i tilbyr få og dårlige muligheter for barna der, spesielt innen utdanning.Aay's Village er drevet av et team på 4 fra Norge og Sverige, mens Aay er vår lokale initiativtaker som er daglig leder og lærer i vår lille skole.


Praesidio Totalis AS er et aksjeselskap som ble stiftet i 2013. Det ble etablert på grunnlag av et konkret behov som eksisterende produkt ikke kunne dekke; enkel og intelligent brannsikring av komfyrer og andre elektriske apparat, uten at brukeren trenger å forholde seg til et nytt system, nye knapper og nye lyder, og uten at det kan settes ut av spill av for eksempel demente personer eller uansvarlige leieboere på felleskjøkken. Vi selger våre produkt under merkenavnet homeGuard til blant annet asylboliger, aldersboliger og studentboliger, i tillegg til private hjem. Våre produkt får innpass fordi de ivaretar brannforebygging ved hjelp av tilstedeværelse og røykdeteksjon, og, det beste av alt, fordi det kan monteres av hvem som helst; plug-and-play. Det betyr ingen dyr installasjon, enkel og sikker bruk.